After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 180: The Empire’S Treatment Of Trisolarans! (Please Subscribe!)

Tsunade corrected him seriously: "Old man, I think the most important thing now is the problem of Hatake Sakumo.

"Alas! This kind of thing is difficult to deal with. After all, some things cannot be banned. After all, people's words are scary, and this matter has been widely circulated. Now the more we ban it, the easier it will spread." Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a bitter face.

At this time, Tsunade's IQ suddenly came online and said calmly: "First, give Hatake Sakumo a long-term mission to leave the village, and then downplay this matter. When you do that, you can warn Danzo and tell him not to do this kind of thing again. By the way... I think it's a good idea to let him guard the dragon vein."

"This is a good idea!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes lit up, and then he took the opportunity to instigate: "Tsunade, you are too smart. Why don't you be the 4th generation Hokage. "


Tsunade shook her head quickly.


Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed. For the sake of the next generation, he specially trained three disciples, but these three disciples were less reliable than each other.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was instantly uninterested, said: "Let's stop here for today."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said again: "Asuma, come back with me to the clan. I know there are many things that you find incredible or even unbelievable, but you will know when you arrive at the Sarutobi clan."

Sarutobi Asuma nodded expressionlessly.

No. 0 Ninja World. 19

Qianyu, who had just woken up, was caught by Mamu before he had time to eat breakfast.

"Your Majesty, I have something very interesting here. I wonder if you are interested."

"What is it?" Qianyu asked listlessly.

He really spent a lot of energy fighting two monsters alone last night, so the group meeting today seemed so listless.

"Look. ”

Mamuyi took out three scrolls.

“What is this?”

Qianyu took the scrolls and opened one of them in a daze.

[Hello, my friend from another world. I am Xiaolan, a peace-loving ninja and a loyal believer of the Empire. I was born in a chaotic and perverted world.

This is a miserable world, full of wars and betrayals. Our world is hopeless.

[Please come to the great Empire to help us reshape this chaotic and sick world.

Our Akatsuki organization is willing to welcome the powerful Empire to come and prepare sufficient supplies and various intelligence needed by the Empire for the Empire to come.]

Qianyu: “???”

Is this a letter from another parallel world?

Qianyu looked at Mamuyi in surprise.

Mamuyi nodded with a smile on her face: “This letter should come from the world that Mingren and his friends visited before. Our people found these three scrolls in the dragon vein last night.


Qianyu opened another scroll.

[Hello, powerful strange Empire. I am Ohnoki.

We in Tsuchikage Village know the power of the Empire and that the whole world cannot rival your Empire. We humble people only want to survive and have never thought of resisting the Empire's arrival.

If the Empire needs us, we are willing to be the Empire's vanguard. We just beg the Empire to give us the qualification to continue to live after it descends into our world.

For this, we are willing to give everything, even if it is against this world. 】

"Oonoki? This old man............"

Qianyu closed his eyes and looked at the scroll in his hand.

Oonoki in this world has long been dead. When he launched the war to unify the ninja world, there was only one shadow who died during the war, and that was Ohnoki.

This is not because there is any deep hatred between him and Ohnoki. After all, Ohnoki is Kurotsuchi's grandfather, and there is really no great hatred between the two.

In Ohnoki's words, the new Empire does not have a ship to carry the shadow of the old era.

Later, after he conquered the Pure Land, he also asked Ohnoki whether he wanted to be resurrected.

But Ohnoki refused, because he felt that life in the Pure Land was good, and he only needed to treat his granddaughter as a student.

Even the stubborn Ohnoki would surrender one day.

As expected... the multiverse is so vast that there are all kinds of things.

Then Qianyu curiously opened another scroll.

[Hello from the unknown powerful empire, I am Uzumaki Yueyao. I and my companions behind me are willing to be the pawns of the empire and provide all possible conveniences to the empire here.

Now we only beg the empire to come and crush this chaotic world and break the decadent order that has lasted for thousands of years, even if the cost is that the entire world will prostrate itself to the empire.

This world needs an empire! Please eliminate the tyranny of the Ninja Village, the world belongs to the empire!]

