At 3:16 in the afternoon, Xiaoxi City, Nanfeng Industrial Park, and the abandoned warehouse No. 12 were blocked.

Four investigators from Wuyuan Technology stood at the door of the warehouse, controlling a drone to patrol inside the warehouse. There was nothing on the screen, just an empty space.

The team leader sighed softly. He raised his head and looked with his naked eyes. He could clearly see a "person" standing in the center of the warehouse.

At least it looked like a human being, with a head and limbs, wearing a white shirt and white trousers.

But there was no breathing, no facial features, and it was not even affected by gravity, standing straight and leaning forward at a sixty-degree angle.

Its legs were stuck deeply into the ground, and it seemed to be in a state of absolute stillness.

They received a report about abnormal events three hours ago. The report said that this strange humanoid entity suddenly appeared in this long-abandoned warehouse.

"Well, based on the current situation, this guy can indeed only be seen with the naked eye and cannot be detected with information equipment." The team leader said.

"This thing cannot be found in the official database, and there is no graphic comparison or keyword search." The data clerk in the team wears glasses and is a young woman.

She adjusted her glasses and said: "But how should I put it? This thing feels like... a model that is wrong and not well rendered."

"Is it dangerous?" the leader asked in a low voice.

"Not sure, but there is no ready-made containment method for this thing. I think we should abandon this mission and hand it over to the authorities."

The team leader frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about whether to really give up.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't be cowardly!" Another young male investigator said, "If the matter is handed over to the authorities, they will definitely take this thing away. This is a big disadvantage for us."

"Take a closer look. There are undiscovered anomalies, and they obviously have spatial characteristics. Aren't we at Wuyuan studying space penetration? Are you willing to do this?"

The leader was still hesitating, and his frown deepened.

"Boss, don't worry, there is still a transcendent like me here. Is there anything that can't be solved?" The young transcendent patted the team leader on the back hard.

This action caused a flash of disgust in the leader's eyes, but this disgust quickly disappeared.

He sighed and said, "Look for any animals nearby. Big ones, cats, dogs, mice, whatever."

There are debris piled up around this abandoned factory, and mice are hidden in the debris. The mice have attracted many stray cats, so it is not difficult to find some animals here.

It only took them less than ten minutes to catch an orange cat that was the slowest because it was too fat.

Although this little guy was very unconvinced and had hair all over his body, he was caught by the leader with both hands and there was nothing he could do.

The leader's eyes were fixed on the humanoid individual standing there in a strange posture, and then he threw the orange cat hard.

The cat let out a wail and bumped into the humanoid, and then... without any contact, it passed through. After landing, it got up with difficulty and ran away quickly.

"Incorporeal?" the leader muttered to himself.

"And it seems harmless." The young extraordinary person said, "How about I try to make contact? It's just that my extraordinary power can be used."

"It's not yet absolutely safe."

"Oh, okay, okay, don't worry, that cat was fine just now."

The young extraordinary person rolled up his sleeves, revealing a silver bracelet with a small knob on it.

As an extraordinary technology research enterprise with space penetration as its core technology, Wuyuan Technology masters a technology that cultivates extraordinary people who interfere with space.

However, there are not many people who can adapt to and trigger this extraordinary intervention, and this young extraordinary person is one of them.

The team leader did not stop him, but watched silently as he walked towards the strange humanoid individual.

The transcendent carefully reached out and touched the shoulder of the humanoid individual. Then he turned his head and said, "This is... an entity."

As soon as he finished speaking, something extremely strange happened.

The humanoid individual suddenly began to flicker. Its shoulders, arms, and neck were suddenly stretched to an extremely long length in an instant, and then suddenly returned to their original positions in an instant, and continued to flicker and repeat.

Its body began to appear stuck in the real world, similar to a model penetrating, and geometric shapes continued to flicker.

"Leave quickly!" the leader shouted.

But when he shouted this sentence, it was already too late, this model error appeared in the main material world.

Because of the tiny force exerted by this extraordinary person, the model suddenly began to twitch irregularly.

The twitching of this model is not affected by gravity and is unrealistic. It will suddenly float in the air or plunge into the ground.

What's even more frightening is that this extraordinary person was also involved in this unrealistic convulsion in an instant.

His body part was suddenly stretched to tens of meters, hitting the ground, walls, load-bearing columns, and even the ceiling wildly.

The frequency was incredibly fast, and the sound of impact was continuous.

The scream only lasted for a few seconds before it stopped abruptly, followed by a monotonous and hollow sound of impact. The body of the transcendent quickly collided with the surrounding environment like a shadow.

Then left behind were blood, scraps of flesh and bone residue.

The collision continued until the humanoid individual threw out the last piece of flesh and blood from the involved extraordinary person.

Then it suddenly stopped and returned to its original state of stillness, motionless.

The leader's face was stained with a large piece of skin fragments and flesh. He slowly peeled off these things that originally belonged to the transcendent person. The emotion in his eyes changed from shock and fear at the beginning to joy.

Their transcendent person died, and he played no value or role.

But at least he guessed it right. This anomaly without any records is very valuable!

On the other hand, the security forces of Qinghe City Foreign Affairs Bureau Visitor Research and Experiment Center are also in action.

They discovered a strange humanoid individual in an abandoned commercial building in Qinghe City. It had no facial features or distinctive features and was stuck in the ceiling of the fourth to fifth floors.

The soldiers and extraordinary beings were waiting downstairs, while Lin Zheng and Gentlexue were upstairs. He was teleported through Gentlexue's cognitive window.

Looking at the intact ceiling and the strange humanoid individual embedded in the ceiling.

Bai Qingxue asked: "So what exactly is this?"

"Me," Lin Zheng said, "To be precise, it is my failure. I may fail when creating new individuals, and these are the products left after the failure."

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