The new school is a good place to study.

Netizens with children at home really envy families whose children can study here. The teachers here alone are far superior to other kindergartens. It should be said that it is not just kindergartens, but even junior high and high schools. Looking at other people's university professors, you can imagine how much these children can learn in the future. It really feels that they don't need to go to junior high and high school, and they can directly take the college entrance examination.

The freshman class is divided into only two classes, namely the small class and the middle class. There is no large class at present. Although the number of children is small, three teachers are assigned to one class.

Children in the small class are entering kindergarten for the first time. It is inevitable that they are a little afraid and have separation anxiety. However, the teacher's comfort ability is very strong. Knowing that children in the small class can't sit still, they take them to learn and play, and then take them to enjoy outdoor activities.

The projects in the kindergarten have also been upgraded, and the playable projects have become more abundant. Children still like this kind of kindergarten environment very much. Perhaps for them, this is a small amusement park.

People who like to watch the innocent and cute appearance of children have paid attention to this freshman live broadcast room.

Everyone has their own choices, so many people still like the official website video of Xianmiao Kindergarten. The key is that the high definition and shooting angle are excellent. I don’t know how the photographer did it, and it didn’t attract the children’s attention at all.

At lunch, the old students had already obediently lined up to choose what they wanted to eat.

The new students were guided by the teacher.

For the younger class, the teacher helped to prepare the food and put it on the table.

"Every time I see this canteen and these meals, I can't help but sigh, when will our school have such good meals!"

"It's not necessary to have such good meals, it's good enough if you don't eat bugs."

"For the ones upstairs, I think it's OK without steel wool, and bugs can be used as a snack."

"There are also many snacks, you can eat whatever you want."

"Haha, look at the desserts that the fat boy took, and was stopped by the teacher."

"Very good, balanced nutrition, the fat boy is already crying."


Everyone who ate a meal was very happy, the eaters were very satisfied, and the viewers were also very happy. They even felt that the live broadcast of the kindergarten was their electronic pickled mustard.

After the children finished their meal and prepared to take a nap, they turned off the live broadcast.

Because the live broadcast was only in the morning during the summer vacation, many people didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

In the afternoon, Tang Yifeng gathered all the children in the indoor playground upstairs.

Looking at these children, 80 children couldn't fill the playground.

There are still a few people, Tang Yifeng muttered to himself.

After Ye Yunxi got up from lunch break, she was taken to the fifth floor by the teacher. She stood there curiously and looked at Teacher Tang, whom she had met when she signed up. Her father had told her that this teacher was a very powerful person and that she must listen to Teacher Tang carefully at school.

After all the teachers left, the children sat obediently on the chairs at first, but soon they felt itchy in their little buttocks and couldn't sit still. Especially the children in the small class, they were already looking around, ready to stand up and run out to play at any time.

Tang Yifeng saw that the children were already impatient, and with a wave of his hand, a circle of light appeared on the wall out of thin air.

All the children looked at the circle of light on the wall.

The children who had already passed the summer vacation class had already looked at the circle of light excitedly. What they missed most during the vacation was the Fairy Spirit Academy. It was really not good to have a vacation. They couldn't enter the Fairy Spirit Academy to practice, and the air outside was not as good as the kindergarten!

The new kids were curiously looking at the light circle. Ye Yunxi's heart was pounding. She seemed to understand what her father said to her!

Her father had told her before that this kindergarten might have some different places, so she could stay here with peace of mind.

She didn't quite understand it at first, but now that she saw the sudden light circle, she felt like she understood it.

The old students cheered and ran towards the light circle.

Han Momo, Little Pudding and Nie Youlin were not in a hurry to enter. Instead, they let other children enter and greeted the confused new students.

"Don't just stand there! Come in! It's fun inside!"

Seeing that other children had entered, the children in the freshman class couldn't help but run through the light circle and even the children who thought it was a magic trick looked at the other children.

They all went in and couldn't help but tentatively stick out their little feet.

As soon as they entered, they couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow!"

Ye Yunxi stood on the white jade steps and looked up at the four big characters on the gate - "Xianling Academy".

Ye Yunxi really didn't know what expression to use to face all this.

Because of her physical condition, she was more precocious than other children. Her parents at home had done early education. Although she had never attended kindergarten, she still read a lot of books and knew a lot of words.

So she thought that the strangeness her father talked about was the environment of the kindergarten, but she didn't expect that there would really be something that had never been seen outside.

She even doubted whether she was still in the hospital bed and didn't wake up at all.

But after she pinched herself hard, she knew that all this was really not a dream, she really came to a magical world.

She had no hope for her body, but what happened now gave her hope again. She felt that her illness might really be cured.

The spirit beasts in the spirit beast garden keenly felt the appearance of the little master. Colorful birds flapped their wings and flew over, and agile animals ran happily.

The freshmen were startled to see these strange and beautiful animals suddenly rushing out. Some brave ones looked curiously, while others cried out in fear.

For a while, the Immortal Academy became lively.

The old students saw their pets coming to greet them, and happily rushed over to hug their pets that they hadn't seen for a long time. Although it was only a short half a month for them, it was really a long time for the pets not to see their masters. Although there was no time in cultivation, they missed their masters very much every time they woke up from cultivation.

Seeing the children playing happily with those strange animals, the crying children stopped crying and even couldn't help but get close to them.

Ye Yunxi looked at the scene in front of him, and the haze in his heart dissipated a little.

At this moment, a small and exquisite snow-white fox ran happily from a distance and stopped directly in front of Ye Yunxi.

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