The show was a big success, but the show was a big success.

Because of the unexpected incident of the program group, the strongest brain had to suspend the recording.

The program could not be recorded temporarily, and Parker could not see Han Momo. She was a little reluctant. She finally met a little fairy from China, but was told that she would be separated from the little fairy soon. It was simply unbearable!

Looking at the foreigners who were clinging to his daughter, Han's father was really speechless. He saw it clearly in the audience, and naturally knew that the board was moved away by his daughter.

Although he almost rushed to the stage when it just fell, he saw his daughter react quickly and quickly returned to her position.

He knew that his daughter would be fine. After all, his daughter was a cultivator, and this little problem was no problem for him.

The Brainiest Brain, which was already popular, became even more popular because of Nie Youlin's victory in the last live broadcast.

The number of people watching Han Momo's memory track live broadcast has reached three million, and everyone saw this sudden accident in the live broadcast room.

The Internet was instantly in an uproar, and all kinds of discussions came like a tide.

"This must be deliberately designed by the program team, just to attract attention and increase ratings!"

"Impossible, didn't you see the thrilling scene at that time? How could it be designed?"

"But it's really a coincidence that this happened during the live broadcast."

"But the contestants were not injured, which is a blessing!"

However, some people carefully observed that Han Momo raised her hand at the moment the board fell, and even vaguely saw a white light, but they didn't know if it was because of the light.

"Did you notice that Han Momo raised her hand when the board fell?"

"Oh, maybe it was just her subconscious action, don't guess blindly."

"I don't know why, I always feel something is wrong."


Seeing that the program could not be recorded, everyone was basically ready to withdraw.

Nie Youlin was taken home by his mother's hand, and heard his mother muttering, "It was too dangerous today. Fortunately, the program team handled it in time. The decorative board fell down, but I didn't expect it to be pulled!"

Nie Youlin asked his mother curiously: "Mom, did you see what was holding it?"

Nie Siyu smiled and said: "Needless to say, it must be that the program team pulled the line of the board, so that the board can be successfully stopped in mid-air and moved to the other side."

Nie Youlin was a little helpless. Is this how adults think? They seem to be particularly good at self-logical perfection?

But he naturally would not refute what his mother said. After all, Han Momo has the ability to protect herself, so he didn't rush to help at the first time.

Since there was no program recording, Nie Youlin was as free as a wild horse.

Many of Nie Youlin's classmates lived in the same community, so he quickly found his friends.

"Linlin, my dad bought me a new football. Let's go to the football field to play?" Yu Anyi was two years older than Nie Youlin. He was the king of the children in the community and often played with a group of children.

He was a three-series spiritual root. His aptitude was not high, but he practiced very hard. With the help of the Immortal Spirit Academy and the Xuanling Bathing Spring, he has now barely entered the foundation-building period.

"Okay!" Nie Youlin agreed and looked at the number of people: "Just the seven of us?"

Yu Anyi also looked at the number of people: "Or, let's call Ding Jialang and the others?"

"Yes! Call everyone in our class to play together." One of the children suggested.

"It's okay, but you must not forget what Teacher Tang said. We can't use spiritual power casually outside." Nie Youlin reminded.

Yu Anyi nodded: "That's right, we can't use magic casually, so when you play ball later, you should restrain yourself and not act like you did in the Fairy Academy."

"Then let's go, seven of us." Xia Hechang said.

"Okay." So a group of children prepared to go to the big lawn next to the park.

There is a big lawn in the park, which has been transformed into a small football field.

The seven children wanted to run out of the community excitedly, and the security guard immediately found them, "Where are you going?"

There is a children's play area in the community, and the property management will patrol frequently, so parents are very relieved that older children can play in the community.

Today, Nie Siyu originally wanted to take Nie Youlin to work, but Nie Youlin refused.

He wears a small watch with a positioning system, which allows him to contact Nie Siyu at any time.

If it was the old Nie Youlin, Nie Siyu might not be too worried, but the current Nie Youlin, although only four years old, seems to have become much more independent since entering Xianmiao Kindergarten.

So, Nie Youlin read books and built blocks at home in the morning, while Nie Siyu learned about his situation through monitoring.

At noon, Nie Siyu rushed back to bring lunch to Nie Youlin, who had told his mother that he was going out to play in the afternoon.

Nie Siyu reminded him that he could go out to play, but he must wear a watch and not run out of the community, otherwise she would be worried.

In order to go out to play, Nie Youlin naturally agreed.

However, when playing excitedly, who would remember what they promised!

"We are going to play football on the lawn of the park next door." Yu Anyi said.

The security guard frowned: "Have you told your family before you go out?"

Yu Anyi nodded: "Yes." When he came down with the ball, he told his grandmother, but his grandmother was playing mahjong at the time, and it was unknown whether she listened to him seriously.

Hearing that they had greeted the adults, the security guard stopped blocking the group of children, so the group of seven children crossed the road and went directly to the park.

They were close, so the security guard would let them go. This was an old community, and the security guard knew almost everyone in the community, so sometimes he could look after the children.

The community was full of acquaintances, and the safety was relatively high. Parents were more at ease and would let their children play by themselves.

There was no one on the lawn at this time, and the seven children cheered and jumped for joy, and couldn't wait to start their football game, passing the ball to each other and having a lot of fun.

Just then, a group of children who were obviously older came over, talking and laughing.

They looked at the children playing football and were a little unhappy.

"What should we do? Our position has been occupied by them." One of the boys was a little unhappy.

The leading boy frowned and looked at them, "They are just a bunch of little brats, just let them move aside."

"That's right, we chose this position first. We played here yesterday, why should we give it to them?"

So the older kids walked forward.

When Yu Anyi saw this group of people coming, his little brows immediately frowned.

"Linlin, look at these people." He called Nie Youlin who had just passed the ball.

Nie Youlin looked over curiously.

"Hey, kids, this place is ours, you guys leave quickly." The boy standing in front crossed his arms and said to Yu Anyi and the others with his head held high.

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