"Three different letters, representing three different forces, this is really interesting." Qianyu smiled evilly.

Numbay nodded with deep sympathy and said: "The most interesting thing is that they dare to write to us.

Qianyu joked: "This is the first time I see a mouse inviting a cat to visit."

Numbey asked curiously: "Your Majesty, what should we do?"

Qianyu said: "Ignore them, the most important thing now is to digest the world we have begun to invade.

Then Qianyu asked: "By the way, has Jiraiya's team gathered together?"

Numbay nodded, and then reported: "We should be able to get it together. Kakashi, Hyuga Neji and Uchiha are all Kage-level experts. Although Hyuga Neji's hard power is not up to standard, by then With the help of the sniper rifle, the opponent's strength is also considered strong in the shadows, which should meet the empire's advance team configuration requirements. "

"Two foreign worlds and one local configuration?"

Qianyu nodded thoughtfully, and then made a decision: let them explore the world where Sarutobi Asuma went.

Qianyu doesn't take this matter very seriously. Compared to Kakashi, Qianyu is more concerned about Runtu's situation now.

"By the way, where is the progress of Rinnegan's experiments?"

After hearing this, Ma Nuyi reported without expression: There is no news of any progress yet. "

"It's been almost three days, why is there no response at all? Then there should be data from the experiment, right?" Qianyu asked with a frown.

People who take the Blood Succession route only have two ways to go to the Six Paths level, one is Sage Body, and the other is the Fairy Eyes series.

Needless to say, Sage Body, that thing has nothing to do with the Blood Succession Limit. There are only five people with this kind of physique in the entire ninja world from ancient times to the present.

Three of them are non-human. After all, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya and his mother's three sons are not human at all, and Ashura should be regarded as genetic.

Apart from the four of them, the only one who awakened the Sage Body is Senju Hashirama. You may say that the Sage Body is exclusive to the reincarnation of Ashura, but Naruto in the plot only has an Uzumaki physique, and he has not awakened the Sage Body even if he practices senjutsu.

Compared to Sage Body, Rinnegan is much better, at least there are Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke.

Although Uchiha Sasuke is not a truly awakened Rinnegan,

However, after Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyō combined part of the Chakra of the nine tailed beasts and the Yang power of Sage of Six Paths, the shape of his eyes did change, and showed a pattern similar to Sage of Six Paths, but this is not standard. Rinnegan,

980 Therefore, strictly speaking, Sasuke has not awakened Rinnegan, but this at least proves Rinnegan's opening route.

"Did Beiliuhu make any request?" Qianyu asked.

Nunyi nodded hesitantly: "There is one."

"It's fine if you ask for it, but I'm afraid he doesn't ask for it."

Qianyu's eyes lit up, and then asked: "What's the request?"

"Beiliuhu has a graduate student under his command. He hopes that the empire can fund his students' research. By the way, this is the graduate student's thesis." Ma Yi reached out and took out a document from a certain space and handed it to Qianyu.

After Qianyu opened the file, "What came into view were the top ten characters.

"On the wrong evolution of Sharingan, is Mangekyō Sharingan actually an upgraded product?"

Qianyu: "???"

Qianyu quickly flipped through the documents in his hand, and soon came to the second paper.

"The theory of Sharingan's Magatama, Sharingan's final form should be Nine Magatama Sharingan!"



After reading these two papers, Gong Yu sincerely admired: "This is a talented person!"

Others may not know it, but as a time traveler and Ōtsutsuki Koyehime's pillow, how can he not know about the Nine Magatama Rinnegan?

Qianyu said: "Agree to Beiliuhu's request. Maybe this young man can give us a surprise."

Nuyi nodded numbly.

Nine Magatama Sharingan…………

This can't be true, can it?

If it's true, then God is too kind to the Uchiha family, right?

Qianyu could tell Nuyi's thoughts at a glance and comforted him: "Don't be surprised. After all, this is the world of Eye Legend. Isn't it normal for Sharingan to be awesome?"

Nuyi: “…………”

His Majesty started talking nonsense again. .

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