The news on the Internet was of course known, after all, the other party called.

"Sir, the United States, Japan and Korea have all called to express their condolences, but the main point is that they want to inquire about our earthquake monitoring equipment." The assistant reported to the busy person at the desk.

The person at the desk paused and looked at the assistant, "Ask about technology?"

"Yes, sir, foreign countries now believe that we have mastered advanced earthquake detection technology, and hope that we can provide them with technical assistance." This is already very euphemistic, in fact, they just want China to hand over the technology for free.

The gentleman smiled, "Tell this to No. 6, he is good at dealing with that group of people."

He also knew about the arrangements for the earthquake, and he also knew about the situation of the kindergarten.

In his opinion, as long as it does not harm the country, he welcomes people like Tang Yifeng.

This world is full of strange things, and he has seen many strange people and things.

But no one would choose to open a kindergarten to teach ordinary children some special abilities, which aroused his interest.

As far as he knows, this group of special people seems to have their own families. Even if they cultivate talents, they will only cultivate their own people.

"I want to meet this young man when I am free." The assistant immediately understood what the leader said, and knew that the man wanted to meet the strange man who opened the kindergarten.

"Okay, I will arrange it immediately." The big man's trip must be carefully deployed every time to prevent others from taking advantage of it.

The next day, the children went out as usual to go to school. Tang Yifeng drove the school bus to pick up the children, and the parents had no doubts.

When they arrived at the kindergarten, the children arrived in Xinyao County as before.

The official post-disaster rescue team also entered Xinyao County. Because they were worried that someone could not leave, they started search and rescue as soon as they confirmed their safety.

Xinyao County is vast and has many towns under its jurisdiction. Most people have left the city, and even if a few people stay, it is difficult to find them in a short time.

The range of the life detector is limited, and it can only be explored one by one. The rescuers are also anxious, worried that the longer the time is delayed, the more dangerous the trapped people will be.

The children have been scattered all over Xinyao County, and they use their spiritual sense to sense whether anyone is trapped.

In order to facilitate the rescuers to drive in, the children moved away the collapsed large rocks or buildings blocking the main road and the bridge.

One of the rescuers accidentally glanced over and happened to see a large rock blocking not far ahead being moved out of thin air, as if clearing the main road.

He suddenly shuddered and wiped his eyes to make sure he was not wrong.

This, this Xinyao County is a bit weird, he suddenly thought of the earthquake being controlled in Xinyao County, and at that time many people sighed that the magic of this earthquake was that other places were not affected at all.

So, as expected, there is something wrong with this Xinyao County?

In a secluded corner, there was a man buried deep under the rubble. He was still sleeping soundly when the earthquake hit. But he was lucky. When the house collapsed, a stable triangle was formed above his head, which saved his life.

But his legs were still pressed by the collapsed wall, so he couldn't escape, and he didn't dare to move easily, worried that he would accidentally touch something and cause the triangle to collapse suddenly, then he would really die.

After the accident, he was pressed down and didn't know whether it was day or night. He called for help for a long time, and his voice was hoarse, but no one answered him. In order to save energy, he could only call twice.

I don't know how long he stayed in this ruins, and finally a light shone in.

Nie Youlin's consciousness scanned someone trapped underground, and he immediately went up to help. Unexpectedly, when he raised his arm to help, he accidentally lost the invisibility talisman on his body.

Suddenly his figure appeared in front of the rescued person.

The man looked over with great joy and saw a child who looked very young standing in front of him.

Because he was facing the light, he thought he might have seen God and that the child was the angel who came to save him.

Nie Youlin didn't know that his invisibility talisman had fallen off, so he put the stone aside and helped the man clear out the things around him.

When he found that the man's legs were only pressed down and he was lucky enough not to be injured

, rescued the person and left.

So the rescued person looked at the little figure who saved him without saying a word.

It was indeed a little angel, who saved people and left without saying a word.

The old man on Han Momo's side was not so lucky. He was crushed by the collapsed roof and his forehead was hit by a falling stone. Although it was not serious, the old man was obviously old and should have a fracture.

After Han Momo rescued the person, the old man was breathing in and out, and seemed to be dying.

Han Momo didn't want to let a life disappear in front of her eyes, so she took out the rejuvenation pills made by Tang Yuxin and others from her storage bag.

A few days ago, the little alchemists made a lot of pills, which also accumulated rich experience and found the feeling for them to impact higher-level pills. They distributed the extra pills to everyone, and if they needed them, they could take them out at any time!

A rejuvenation pill was stuffed into the old man's mouth, and the old man instantly felt a stream of clear water passing through his mouth and entering his body. He opened his eyes in a daze, but he didn't see anyone.

He only heard the voice of a little girl: "Grandpa, are you okay?" Then he felt a force pulling him up, his eyes widened, floating in the air for a while, and was placed among the rescued people.

He couldn't help but scream hoarsely: "There are gods! It was the gods who saved me!"

But everyone was busy with rescue and cleaning, and no one noticed this scene. When they heard the old man's cry, they thought he was frightened and mentally abnormal.

The children did their best to help the rescuers, raced against time to complete the rescue work, and cleaned the road non-stop. After making sure that everyone in need of help in Xinyao County had received assistance, they left with a sense of relief.

After a busy day, the children returned home happily.

Little Pudding felt something was wrong as soon as he returned home. Many strangers came to his house.

Sitting on the sofa was a young couple, and there were several people wearing black clothes standing next to them, who looked like bodyguards.

Seeing Little Pudding coming home, the two looked up and saw that he looked like an ordinary five-year-old child, not as powerful as imagined.

Chen Ting saw the two sitting on the sofa with a proud look on their faces. It was obviously they who took the initiative to come to her son, but it was as if her son was asking them to do something. She was secretly unhappy in her heart, but she didn't dare to say anything when she saw the tall and strong bodyguard next to her.

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