After watching the lively scene for a while, Mao Doudou's father returned home and suddenly realized that Mao Doudou was unusual.

During the walk, Doudou seemed to be able to predict the future and dragged him to the community.

Wait? Dragged him? He realized that he was almost carried by his son just now. This speed was not ordinary!

A six-year-old child can pull a 130-pound adult to run so fast? How is this possible!

Mao Doudou's father looked at his son curiously, and kept muttering in his heart, is this child born with supernatural power?

Then why didn't he find out? That's right, he is usually not at home, and he may not know more about the child than Mao's grandmother.

Mao Doudou's father told Mao's grandmother and Mao Doudou's mother what happened today.

Mao Doudou's mother: "That's so dangerous. The old community's circuits are aging and unsafe. Some people dare to charge in the corridor, not afraid of blowing themselves up."

When Mao's grandmother heard her son's casual remark, she knew that many residents in that building had been helped by a child. She couldn't help but look at her grandson. She guessed that the child might be Mao Doudou. She knew something about her grandson's ability.

Mao Doudou looked at her grandmother innocently.


In the evening, Tang Yifeng opened the system mall to check his points.

Recently, he rarely paid attention to his points. Now he could only exchange for elementary skills and some elementary spiritual treasures and spiritual stones.

Basic elixirs are completely self-sufficient. As for refining, Nie Youlin has been able to successfully make elementary spiritual swords, and can also create different shapes of spiritual swords according to his own preferences. In the future, the children's spiritual swords can be handed over to him, and the talismans will be directly in charge of Wei Xiaofang.

During this period, the system has issued a lot of rewards according to the children's learning situation and the live broadcast of the campus website. It feels like a lot should be accumulated. Tang Yifeng looked excitedly, emm, the gap between the points and the imagined points is a bit large... At present, there are only 160,000 points, and it is still early to open the intermediate area!

Forget it, a little bit adds up to a lot, and you can't eat a big fat man in one bite.

The daily two-hour live broadcast of the kindergarten official website has been open for a while, and everyone's novelty has slowly passed. Now, most of the people who stay are students who want to listen to the old professor's lectures with the children, and parents who want to see the situation of their own children. Of course, there are also some people who like these cute babies very much. They think that children can heal their hearts and come to see them every day.

The decrease in the number of viewers has also reduced the points that Tang Yifeng can get.

Tang Yifeng has a little trick in his mind. It is only a matter of time before he deals with the official, and the matter of the Xiuxian Kindergarten will be exposed sooner or later. Fortunately, the children are still quite stable now, and they don't show off their Xiuxian skills outside. But he knew that the old professors in the kindergarten might have noticed something. They were all highly intelligent people and were not easy to fool.

He didn't want to act too rashly, so he just let it go.

But he had to investigate the current situation on Blue Star first.

After entering the Fairy Academy as usual in the afternoon, Tang Yifeng realized that there seemed to be a lot of small spirit beasts in the spirit beast garden, including green spirit chickens, black tassel dogs, red spirit birds, spirit chasing mice, and even a green bear and a flame tiger... It was definitely the prototype of a zoo.

Thinking of the fact that the children had studied in the Fairy Academy for a day yesterday and had not played well with their spirit beasts.

Let's give them some time to play with their spirit beasts today.

The children were given an hour of free time, and they all ran to the spirit beast garden excitedly. Only Mao Doudou looked unhappy and did not go to the spirit beast garden to play with his spirit beast.

Tang Yifeng was a little surprised: "Doudou, what's wrong?"

Mao Doudou said dejectedly: "Teacher, my parents are back."

Tang Yifeng: "Isn't it a good thing that they are back?"

"But they have to leave tomorrow." Mao Doudou's voice was a little melancholy. Although he only spent one day with his parents, he could feel his parents' love for him and their desire to make up for it.

Deep down, he was reluctant to let his parents leave. It would be great if they could stay in Xihong City to work.

"Teacher, I want to make money." Mao Doudou's voice became firm. He wanted to make money, so that he could buy a house and let his parents stay with him!

Tang Yifeng

After a pause, he guessed that it was because of the family conditions. "Doudou, making money is the adult's business. As long as children study hard, they can make money in the future."

Mao Doudou nodded, "I know, teacher, but I want my parents not to go out to work and stay in Xihong City."

Speaking of money, Tang Yifeng can't just use money to help people. He can help once, twice, but not every time. What's more, what reason should be used to give money to Mao Doudou's parents? People may not accept this help.

Tang Yifeng thought about it, "How about this, the teacher can help you once, but you have to keep it secret!"

Mao Doudou's eyes lit up, "Teacher, really?"

Seeing Tang Yifeng nod affirmatively, he almost jumped up with excitement.

Tang Yifeng took out a copper coin and threw it into the air. The golden copper coin kept vibrating and buzzing, split into three, spinning quickly, and then fell into Tang Yifeng's hands.

Tang Yifeng looked at the copper coins in his hand, smiled, took a pen and paper, wrote down a string of numbers, and handed it to Mao Doudou, "Find a lottery station and buy these numbers."

Mao Doudou instantly understood what Tang Yifeng meant, which was winning the lottery! If you win the lottery, your family will have money!

He almost jumped up with joy, "I understand, thank you Teacher Tang!"

After putting away the paper in his hand, Mao Doudou finally calmed down and joined in the friendly communication with the spirit beast.

His spirit beast is a shadow swallow, with feathers as deep as the night sky, and a very fast flying speed, the fastest among all spirit beasts, and its beak is sharp and sharp, with a certain degree of aggressiveness, although the attack power is not high.

The children have already played the spirit beast aerial relay game, and the children who don't have spirit beasts are also cheering for their favorite spirit beasts.

The Flame Rat swung its tail vigorously, drawing an elegant arc in the air. Its small claws grabbed a branch with a few leaves hanging on it. This was their baton. It swung it vigorously and threw the baton to the second-ranked Moon Butterfly.

The Moon Butterfly had no claws and could not hold the branch. It was anxious to fly continuously, and the silver butterfly powder was flying in the air, like stars falling and scattering on the earth.

Zhao Mengmeng looked at her little butterfly, and was so anxious that she shouted loudly: "Use your wings, use your wings!"

The Moon Butterfly also reacted. Before the branch fell to the ground, it flew over and caught it with its wings. After a sigh of relief, it went to the next stick.

The next one was originally the Green Spirit Chicken. Although it was a chicken, it was already an animal that could fly in the air among a group of land animals. However, it flew to the ground leisurely.

The cultivation was not enough, and it could not stay in the air for a short time.

This made the children watching the excitement below anxious, and they began to give advice.

"Flamebird! Flamebird! Xiao Linlin's spirit beast can catch it first!"

"Are there any other flying animals? Can Zhang Keke's King Bee do it?"

"No, it's too small to catch the branch."


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