The old man was very happy.

When waiting for his son at home these days, thinking that he came back too hastily and didn't have time to prepare gifts for his child, Mao Doudou's father immediately went to the city to buy a few sets of clothes and toys for his child.

He took out the Transformers in his hand, "Look, what did Dad buy you?"

Mao Doudou took the toy with a smile and said, "Thank you, Dad." Whether he likes it or not, this is the intention of his parents.

Both the husband and wife felt that the child was unfamiliar with them. When they saw the intimate performance of the grandmother, they also knew that they lacked the company of the child.

Since I have returned home these days, I will accompany the child well.

The family of four finally got together. After dinner, seeing the couple playing happily with Mao Doudou, Grandma Mao couldn't help but say, "Have you two ever thought about going back to Xihong City to find a job?"

Mao Doudou's father didn't rush to speak when he heard his mother's words, but thought about it seriously, "I have had this idea before. We have limited education. Xihong City is full of emerging industries and there are relatively few factories. It may be difficult to find a job here."

"Don't worry, Mom, I have an arrangement. After working for a few years, we will save enough money for decoration, and we can buy a house in Xihong City. Then we will move into the big house."

Hearing her son's plan, knowing that he had his own considerations, Grandma Mao nodded and said no more.

Mao Doudou's ears stood up long, listening to his grandmother and father's words, and he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when he heard that his father would have to stay away for a few more years.

He also hoped that his parents could be with him.

"Dad, I want to go out for a walk." Mao Doudou said, he felt like he had a little trouble and wanted to go out for a walk.

"Okay, Dad will go with you." Mao Doudou's father stood up immediately. Mao's mother originally wanted to go with her son, but when she saw that Mao's grandmother was still busy with her handicraft, she said, "You two go, I will accompany mom to do handicrafts."

So Mao Doudou and his father walked out together.

Not long after walking out, Mao Doudou's father couldn't help but sighed, "The air here is still good, Doudou, look at the stars in the sky. There are so many stars."

Mao Doudou looked up and saw a star standing diagonally in front of his head, with a flicker that ordinary people could hardly detect.

This is an ominous sign!

Mao Doudou couldn't help but think of the astrology that Teacher Tang had talked about. There were stars flickering in this direction, which was clearly the thunder hexagram. Its five elements were wood. Doesn't this indicate the disaster of thunder and wood?

Thunder and wood have the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint. When thunder and wood meet, it is very easy to cause a raging fire.

There must be a fire not far from them!

Mao Doudou didn't care that his father was around, and quickly took out the Tongtianbao coins and started to tell fortunes.

The copper coin fell to the ground and hummed. Mao Doudou's spiritual energy covered his eyes, and he could vaguely see a golden line heading towards a residential building not far away.

Picking up the copper coin and holding it in his hand, Mao Doudou closed his eyes, and suddenly flashed in front of him the scene of thick smoke, fire spreading, residents screaming in fear, and running to the corridor and rushing downstairs.

"No, Dad, come with me." Mao Doudou pulled his father towards the residential building not far away.

"What happened?" Mao Doudou's father was pulled by his son with a confused look on his face.

He didn't realize that Mao Doudou's small body could pull him, a 130-pound adult, and at a very fast speed.

The golden line of the copper coin pointed to a building in front. As soon as he ran downstairs, Mao Doudou knew it was too late.

Sure enough, thick smoke and flashing flames were coming out of the windows on the sixth floor.

There was a scream from upstairs: "Fire! Fire! Run!"

People living downstairs quickly left their houses and ran to the open space in the community.

"Call the police! Call 119!" Many people were calling the fire department at once.

Mao Doudou didn't have time to think about it, he rushed into the building quickly.

Mao Doudou's father had just called the police when he found that his son was missing, but there were many people outside the community now, and he anxiously called Mao Doudou's name.

This is an old community with old facilities. The lines inside have gone through years of vicissitudes, and most of them have been seriously aged.

The cause of this fire was a battery car parked in the corridor for charging, and the battery exploded without warning.

In an instant, the fire spread rapidly, and the entire corridor was shrouded in thick smoke and flames. The situation was very critical!

Downstairs should have been a little safer and not affected so quickly, but people couldn't help but rush to

Running down, there is only one corridor, and everyone is in a hurry to run down, which makes it easy for trampling accidents to occur.

Mao Doudou saw that many people were injured in the stampede, and even the elderly and children were accidentally trampled to death.

After Mao Doudou rushed into the building, he saw people rushing down from the upstairs. He took out his sword, held his five senses, and flew quickly over other people's heads. The fire had reached the fifth floor. While the fire had not spread completely, he used his spiritual power, and the flames that were about to spread were suddenly suppressed by an invisible force, and most of them were extinguished in an instant.

It's a pity that I don't have a water spirit root, so I can only use spiritual power to suppress it. Mao Doudou thought to himself.

At this time, Mao Doudou heard a faint cry for help.

"Help... Is there anyone? Save me..."

Mao Doudou used his spiritual sense to explore and found that someone was trapped in the fire.

At this time, the sixth floor was already raging with flames. In the corner of the bathroom closest to the left, a pregnant woman with a big belly was curled up. She covered her mouth and nose with a wet towel with one hand and protected her belly with the other hand, trying to protect the unborn child in her belly from harm. Her face was full of despair and helplessness. The fire outside was fierce, and she had no way to run out from here.

Her heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and sweat soaked her forehead. She felt like she was about to die.

At this time, the bathroom door was opened from the outside, and the pregnant woman saw a child walking in from the flames in a blur.

"Are you okay?" Mao Doudou ran over quickly, used his spiritual power to protect the pregnant woman, and set up an aura protection shield around her.

In an instant, the pregnant woman felt that the feeling of suffocation that she had originally felt disappeared, and she instantly breathed fresh air.

"I, I'm fine." The original dizziness also recovered, but she saw that it was a child who rushed in to save her, she couldn't believe it.

"Little friend, how did you get in? Go quickly." She might not be able to run as fast as the child in her current state, so she couldn't let the child get hurt.

"Auntie, don't be afraid, I will save you." As she said that, she carried the pregnant woman on her back.

The pregnant woman's eyes widened. She was actually carried by a child. Was it because of the smoke that made her brain unclear, or was it because this world was magical.

Mao Doudou consumed a lot of spiritual power to protect himself and the pregnant woman, and jumped directly from the window behind.

In an instant, his spiritual sword flew out and caught them.

After putting the pregnant woman down, Mao Doudou shouted to the crowd in front: "Help, someone is injured."

Hearing the sound of someone coming, Mao Doudou said to the pregnant woman: "Auntie, wait a minute, someone will be here soon, I will go to save others first."

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