After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 104: Hyuga Hiashi: What The Hell? (Please Subscribe!)

Not to mention Hyuga, even the other Jōnin were furious about such an agreement that was so humiliating to the village.

The most powerful ninja village in the Konoha Shinobi world would actually sign such an agreement with others. The most ridiculous thing is that Konoha has not been able to gain any benefits from this agreement.

You Sarutobi Hiruzen want to please the daimyo and show your responsibility as the strongest ninja village, but you can't do it like this, right?

Hyuga Hiashi slammed the letter in his hand on the table and asked expressionlessly: "So, how are you going to handle it, Agent Hokage-sama?"

Of course it is impossible for Yuri to make a decision. After all, this decision should not have been made by him in the first place.

Yuraiya chose to kick the ball to everyone, and said with a smile: "Shouldn't I bring it up to discuss with everyone? After all, this is of great significance, and even I, the agent Hokage, can't make the decision."

"Uchiha's Mangekyō is too dangerous, and I don't agree to hand him over to anyone else." Danzo objected immediately.

Mangekyō is in his pocket. Isn't Sarutobi Hiruzen using his loot as a bargaining chip? Of course he does not agree to such an outrageous agreement.

Hyuga Hiashi:"???"

Hyuga Hiashi's face turned red with anger and he glared at Danzo with an aggrieved look. He closed his eyes and gave it away without any danger, right?

Do you really treat Hyuga as a soft persimmon?

Danzo simply ignored Hyuga Hiashi's murderous gaze. It was just a piece of cartilage that had been shed for several years. He never cared about Hyuga Hiashi.

White eyes are indeed very useful in war, especially in reconnaissance.

But the problem is...what should it be compared to?

A mere roll of the eyes is not as good as Mangekyō’s case!

A Jōnin whispered: "Ahem, the Byakugan also plays a great role in the war. It is also a major advantage unique to our Konoha and must not be handed over."

There were still many voices of opposition in the conference room. After all, those who did not object did not dare to speak.

So Yuriya made a decision directly: "Then refuse? But what excuses and reasons can you give? After all, the Third Generation project has already signed an agreement with the other party, wouldn't it be bad if we just tear up the savings like this?"

Utatane Koharu: "???"

Sarutobi Hiruzen is really unlucky to have a disciple like you!

Utatane Koharu silently cursed Jiraiya as an unworthy person.

Sarutobi Asuma was so ashamed that he tried his best to reduce his sense of existence. What his father did was really embarrassing.

If today's sadness does not go away, Third Hokage will probably become a shame to Konoha.

Mitokado Homura reminded quietly: "The essence of this matter is to unite the five major ninja villages to deal with foreign enemies. That is a death order from the daimyo."

A Jōnin with a hot temper cursed directly: "Then we can't just let Konoha bleed, right? At worst, we can just lie down and let's finish playing together!"

"That's right! This is not our Konoha family's business." Another set of echoes sounded.

Utatane Koharu asked worriedly: "But what if we Konoha don't cooperate and the daimyo of the major countries collectively put pressure on us Konoha?"

This is what worries her the most. Although Ninja Village possesses powerful force, it is not monolithic.

If Konoha takes the lead in disobeying the will of the daimyo, then what awaits Konoha will be a joint encirclement and suppression by all the daimyo. By then, Konoha will be the first "cancer" to be eliminated.

Yuanya sighed with sadness: "Alas! Teacher's agreement has caused us to lose too many opportunities. It was originally on our side, but I really don't understand why Teacher signed such an agreement."

Hearing this, all the Jōnin in the conference room unanimously looked at Sarutobi Asuma, who had tried his best to hide his presence.


Sarutobi Asuma only had this idea in his mind.

After this meeting, his father really became Ye Zhi's shame.

Angry Hyuga Hiashi stood up and said: "I will not agree to hand over any Hyuga blood anyway!"

After stating his position, Hyuga Hiashi set his sights on Yuriya.

"Last time you Hokage family took my brother's life, and now you want to take away my daughter? Do you really think that we Hyuga are weak persimmons?

When we ninjas joined Konoha in the first place? It was just to stay together and keep warm, instead of sacrificing our own kind for the so-called peace! Konoha has forgotten the original intention of existence!"

After Hyuga Hiashi finished speaking, he turned around and left the conference room. Konoha was unreliable, so embrace the empire!

As the leader of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hiashi is still very smart.

As for betraying Konoha?

Now it was Konoha who turned its back on Hyuga first!

The atmosphere in the conference room also became extremely solemn, and everyone looked at Yuriya nervously.

Even those who hate Hyuga think Sarutobi Hiruzen went too far.

Are you willing to sacrifice your own people for peace?

When did this start?

It seems like it started after Third Generation regained control, right?

Thinking of this, everyone looked at the two consultants with strange eyes.

Utatane Koharu explained awkwardly and far-fetchedly: "Ahem! The Third Generation is also for the entire ninja world."

Sasuke looked at Utatane Koharu mockingly.

"So you can sacrifice your own people with peace of mind? This village is really disgusting!" Zuosuke sighed in his heart.

What Zuosuke couldn't understand the most was that there were so many people willing to sacrifice themselves to protect such a disgusting place.

The most fiery-tempered Inuzuka Claw also said: "I have not witnessed the evil of the empire, but I first saw the filth of Konoha.

