After Tang Yuxin's holiday, her parents decided to send her to her grandmother's house in the countryside because both of them had to go to work.

Before, Tang's mother was sick and asked Tang's grandmother to take care of her, but the child was almost abducted by human traffickers. This incident caused a rift between Tang Yuxin's parents and grandmother.

Tang's grandmother couldn't help take care of the child, and they were worried about leaving the child alone at home, so they could only let her go to her grandmother's house to play for a week.

The grandmother lived in the countryside and now had a two-year-old grandson. When she heard that Tang's mother was going to send Tang Yuxin there, she was very welcome.

Tang Yuxin's grandmother did not have the idea of ​​favoring boys over girls. She treated the two children equally. After Tang Yuxin was born, she helped when Tang's mother took care of the child alone. She did not return to the countryside until Tang Yuxin was three years old and could go to kindergarten.

Not long after returning to the countryside, her son sent her grandson over again. She was worried that her daughter would be unhappy if she took care of her grandson alone, so she gave some subsidies to Tang's mother every year. Tang's mother did not want it, so she gave the money to her granddaughter, so Tang Yuxin received a lot of New Year's money and red envelopes every year.

Tang Yuxin also liked her grandmother, although there was really nothing to play in the countryside, the weather was hot in summer, and there were many mosquitoes.

She still agreed to her mother's visit to her grandmother's house. For a cultivator, these were not a problem.

On the second day of the holiday, Tang Yuxin was packed up by her parents and sent to the countryside.

Tang Yuxin likes her little brother very much. His little face is chubby, his big round eyes stare straight at his sister, and his little mouth smacks from time to time, revealing two small front teeth from time to time.

The little brother is two years and three months old, just the age to learn to run. He stumbles when he runs, like a little duck, and the way he staggers is simply adorable.

The little brother also likes this sister very much. When the sister comes, he likes to follow behind her buttocks, and he is not afraid of falling even if he staggers.

Children just like to play with other children, so the little brother likes to run around with his sister. Tang Yuxin also likes this little brother very much, and plays with him as soon as she comes back.

Grandma is also very happy to see them playing together, so that the two children have a companion. Although Tang Yuxin is only five years old, she still looks like a sister, and she takes care of her brother in a very good way. The two children have been very familiar with each other after playing for two days, and even when they go to bed at night, the brother sleeps with his sister.

Grandma also left the younger brother to his sister with confidence, and it was okay for him to play at the door of his house for a while.

There was a big vegetable garden across the road in front of the grandmother's yard. On this day, the grandmother told the two children not to run out and play at the door of the house, and then went into the vegetable garden to pick vegetables.

Because the neighbors around here were all familiar to her, the grandmother had nothing to worry about. The only thing she was worried about was the pool next to it, fearing that the two children would accidentally slip into the pool.

While picking vegetables in the vegetable garden, she looked at the two children who were still playing at the door from time to time.

At this time, two people walked by, and one of them took the initiative to greet Tang Yuxin's grandmother.

"Sister Shen, the vegetables in your vegetable garden are growing so well." There was some envy in her eyes when she looked at the vegetables.

"The weather has been too hot during this period, and many vegetables have not grown." Tang Yuxin's grandmother said with a smile.

"Yes, the weather is really too hot these days. You still have vegetables in your vegetable garden, but there are only a few vegetables in my field." Then he looked at the two children playing at the door.

He asked curiously: "Is this your granddaughter? Is she back to play?"

"Yes, the child is on summer vacation. I haven't seen her for so long. I miss her, so I asked her parents to send her back to play for a while." Grandma said with a smile.

The two of them chatted like this, and the person standing next to that person looked at the two children.

Both children are very good-looking.

Although the younger brother grew up in the countryside, the grandmother has always taken good care of him. The children are also fair and clean, not like the kind of dirty and unattended children.

Not to mention Tang Yuxin, who has a fair face and bright big eyes that are exactly the same as her younger brother.

She looks like a well-behaved and clean child.

The man's eyes flickered, and he looked at the two people who were talking again, and moved closer to the two children who were playing.

"Hello, little friends."

"Uncle will buy you some candy, do you want to go?" the man asked tentatively.

Tang Yuxin immediately blocked her brother behind her and said, "We

Don't eat sugar."

"Then do you want to drink a beverage?" The man continued with a smile.

Tang Yuxin took her brother directly into the door of the house and wanted to talk to this person.

This person was just testing, so he didn't care. After finding that Tang Yuxin and her brother didn't seem to be so easy to fool, he came up with another idea.

But he didn't know that his suspicious behavior and his sneaky eyes, which kept looking at his brother, made Tang Yuxin feel bad.

As a cultivator, Tang Yuxin's intuition was beyond ordinary people's sharpness. She immediately thought that this person might be a human trafficker like the one she met at the bus station before, but this time he seemed to be targeting her brother.

Because this person didn't do anything at the moment, she could only pretend that nothing had happened and continued to play with her brother.

And the man followed the person who greeted the grandmother.

After the grandmother came back from picking vegetables, Tang Yuxin pretended to be very curious and asked the grandmother, "Grandma, who were those two people just now? ”

Grandma said: "It's Grandma Sun in the next room. Just call her Grandma when you see her."

"What about the person next to her?"

"This person? I don't know. Maybe she's a relative of hers? "Grandma didn't care much, she wouldn't ask casually when someone came to her house.

So she didn't know who that person was.

Tang Yuxin was thoughtful.

Although he was a relative of that person, he looked malicious and didn't seem to be a good person.

Tang Yuxin decided to use her spiritual sense to observe the person more.

To see if she guessed wrong.

Because the two families were not far away, they were just within the range of Tang Yuxin's spiritual sense.

She clearly "saw" the person asking about her and her brother in front of Grandma Sun.

Grandma Sun didn't have any guard, and directly told the person about her and her brother.

Then she saw that the person was a little thoughtful.

At night, when Tang Yuxin was going to sleep, her brother ran to her room again and clamored to sleep with her.

She carried her brother to bed, and subconsciously scanned the spiritual sense and saw that the person sneaked out.

The person went to a cornfield next to him, and then heard the sound of a phone call.

"Hello, I found two good things today. "

"Don't worry, there is only an old lady living alone and these two children in their home."

"We can act at any time."

Hearing this, Tang Yuxin knew that someone had taken a fancy to her family.

This person was obviously a human trafficker.

I didn't expect that I had such a connection with human traffickers.

Then I heard, "There are quite a lot of goods this time. I have hidden a batch in the old place. You can find a time to take the goods away tomorrow."

Tang Yuxin was shocked instantly. It seemed that there were other children who were not only the two of them who were caught.

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