One day in June in the year 744 of the Ai Ji era.

At this moment.

In the small pavilion in the backyard of Jiangnan’s home in the seventh universe.

Almost a year has passed since Jiangnan came back from the sixth universe.

Now he has just walked out of the tree-cutting space, with a calm expression on his face.

“The reward for chopping trees in the ninth year of traveling through time was not an increase in strength, but a magical skill – the first stage of the Self-Instinct Ultimate Skill!”

Jiang Nan murmured softly.

As the name suggests, the Self-Instinct Ultimate Skill is a fusion of the Self-Instinct Ultimate Skill and the Self-Instinct Ultimate Skill.

Jiang Nan had just achieved this realm, so he didn’t know how powerful this realm could be!


Jiangnan’s eyes flickered, and he slowly stood up from the stone bench, with an expectant look on his face.

Obviously, he wanted to try out how his body would change after entering this realm.

“First, block the breath.”

Jiang Nan was too lazy to re-enter the tree-cutting space. He walked slowly to the open space in the backyard. Then his face became solemn. He took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.


The air on his body began to explode. A silver sacred light and a purple light of destruction with an extremely oppressive feeling appeared around him and began to swirl and dance. At this time, Jiang Nan slowly opened his eyes. If someone was staring at him at this time, they would definitely be able to see an illusory purple fish swam in the pupil of one of his eyes, and an illusory silver fish in the other eye.

However, the two fish, one purple and one silver, disappeared in just a moment and turned into two pupils, one purple and one silver.

“Is this the Ultimate Self-Intention Skill?”

Jiangnan raised his hand, clenched his fist tightly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

“No, why does it feel like there is no change in combat power?”

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows, and then laughed dumbly.

Both the Ultra Instinct and the Self-Instinct are powerful in terms of artistic conception, but in fact, they have no so-called bonus to the combat power that can be displayed on the surface.

Now that he has no change in combat power, it seems to be normal.

“The new realm after fusion seems to have made the five senses even more amazing!”

Jiang Nan closed his eyes again. At the moment when his mind moved, he instantly sensed Bardos, who was sitting on a stone bench and talking to Xiangpa in the Destruction God Realm of the Sixth Universe.


At this moment, in the Destruction God Realm of the Sixth Universe, Bardos was talking when he suddenly frowned, looked into the void, stood up suddenly, and shouted:”Who?!”

“”Sister Bardos, it’s me!”

A familiar voice came, and Bardos was startled. After another year of not seeing him, what amazing ability did this kid discover? He spied on her from such a long distance, but he didn’t reveal any aura at all. Could it be that this little guy’s strength has risen again and reached the angel level?

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

If Jiangnan can reach the angel level in such a short time, then Bardos will really doubt whether this guy is a big boss in the ancient times.

“Is there anything wrong?”

Bardos asked softly.

“I want to ask Sister Bardos, when will I come to the sixth universe in a year?”

Jiangnan naturally made up an excuse:”I’m afraid that I will forget the time because of my practice.”

“Ten months later.”

Bardos thought for a moment and replied.


Jiangnan’s breath dissipated.

Bados glanced at Xiangpa and sighed softly,”Lord Xiangpa, you can’t catch up with little Jiangnan at all now!”

“Even if I work harder, I can’t catch up?”

Xiangpa’s eyes widened. He thought that with so many years of accumulation, as long as he worked harder, it should be no problem to improve a little more in a very short time.

Bados’s words immediately poured cold water on Xiangpa, who had just risen to catch up with Jiangnan’s strength, and made him stunned on the spot.

“Xiao Jiangnan’s strength should have made new progress. Compared with a year ago, his strength is definitely stronger. I think no one knows this difference better than you, Lord Xiangpa!”

Bados took a deep look at Xiangpa.

The gap between Xiangpa and Beerus, whether in the original book or in this world, is only 0.1 points, but even so, if the latter really fights against twelve formers with full firepower, the outcome will still be the same.

The winner must be Beerus!

“This guy……”

When Xiangpa heard what Bados said, he was immediately dejected.




At this moment,

Jiangnan, who had returned to his own mind, was suddenly stunned.

“Perfect Ultra Instinct can be superimposed into my transformation form, so can Ultra Instinct of Self-Instinct also work?”

Jiang Nan’s eyes narrowed immediately.

This world is a hodgepodge world, why can’t his bloodline become the most powerful bloodline in the world step by step through the hodgepodge?!

“Interesting! When we truly return to our roots, perhaps… form is the norm.”

When this more astonishing thought came out, Jiangnan’s eyes suddenly flashed with strange brilliance.

By now, Jiangnan probably already knew the path he would take in the future.

Return to one!

All the transformations are just to reach the last step of returning to one!

Because, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things!

At that moment, Jiangnan is one, and he is all things!

“The mirror is sublimated!”

Jiangnan slowly closed his eyes, and then he sank into his thoughts and arrived at the tree-cutting space, holding the axe that should have been rusty, but now the rust has faded and revealed a little jade light.

【The tree-cutting space was successfully promoted! 】

When Jiangnan was about to start cutting trees, he heard a hollow voice.

Compared with the emotionless hollow voice before, this time, I don’t know if it was Jiangnan’s illusion, he seemed to hear some happy emotions in this hollow voice.

“Huh? Why has my axe changed?”

Jiang Nan felt the axe in his hand getting slightly hot. He looked down and saw the axe emitting a soft jade light. He was shocked.


【Request data. 】

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