After the fifty children were admitted, they came to the kindergarten to register the next day.

Bai Mengqi divided the children into several classes according to their age, and the newly recruited kindergarten teachers also took up their posts.

Tang Yifeng heard a lot of crying when he arrived at the kindergarten. He saw that most of the crying children were three-year-old children.

The children cried with snot hanging down their noses, which made Tang Yifeng a little headache. The children who did not take the Qiling Pill could only be temporarily handed over to the kindergarten teachers for guidance.

Even though the food in the kindergarten was delicious, some children found it difficult to calm down and cried for their mothers.

In the afternoon, during the lunch break, the small class was requisitioned by Tang Yifeng.

When one child cries, it is easy for other children to cry together. Even if they see a male teacher in the class, the children who are obsessed with crying have no time to pay attention.

Let the live camera focus on the little angels who are taking a lunch break. Tang Yifeng waved his hand and took the children into the Fairy Academy.

Zhao Mengmeng cried for a long time before she found that her position had changed.

She looked around curiously and wanted to cry even more. Woo, how did she get to a strange place? Will she never see her parents again?

Other children also noticed the change of position one after another, but children who were only about three years old obviously did not have enough common sense and could only continue to cry.

Tang Yifeng brought Han Momo's pink rabbit out of the Spirit Beast Garden.

"Are there any children who like little rabbits?" Tang Yifeng's voice rang in the children's ears.

Everyone looked up at Tang Yifeng and found that he was holding a pink little rabbit in his hand, which was very cute.

Immediately, the children stopped crying and looked at the little rabbit curiously.

"Teacher, can I take you to catch rabbits?" Tang Yifeng tempted them.

The children shrank their noses and said, "Okay~"

Then Tang Yifeng took out the Qiling Pill in his hand, "First, please sit down first." There were only fifteen children in the small class. Although Tang Yifeng was troubled by the children's crying, he believed that as long as they could take the Qiling Pill, no matter how big the problem was, it would not be a problem.

"Which child sits down first, the teacher will give him candy." He raised the Qiling Pill in his hand and said, "Not only can you get candy, but you can also be the first to catch the little rabbit!"

The children followed Tang Yifeng's sitting cross-legged on the ground and sat down.

Only Zhao Mengmeng was still standing and looking around.

"Little Zhao Mengmeng, why haven't you sat down yet?" Tang Yifeng asked curiously.

She frowned and said seriously, "Teacher, there are no chairs here. My little skirt will get dirty."

Tang Yifeng looked at her wearing a white princess dress with a frown on his face, "Don't worry, little Mengmeng, the ground is very clean. It won't get your clothes dirty. Look, other children have sat down too."

"But Mengmeng is a little princess. Princesses can't sit on the ground." Zhao Mengmeng raised her little chin. The arrogance that should have been shown on her fair little face was unusually cute.

"Little princesses also have to sit cross-legged. Have you seen princesses on TV? Princesses are very elegant wherever they sit."

Zhao Mengmeng hesitated and looked at the ground under her feet. The ground of the martial arts field was like white marble. It was indeed clean as new. She carefully touched the ground and made sure there was no dust on the ground before sitting down carefully.

She nodded secretly in her heart. Yes, the princesses on TV are very elegant. Thinking about it, she straightened her back.

"Now that all the children are seated, we can give out candies." Tang Yifeng waved his hand, and fifteen pills flew to the children in an instant.

The children looked at the black pills floating in front of them with curiosity, and reached out to take them.

Zhao Mengmeng frowned and looked at the black pill in her hand. Is this chocolate? I don't know what the difference is from the chocolate bought from the United States at home. I wanted to taste it in a small bite, but I didn't expect that this pill would melt in my mouth and go into my stomach in an instant.

She didn't even taste what it tasted like!

After taking the Qiling Pill, the originally noisy martial arts hall became much quieter, and the children seemed to have grown up a lot. Tang Yifeng did not rush to teach them to practice, but kept his promise to take them to the dense forest of the spiritual realm, summoned many animals, and played with the children.

After lunch break, the teacher in charge of the small class was surprised to find that the children were no longer crying.

Even when the teacher took them to play the game of eagle catching chickens, they still felt that this game was a bit childish. The head teacher of the small class and

The nursery teacher could only helplessly take the children into the playground and let them move freely.

After taking care of the small class, Tang Yifeng took the middle and large classes in during the afternoon class. As usual, he divided the children into two groups and asked Han Momo to take the children from the middle and large classes into the main hall to take the Qiling Pill.

Other children were assigned tasks according to their age. Children at the age of six could learn divination, while children with fire spirit roots were selected to follow Nie Youlin into the refining room to forge iron. Children of other ages who had already established their foundation practiced flying with swords, while those who had not established their foundation continued to learn to circulate their spiritual power and quickly establish their foundation.

After using the Qiling Pill, the six-year-old children were obviously more mature in mind than the younger children. Divination was simple and complicated, because the children's cultivation was originally a heaven-man induction, so they would judge good and evil in the haze, and the complicated thing was that they needed to understand the mystery of divination.

There is a section on divination in the Basics of Immortal Cultivation, but many children don’t understand it and can only choose the method of cultivation that they can currently understand.

"Divination is the "Book of Changes" with the Eight Trigrams as the basic symbols. It originated from the divination of tortoise shells and animal bones in ancient times..."

"In a narrow sense, it is the prediction of a person's birth date. In a broad sense, it includes eight-character measurement, Ziwei Dou Shu, face and hand reading, Eight Trigrams, Qimen Dunjia, geography and feng shui, etc."

"There are many ways of divination, such as dream divination, divination, copper coin divination, astrology, face divination, palm divination, birth divination, character divination..."

"The most common one is face divination, which uses face reading to predict a person's fortune, past events and subsequent development. Of course, face divination sometimes faces some medical problems. At this time, we can choose to use copper coins to tell the divination, which is the most accurate."

As he said, he exchanged some copper coin spiritual treasures in the system mall. This is the most common spiritual treasure, which only requires ten points each. The spiritual treasure is naturally more accurate than ordinary copper coin divination.

There are fewer children in the senior class. Among the thirteen children, only five are six years old. Tang Yifeng only needs to spend fifty points.

The spiritual treasures shining with golden light automatically fell into the hands of the children. They all looked at the copper coin ingots curiously. Tang Yifeng waved his hand and took out a drop of blood from the children's bodies to form a contract with the spiritual treasure.

"This copper coin is called Tongtianbao coin. It is a primary spiritual treasure. They have recognized the master now. You can try to take the spiritual treasure into your body."

The five children curiously injected spiritual energy into the Tongtianbao coin, silently chanting in their hearts, and the copper coin really disappeared in their palms.

Seeing that the children can operate the Tongtianbao coin freely, Tang Yifeng continued to explain to them the key techniques of divination, mainly explaining how to measure good and bad luck through a person's face. He spent more than an hour letting them learn the copper coin hexagram in the basic encyclopedia of cultivation.

The children all studied very seriously, and no one thought divination was boring.

Tang Yifeng nodded. Sure enough, it took older children to be more focused.

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