Snow was flying in the endless large radiator. The old man stood on the roof, repairing the house with some effort. His small wooden house had many holes smashed by huge ice blocks, and the walls were also broken.

It wasn't easy to find material here, but he found some.

He looked back at the endless ice field. The ice field once had some ups and downs, but the ups and downs were not huge.

At this moment, the entire ice sheet has been torn apart. In some places, long, narrow and deep canyons have been pulled out, and in some places, continuous icebergs have been raised due to the impact.

And everywhere you look you can see towering icicles, like a large transparent jungle of trees.

When an icicle collapses in the raging wind, it will trigger a series of chain reactions. They will collide with each other, fall one after another, and finally turn into a rainstorm composed of huge ice blocks.

They fall from the sky with more power than cannonballs, enough to open a huge hole in the iceberg.

And all of this is because of the emergency heat dissipation that took place more than ten hours, maybe dozens of hours ago.

He has lived here for many years, and it was unknown how long ago he last saw such a large-scale heat dissipation. He knows what this means.

This means that the main material world has once again undergone huge changes.

I don’t know how long it took, but the light ball in the room slowly changed from scarlet to light white, returning to a stable state where normal communication was possible.

Before the light ball could make a sound, the old man asked: "Is fantasy-level technology appearing in the main material world again?"

"Deep space technology has been unlocked." The light ball replied.

The old man frowned slightly, and he kicked a large piece of ice off the roof, making a loud bang. He said, "This shouldn't be the case. Deep space technology is not a fantasy technology, and it shouldn't have such a big impact." …”

Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped, looked at the ball of light with a serious look and said, "The blockade of endless destruction has been broken? Has mankind recognized the existence of the universe?"

"No, not broken."

"Wait, that means they bypassed the endless consumption and developed deep space technology? To what extent?"

"Perfect interstellar travel has been witnessed by some humans."

"No reasonable technology advancement curve? They didn't even start with theoretical knowledge?"

"No, directly witnessed."

The old man's Adam's apple rolled up and down involuntarily, and then he slowly said: "What do you mean? Are you going to tell me that humans accidentally built a starship when they were researching microwave ovens, and thought it couldn't be used to heat leftovers? Rice and then throw it away?”

"Or are you going to tell me that the miraculous nature has grown a starship out of the ground, and it happened to be seen by a few tourists?"

The light of the light ball flickered on and off, but it did not respond to the old man's somewhat sarcastic and sarcastic remarks.

After a while it said: "If knowledge about the universe begins to spread in the world, it could have quite serious consequences."

"Could it be related to the weird life before?"

"It's not clear yet and we need to investigate further."

"Does this require our intervention?"

The light inside the ball of light flowed. After a moment of silence, he replied: "Yes, we need to intervene. We need to return everything to normal and return it to its proper state."

"Find the singularity that breaks through the endless depletion, find the source of deep space technology, and then eliminate them."

In Yueyang Tower, Liang Qian's office was filled with deep water and dim lights. Liang Qian looked at Lin Zheng and Bai Qingxue in front of him.

He knew Bai Gengxue and knew quite a lot about Bai Gengxue's background. Most of it was told to him by Lu Qiushan.

This woman was once the strongest extraordinary person in Qinghe City and even the entire three river basins. Although she was not a complete official extraordinary person, she was responsible for eight out of ten serious abnormal incidents in Qinghe City.

Although she is no longer the strongest with the arrival of the Light Prism Bureau and the influx of extraordinary beings, her strength is still very reliable.

More importantly, she is one of the first two-dimensional transcendents.

After the elephant incident, this group of two-dimensional extraordinary beings attracted the attention of the entire extraordinary world, and the Light Prism Bureau was also paying attention.

For the Light Prism Agency, it is secondary to the dual-dimensionalization that makes extraordinary people stronger. What is more important is that it allows extraordinary people to withstand higher mutations.

The externalization rate is currently the most standard measure of extraordinary people, but it does not measure the strength, but the human nature of extraordinary people.

When the externalization rate exceeds 50%, it is difficult to be regarded as a traditional human being. At 70%, there is a considerable risk of losing control.

There was an incident in the Western Federation where 60% of the extraordinary people lost control. He turned an entire town into an alien space. Thirty thousand people were swallowed by the alien space and transformed into twisted monsters. He himself was completely " Disappeared.

To this day, the Western Federation still has not been able to solve the impact he caused, and can only seal the town tightly.

But two-dimensional extraordinary beings are completely different. Take Bai Gengxue, for example. Her clone ability is not actually an "ability", but a state of "out of control".

But she is able to use this ability with ease, and can think, observe and act normally even in a completely split state, without any impact on her personality.

I heard Feng Moguang say that during the time when this girl was depressed, she would play badminton with herself if she wanted to relax.

When you are busy at work, you can still cook and work at the same time.

When work pressure is high, you can still have a quarrel with yourself.

In short, there is a strange madness in his stable mental state.

"Well, with Miss Bai's ability and background, she will join the visitor abuse countermeasures team..."

Before Liang Qian finished speaking, Lin Zheng said: "No, no, I mean, regardless of personal ability, I will bring her in based on my personal relationship. After all, she has worked hard outside alone, and I want to give her Find someone who is well-established and can fish."

Liang Qian took a breath and said, "I mean, given Miss Bai's ability and background..."

"I know, I know she may not be qualified in terms of ability, but Mr. Liang, please be accommodating. After all, she is my wife."

Liang Qian banged the table and said with gritted teeth: "With Miss Bai's ability and background, it is more than enough to join the visitor abuse countermeasures team! Can you please listen to what I have to say!!"

Lin Zheng shrank his head and immediately became well-behaved, while Bai Qingxue was happy to see her boyfriend deflated and hugging his arm.

Liang Qian felt like his nerves were pounding from the torture of this young couple.

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