Konoha can sacrifice Hyuga today, but who are you going to sacrifice tomorrow? Other ninjas? Or some ninjas with special skills?"

Even Nara Shikaku, who has always supported whoever is Hokage, also stood up and said: "Since dealing with alien invaders is a matter for the entire ninja world [then why is the price of unity sacrificing victory over Hyuga?"

The most important thing is! Why did the Third Generation sign such a treaty privately? I have reason to suspect that I was controlled by the Third Generation! Or he has betrayed Konoha.

As Tomohiro Konoha, Nara Shikaku knew he had to find a reason for Sarutobi Hiruzen to sign the treaty, a reason why the treaty would not count.

As for how to choose, it depends on the image of Sarutobi Hiruzen in everyone's mind.

"I also suspect that Third Hokage was controlled at that time."

"Every time! Master Hokage must have been controlled at that time."

"Yes! If Lord Hokage was not charged, how could he sign such a treaty?"

Most people in the conference room responded, and even Utatane Koharu nodded along.

Even if Sage of Six Paths comes today, Sarutobi Hiruzen was controlled initially.

Yuriya glanced at Nara Shikaku with admiration.

Facts have proved that there are still many smart people in the ninja community.

But this time, Hokage's image has been completely subverted, at least not as deified as before.

No way, what happened to Sarutobi Hiruzen-sen is really disgusting.

A leader who cannot guarantee the interests of his own people, or even constantly sacrifices his own interests, is definitely not a good leader.

Nara Shikaku was relieved when he saw this scene and finally came back.

Fortunately today, Jiraiya told this matter frankly, otherwise Hyuga might be secretly sacrificed like last time.

It's okay if this kind of thing only happens once. After all, no one can guarantee that it will happen again.

…………Please give me flowers…………

But if this happens twice, it’s a big problem, because it means there will definitely be a next time!

The three most powerful families in Konoha, Senju and Uchiha, are gone, and now the Hokage family is going crazy to get Hyuga.

This is no longer a matter of boiling the frog in warm water. According to this order, are they the Ino-Shika-Chō clan next?

Nara Shikaku's scalp was numb and even frightened by Sarutobi Hiruzen's manipulation show.

Thinking of this, Nara Shikaku even felt a little grateful to those Uchiha.

Fortunately, those people paralyzed the scourge of Sarutobi Hiruzen. If Sarutobi Hiruzen was allowed to continue to control the position of Hokage, God knows what kind of scourge Konoha would be caused by them?

For a moment, Nara Shikaku even thought about whether to surrender directly to the enemy.

This Konoha is indeed not a kind place anymore.

"Then I will reject them. As for the consequences, if our Konoha is besieged because of this kind of thing, then we will directly surrender to the enemy!"

Yuriya also directly said something quite explosive.

You, the shadow of a village, are actually the first to vote for the party?

But surprisingly, none of the Jōnin felt that Yuriya said this was inappropriate.

After all, people have to survive, and when they get to that point, they really have no choice but to surrender.

After all, life is worse than death, and ninjas are not an army.

Although Nara Shikaku's magical strokes allowed Sarutobi Hiruzen to retain the last trace of dignity, his purpose of dividing Konoha and the Ninja clan has been achieved.

After the meeting, Hyuga Hiashi will definitely contact Hyuga Ningkan, and Hyuga may be able to win over him in advance.

As for the other ninja clans in Konoha, the Ino-Shika-Chō clan is notoriously weak, and when the time comes, they will definitely join the empire.

As for the most powerful Sarutobi clan.

Yoriya believes in Danzo's wisdom, just like Utatane Koharu and others believe in the wisdom of their descendants.

Ninja World No. 1, outside Konoha Village.

"Open your gun first, and watch me operate it!" After taking out a bullet and loading it into the magazine, Hyuga Neji turned to Neji and told him.

Neji nodded curiously.

The bullet is loaded, the trigger whispers!


Until it spurted out from the muzzle and hit the hunting tiger on the side 2 kilometers away.

Under the huge inertia and puncture, the tiger's head was blown away.

Neji, who was rolling his eyes, shrank his pupils when he saw this, and looked at the sniper rifle in Hyuga Neji's hand in disbelief.

"This.........this power!"

Neji finally understood why Hyuga Ningkan said that Hyuga was good at long-range attacks.

Byakugan's super long sight range, coupled with the weapon's lethality and super long range, it's a perfect match!


Hyuga Hiashi, who rushed over with his Byakugan open, also gasped when he saw this scene.

Horrible! So terrible!

This weapon called a sniper rifle, without defense, it is impossible for a ninja to escape the assassination of this weapon.

What's even more frightening is that the range of this weapon is extremely long.

Hyuga Hiashi murmured in his heart: "It is an artifact that is naturally suitable for the Hyuga clan!"

Is Hyuga Ningkan really a genius?

Hyuga is actually better at long-range combat?

As a man who has always been very stubborn, Hyuga Hiashi actually likes to stand far away and be shady.

After all, except for reckless men, who in the world likes to fight hand-to-hand? I can hit you, but you can’t hit me. That kind of fighting is really exciting!

Hyuga Hiashi felt a burning sensation in his heart and decided to try to communicate with Neji from another world first. .

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