The couple's marriage was a big success.

Lin Xiaoyu's mother received another call from her sister. This time, Lin Xiaoyu's aunt told her sister that she had always wanted a daughter, so she hoped that Lin Xiaoyu could stay at her house for a while.

This is a saying in their hometown. If the child you often see is a girl, you will give birth to a girl. If you face a boy for a long time, you will give birth to a boy.

Lin Xiaoyu's aunt certainly wants a little girl. She loves Lin Xiaoyu. Now she wants to see Lin Xiaoyu more and see if she can give birth to a little girl as cute and well-behaved as Lin Xiaoyu.

Lin Xiaoyu's mother was worried that Lin Xiaoyu would disturb her aunt's rest and affect the baby in her belly, so she decided to send Lin Xiaoyu there every day, then go to work, and pick her up after get off work.

Thinking of this, she discussed with Lin Xiaoyu. Lin Xiaoyu was of course very happy to go to her aunt's house.

After all, she really liked her aunt, and she also wanted to know whether the feng shui in her aunt's house had returned to normal.

So Lin Xiaoyu went to her aunt's house, and soon she found that there were indeed some abnormalities in her aunt's house.

When her uncle-in-law came home, he seemed to exude some strange smell,

but Lin Xiaoyu didn't know what it was.

Then, when Lin Xiaoyu was at her aunt's house, she heard the quarrel between her aunt and uncle-in-law. It was strange. Didn't they say that their relationship had returned to normal?

The feng shui problem had been solved, so why was there still a dispute?

Lin Xiaoyu hid in the room and listened quietly to the movement outside.

"What's wrong with you? Why has your temper become more and more weird recently?" The voice of the aunt was full of anger and questioning, "These dishes are your favorite, and now you say you don't like them. If you don't want to eat them, don't eat them!"

"What are you talking about? Don't you know what my temper is?" The voice of the uncle was full of anger, "I said I don't like these dishes, I want to eat meat! I want to eat meat!"

Lin Xiaoyu was full of doubts. She didn't understand why they were arguing over a dish.

She decided to sneak out to take a look, but found that there was a strange smile on the face of the uncle, and the aunt's face was not very good.

Suddenly, the uncle looked in the direction where Lin Xiaoyu was hiding, and there was a chill in his eyes.

Lin Xiaoyu was startled and ran back to the room.

She realized that something was wrong with the uncle! She had to stay here and find out what was going on with the uncle!

At night, Lin Xiaoyu refused her mother's call to pick her up, saying that she wanted to sleep at her aunt's house. Although her aunt had a dispute with her uncle, she still hoped that Lin Xiaoyu could stay with her and divert her attention, so she prepared a room for her and let her stay here for a few days.

However, Lin Xiaoyu found something very strange at night. She couldn't sleep in bed at night, and heard noises coming from the living room, so she used her spiritual sense to explore, but found that her uncle's eyes were dull, as if he was controlled by something. He turned around in the living room several times and looked abnormal. After a while, he walked towards the refrigerator, found a piece of raw meat from the refrigerator, and ate it voraciously. It was so scary, not like a normal human being at all.

Lin Xiaoyu was shocked, and felt that her uncle's current state was not right. She hurried behind her uncle and locked his actions with spiritual power.

Then Lin Xiaoyu used her spiritual sense to explore her uncle's body and found some strange black threads in his body. Those black threads seemed to be moving. It was obvious that these black threads controlled his actions.

How could there be black threads in the body?

Lin Xiaoyu was full of doubts, but she didn't understand what it was. She even went through the knowledge in the basic encyclopedia of the cultivation world in her mind, and checked those that she had never seen one by one, but still couldn't find relevant content in the encyclopedia of the cultivation world.

If these things didn't come from the cultivation world, where did they come from?

Are these black silk-like things some strange insects? Where did the insects come from? Lin Xiaoyu was really confused.

But she knew that she couldn't hide this matter from her aunt anymore, because her uncle was obviously affected by it, and her aunt was pregnant now. If the child had an accident due to the influence of these black threads, it would be unbearable for both her aunt and uncle.

After thinking about it, she decided to go home and tell her mother what she knew, and let her mother tell her aunt. After all, what adults say is more true!

So when her mother called again

When Lin Xiaoyu was at home, Lin Xiaoyu said she wanted to go home.

When her mother came to pick her up after work, she told her mother what she saw at her aunt's house.

Her mother was very surprised: "Is your uncle sick?"

Lin Xiaoyu shook her head and said: "Mom, I saw a lot of black things like worms wriggling in my uncle's body. Those things seem to be able to control his behavior, but I don't know what they are."

Lin Xiaoyu's mother was shocked: "Why can you see those things? Is this true? Then how do you know that this thing can control his behavior?"

She felt that her daughter's statement seemed wrong and did not match her identity as a six-year-old child.

Lin Xiaoyu knew that she could no longer hide the matter of cultivating immortals from her mother, "Mom, I am actually an immortal cultivator. I have already established my foundation. I can use my spiritual power to see many things that ordinary people cannot see."

"Immortal cultivator?" Mother Lin was a little confused.

Lin Xiaoyu tilted her head and said, "Yes, I was taught in kindergarten. Didn't your kindergarten teach you?"

In Lin Xiaoyu's cognition, kindergarten is a place for cultivating immortals. However, many people may become ordinary people because they do not have the qualifications to cultivate immortals, while those with excellent qualifications become immortal cultivators. She has always felt this way, but Teacher Tang did not let her reveal her identity as an immortal cultivator. She was still a little confused. Why can't she tell others that she is an immortal cultivator?

Is it because she is afraid that those people will feel inferior because of this?

Lin Xiaoyu was not anxious about her mother not believing that she was an immortal cultivator, but demonstrated all she knew.

Seeing that Lin Xiaoyu could really control everything at home, even cast spells and make the airplane model run, Lin's mother was a little dazed.

"How did you learn these immortal cultivation skills?"

Lin Xiaoyu said: "Teacher Tang taught us, all of our classmates have learned the immortal cultivation skills, and now everyone has basically built a foundation, and everyone is very powerful!"

Lin Xiaoyu's mother was simply unbelievable, and it took a long time for her to come back to her senses and accept that her daughter was an immortal cultivator.

But after a moment, she thought of her sister and brother-in-law. Since her daughter is an immortal cultivator, this matter must be true. No, she must try to take her brother-in-law to the hospital for a physical examination to see if there is anything wrong with his body.

The fact that she wanted Uncle Lin to have a physical examination made Aunt Lin feel a little strange, "Sister, there is really nothing wrong with his body. We just went for a full body examination some time ago."

If the physical examination shows normal, it obviously means one thing, the black silk in Uncle Lin's body cannot be identified by medical technology.

Now Lin's mother also realized the seriousness of the matter, so she found a reason to stay at her sister's house. Although she might be a bit of a hindrance between the couple, her sister's mood was not stable at the moment, and as a sister, she had to accompany her sister, and no one dared to say anything.

Lin Xiaoyu had never known what those black lines were, and was worried that those things would control her uncle to hurt her aunt and mother, so she had to call Tang Yifeng for help.

Tang Yifeng was still a little surprised why Lin Xiaoyu suddenly called him. Did she encounter a problem that she couldn't solve by herself?

"Teacher Tang, please help me." Lin Xiaoyu's voice was a little anxious.

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