The scene changed, and time returned to the present.

Because the party was scheduled for the evening, Jiang Mian did not leave the dormitory until almost dusk, and found a place to change clothes.

At this time, she was standing not far from the entrance of the Art College.

When sending the location to He Yubai, she also deliberately chose a striking milk tea shop as a sign.

But Jiang Mian did not realize that after the transformation, she became the most eye-catching and eye-catching existence standing on the street.

Today's outfit is relatively simple, with a black slim-fitting long skirt inside. The round neckline and waist-hugging design set off her fair skin and highlighted her hourglass figure.

The weather after the fall is unpredictable, and Jiang Mian also deliberately wore a white plush coat outside, which is the same as the skirt, and is a long version.

As for makeup, she didn't care much.

In fact, as early as when she was scared for the first transformation, she also observed it from the mirror.

The way she looked after the transformation, her appearance without makeup was simply stunning!

Her skin was so smooth that it could be blown away, her nose was so straight and straight, and her eyelashes were so long that they seemed to have their own eyeliner effect. The combination of her eyebrows and eyes made her look charming or innocent.

The only makeup she put on today was a lipstick from Armani, in tomato color. It had no advantages, except that it made her look whiter!

Plus, there was a small red mole at the bottom of her left eye.

With her appearance, even if she smiled slightly, she would be as charming as fire.

Jiang Mian had no idea that she was using her beauty to commit crimes.

And there are always people who like roses with thorns.

While she was waiting, students from the art academy kept coming in and out.

At the same time, because of her appearance, she received a 200% return rate.

A boy who had a relationship looked at her for a second longer, and then turned around and his girlfriend next to him twisted his ear:"Do you look good? I see your eyes are about to pop out!"

The boy denied it flatly:"No, no!"

"It's not good-looking, but you keep looking back. Do you really think I'm stupid? ?"

Even if Jiang Mian was indifferent, she couldn't help but snickering when she heard such a conversation.

But in the end, because of her smile, many boys immediately lost their souls after seeing it.

The next second, someone forgot to look at the road and bumped into the electric pole.

The person was stunned and almost hit his head. The agreed time was six o'clock. Seeing that the time was almost up, He Yubai still didn't come.

Jiang Mian was about to send a message to ask.

Then he saw two boys walking towards this side. Judging from the posture, they should be coming for him.

He couldn't stop complaining in his heart. After becoming a girl, it was inevitable to be hit by such things.

Looking up, the two boys just stopped in front of him, with a smile on their faces that they thought was very handsome.

Jiang Mian said lightly:"Is there anything?"

The two of them didn't mind Jiang Mian's cold tone at all, on the contrary, they felt that it was more interesting to conquer a beautiful girl with a good temper.

Liu Wen and Wu Yuan were from the Broadcasting Department of the Art Academy. They had captured many little fans on the Internet with their voices.

Even though they were average in appearance, they became more trustworthy because of this.

Especially just now, as soon as they walked out of the school gate, they saw Jiang Mian from a distance. They immediately discussed with each other, and the two brothers would attack together, and whoever could take her down would win.

Because they were secretly competing in their hearts, they would not be driven away by Jiang Mian's cold face.

Liu Wen asked with a smile:"Are you waiting for someone, sister?"


Jiang Mian's tone was cold, and he didn't even bother to look at him.

But Liu Wen felt that he must be a masochist in his heart. Jiang Mian's arrogant attitude made him unable to stop, and his eyes looking at Jiang Mian became hot.

Wu Yuan looked at him with contempt in his heart. He hadn't even chased the girl yet, but he got himself excited first.

It turned out to be a useless piece of mud!

But it's good this way. Since this kid is useless, then he has a chance.

Wu Yuan pretended to be friendly and said:"Hello, we are students of the Broadcasting Department of the Art Academy. We want to make friends with you. Can you do us a favor and have dinner together?"

Jiang Mian was amused by these words. Last time he met a low-level man, this time he met an ordinary man.

They had such a strong purpose from the beginning. The two bad guys did whatever they wanted, but they thought others were casual.

Seeing Jiang Mian suddenly laugh, the two were a little confused. It seems that they didn't tell any jokes just now?

""I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh, but you guys are so funny," Jiang Mian wiped the tears from his eyes,"Why should I make friends with you? And why should I have dinner with you?" Is the cost of chatting up so low now?

Just open your mouth?

Or do these two think that as long as they open their mouths, girls will nod and agree?

Even though they were teased by Jiang Mian, the two did not back down at all.

Wu Yuan climbed up the pole instead:"If we can’t have dinner, then we can have a midnight snack."

It’s better to have a midnight snack together, and then do some other entertainment activities, and then... hehehe...

The two of them had beautiful thoughts in their hearts. Looking at Jiang Mian’s beautiful face, their greed became even worse, and they even thought about how to be the first person to get on base.

Jiang Mian saw that there was a blatant obscenity in their eyes.

As a man, even if he guessed with his toes, he knew what dirty and crooked ideas they were thinking, and he was immediately disgusted.

""Sorry, I'm busy," Jiang Mian found an excuse to refuse,"I'm waiting for my boyfriend, he will be here soon."

But the two still refused to leave. They had heard such excuses countless times when they were chatting up those girls.

They had exposed it as fake several times, and for a woman like Jiang Mian, the more arrogant she was, the more they wanted to win her over.

Besides, they also wanted to see what kind of boyfriend such an arrogant woman would find.

Don't look at Wu Yuan, who seems gentle and decent, like a modest gentleman.

But after being humiliated by Jiang Mian one after another, he felt a little angry. He even maliciously guessed that what a bullshit excuse of waiting for a boyfriend, she was dressed so coquettishly, and she looked like a... Waiting for the sponsor, ready to sell!

The two were like dog shit plasters, reluctant to leave, looking at the posture, it seemed that they really wanted to see with their own eyes what kind of person their boyfriend was.

Jiang Mian prayed in his heart, He Yubai! You must be awesome! Don't embarrass Daddy!

In fact, he thought about whether he should scare these two ordinary guys away.

As long as he opened his mouth to say the word"transformation", he could turn back into a boy in an instant.

When the time comes, he will be dressed as a woman, and the scene must be terrifying!

It would be best if these two bastards could be scared to the point of impotence on the spot!

Let's see if they dare to harass girls like this in the future!

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