At nine o'clock in the morning, the weather was not bad, and there was good sunshine early in the morning.

Lin Zheng and Bai Qing were sitting in the living room eating breakfast and quickly exchanging information over the past two years.

"In other words, that Chen Yushi, he belongs to an organization other than humans? And that organization is now hunting you?" Bai Qingxue asked.

"No, it's not a chase. To put it simply, this is a house-changing game." Lin Zheng took a sip of coffee and said, "It's like a confrontation between aircraft carriers. When they are discovered, they are destroyed. We both kill each other. method, whoever succeeds first wins."

Bai Qingxue stared at him with big eyes and a blank look on her face.

"In short, although my current form is that of a normal human transcendent recognized by the world and can be killed physically, there is no point in killing me physically."

"Because my essence is a node created by the distortion of reality. Even if it is destroyed, it can be reassembled after a period of time. What's more, I currently have three nodes projected into the real world."

"Wait...wait, three?" Bai Qingxue's eyes widened, "Does that mean I...suddenly have three boyfriends? Am I really the King of the Sea?"

"Listen carefully to the lecture and don't think blindly!" Lin Zheng knocked on Bai Qingxue's head. "In short, it is very difficult to really kill me now. There are only two feasible ways so far."

Lin Zheng raised two fingers.

"First, humankind will become extinct, because my essence is similar to that of an elephant. Both are distortions caused by fallacies based on human understanding. If humans become extinct, the fallacy will disappear."

"Second, they destroyed all my projection nodes in an instant, and launched a cognitive correction or distortion covering the entire world in a short period of time, killing me completely."

Gentlexue Bai became even more confused: "Although I don't understand much, it sounds like it's impossible to achieve."

Lin Zheng smiled and said nothing, knowing that this was not impossible for his enemy.

First of all, it is not that easy to directly generate a human individual in the main matter. He must ensure that the individual fully conforms to human cognition, at least not deviating too much from the definition.

For example, humans cannot be two-headed ogres with two heads, nor can they look like steamed buns.

In addition, he also needs to ensure that this human individual can adapt to the material world, and cannot suddenly get half of his body stuck in the soil, or have his arms and legs suddenly stretched out.

In other words, Ubisoft bugs cannot occur.

Moreover, there cannot be any duplication between the different individuals he creates. The more individuals there are, the greater the difficulty.

As one of his most mature works, the reconstruction of "Lin Zheng" takes about three days.

And his opponent is an organization that has a moon-like star. They have a planet!

The Moon of Eternal Peace, that star has a very strong ability to interfere with reality.

Whether it can be summoned into the main material world is unknown, but it has been projected in the real world, so Lin Zheng must be able to summon it as a prerequisite.

As a star, the Moon of Yongning only needs 24 hours to achieve a realistic blow to the entire world!

In other words, once all his reality nodes are destroyed, it will take at least three days to rebuild.

It only takes one day for the other party to complete the cognitive correction of all mankind and re-accommodate itself into Yongning Night.

He believes that the other party will continue to upgrade the containment measures according to his defined route, and he may not be able to find a way to escape before he goes crazy next time.

Of course, this Everlasting Moon strike plan sounds ideal and perfect.

But it is quite difficult to actually implement it.

First of all, it is already a huge challenge to accurately find Lin Zheng's node among billions of people.

What's more, humans are now comprehensively promoting research on visitors and trying to contact visitors, which will bring huge misleading.

Secondly, they cannot use the principle of "I would rather kill by mistake than let go".

Because it is meaningless to kill any single node, and when they erase the node, they will face another problem.

That is...whether it is Chen Yushi or anyone else, every action they take may expose themselves to visitors.

Even if they are 100% sure of the node's existence, they still have to think about whether it could be a trap for visitors.

Even if they kill one of the nodes in an instant, will another node be nearby, and then they have to face the visitor head-on?

Last time, due to the interference of Yongning Moon, I failed to obtain information about the other party, but I am 100% sure about the next time I contact him.

Once he determines the location or nature of the other party.

Then discover and destroy.

As he said, the duel between them is a game of house-changing. Whoever can accurately locate the opponent first will lose the game.

"However, we still have to consider the possibility that they may really choose to exterminate humans." Lin Zheng said.

"Ah? Why?" Bai Qingxue was stunned by Lin Zheng's sudden words.

Lin Zheng sighed softly and said: "Because judging from the current situation, it is easier to exterminate human beings than to get rid of me directly."

"But how can I put it? If we directly destroy humanity, on the one hand, the agreement is not a vegetarian, and on the other hand, it is equivalent to being exposed to my sight."

Moreover, as a person who once had human identity, Lin Zheng believed in the ability of human beings to survive.

Humans are a very tenacious race. Even if the world they are familiar with is being torn apart by abnormalities, they still survive stably with strong adaptability.

They gradually began to recognize and avoid anomalies just as the ancient ape-men recognized and avoided beasts of prey.

They analyze their properties, understand their triggering logic, avoid their harm, and even extract weapons to deal with anomalies from anomalies.

Some people believe that the world is going downhill, but others believe that one day the abnormal will become the norm in a new world.

It's like a wild animal finally being locked up in a zoo.

He raised his head and looked at Bai Qingxue, who was slightly dazed, and said, "In short, this is the situation. How much do you understand?"

After Bai Qingxue hesitated for a while, she pinched her thumb and index finger together: "About this much."

Lin Zheng was speechless.

However, he didn't expect Bai Gengxue to understand much. After all, this war cannot be thought about in detail. The more you think about it, the more frightening it becomes.

"All in all, I don't plan to wait for them to take the initiative to expose themselves. If they take the initiative to expose themselves, it means that they are already very confident, and we must also consider the possibility that they really intend to exterminate mankind."

"So Xiaobai, I need your help." Lin Zheng said.

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