After Time Travel, I Became A World-Destroying Anomaly

Chapter 9 The Smoke Slowly Burns Out On The Fingertips

Lin Zheng simply cleaned the office from top to bottom, closed all the windows, turned off the electric gate and water valve, and took away all the snacks Bai Qingxue had stored in the refrigerator.

It's not even March yet, and that woman has already started stocking popsicles in the refrigerator. Lin Zheng feels that she is really impatient, but it doesn't matter now.

After cleaning, Lin Zheng locked the door and went home. He bought some vegetables and some fruits downstairs in the rental house. After resting for half an hour at home, he started cooking. He opened a can of beer while eating, but only drank half of it. Put it back in the refrigerator.

After eating and drinking, making sure that he was full of energy and flexible in thinking, Lin Zheng began to carry out his plan.

Yes, he himself had a plan, a plan to get Bai Qingxue back.

Lin Zheng didn't know how to counter the underlying logic of the world. It should be said that Lin Zheng knew that it was impossible. If the underlying logic could be countered, then destroying the world would become easy.

But there is another breakthrough. The reason why Bai Qingxue disappeared was because of her essential change, and the person who changed her essence... was herself.

In other words, if he can't deal with the underlying logic of the world, he can choose to deal with himself. Although he doesn't know the possibilities or what to do, he still has to try.

In the dark world, Lin Zheng's original body gained life and became a living thing.

This space is as dark as before, as if it has never changed, and the huge mechanical clock is still moving silently, frame by frame, continuously and tirelessly.

Lin Zheng spent a lot of time exploring this space in the past few days, but this time he did not explore outside, but began to explore inward.

He began to think, to search within himself, trying to reach the huge torrent that echoed in his mind, and to find ways to combat his own characteristics.

But this torrent is extremely complex, and it is difficult to even find useful information, let alone find answers in it.

"When you start thinking, chaos will spread in the world." The mysterious voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Zheng's heart trembled slightly, and he soon realized that one of his actions seemed to have touched the warning line of the voice again, and it started to be on guard again.

But maybe... that's a good thing?

Because it is difficult to find a way to fight against your own characteristics in this torrent, but if there happens to be such a person who can give yourself the answer, wouldn't things be much simpler?

Of course, Lin Zheng would not be stupid enough to completely believe this mysterious voice that wanted to kill him, but he could still accept a certain loss.

"I don't have to think about it, but I need answers." Lin Zheng said coldly.

Then there was stillness and silence, and the voice seemed to disappear again.

Lin Zheng began to feel nervous, worried that this guy would give up on communication like before.

But more than a minute later it rang again: "The answer to what?"

Lin Zheng suddenly felt relieved, and he quickly said: "I want to know how to eliminate the impact of my characteristics on humans."

There was another moment of silence, and then the voice sounded again, but this time it used a rare expression: "You are a special life, so great but so small, but it is precisely because of this that you should be recognized even more." Erase.”

"I want answers." Lin Zheng replied sternly.

The voice replied: "The answer does not exist. Everything develops along the timeline. The impact cannot be eliminated or reversed. All causes stem from your definition of yourself. The damage you cause does not exist in the current world. A solution that not even your demise can reverse.”

Lin Zheng's heart slowly sank.

"The transaction is completed, I hope to resolve your confusion." This gentle and calm voice even sounded a little ruthless at this moment.

Lin Zheng didn't know what to say, because strictly speaking, the other party did give him an answer, which satisfied his request, but he couldn't accept the answer for a while.

He didn't even suspect that the voice was deceiving him, because although it was hostile to him, it didn't seem to have the ability to lie.

Lin Zheng sighed slightly mentally, and then separated from his original body and returned to the real world. There was no light in the room, so there was an icy silence. Coldness and pain spread in his limbs and brain.

After the side effects disappeared, he picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to the work group: "I will take a vacation starting tomorrow, and the working hours will be notified later."

After a while, someone replied: "Did something happen to the boss? I see that the Foreign Affairs Bureau and the army are here today. Lin Zheng, do you know the inside story? I see that you and the boss are very close."

"I did encounter some trouble, but it's not serious. I'll be back soon." Lin Zheng replied.

"This is the second time. I almost want to resign. It's so scary." Someone replied below.

"If you want to quit, just quit. Anyway, this is the job. It depends on whether you want to make money." Lin Zheng replied.

The current environment is like this. The salary level of any job related to anomalies is good. This is why Lin Zheng's life is still manageable. Of course, it is also related to the reason why Bai Qingxue is more Buddhist and does not collect debts. .

After a while, a message came back from the other side: "Then when Sister Bai comes back, I will resign in person with her."

Lin Zheng didn't reply. He thought Bai Gengxue would never come back. After all, even that mysterious voice, which was the strongest power Lin Zheng could use, said it was hopeless, so it should be hopeless.

Thinking of this, Lin Zheng took out the cigarette he had received as a gift during the day from his pocket, lit it and watched the green smoke slowly drifting upward.

Speaking of which, Bai Qingxue is probably the most important person to him. After all, he has just arrived in this world and has no feelings for this world, nor does he have any feelings for the people in this world.

The original owner's parents have also passed away, and he doesn't have any particularly close friends.

Calculated in this way, although it is a bit reluctant, the number one person in this world who is important to him is Bai Qingxue.

Although she was not indispensable or a life-and-death friend, this girl lent him money and gave him a job so that he could live a normal life, not to mention that he was the culprit for her disappearance.

But what is in front of Lin Zheng? It is a problem that cannot be solved.

He's not a superman, he can't fly or escape, he doesn't have a body of steel, and his mother's name isn't Martha, he's just an ordinary person who's a little weird.

The cigarette slowly burned and burned on his fingertips until only the cigarette butt remained. Lin Zheng stubbed it out and threw it into the trash can, then got up to wash up and plan to go to bed.

Maybe it would be easier to give up.

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