
"It turns out that it is not that easy to enter the Yu-Gi-Oh! Konanami Company"

"Do you need me to have better card-making talent and imagination?"


Yu Chengxing took a deep breath and blankly looked at the text message on his phone about the failed interview.

Facing such a result,

Yu Chengxing has already gotten used to it.

He didn't graduate from a famous university. He had no chance to enter Kounami.

If it weren't for his love for Yu-Gi-Oh, he wouldn't have thought of submitting his resume to Kounami.

"Brain hole? Card making brain hole?"

"Also need work experience"

"I'm really convinced. Isn't it because I don't have any work experience that I want to find a job?"

"Your platform also marked that you want fresh graduates"

"Why do you say no now?"

"It's so hard to find a job nowadays."


Yu Chengxing murmured after reading the entire text message.

Out of boredom,

Yu Chengxing was about to turn off his phone when he saw a strange pop-up window.

Then, a related system notification sound came from inside the phone.

【Ding! Congratulations on obtaining the qualification for the internal beta test of the Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Masters APP!】

【Participate in it now and get a mysterious reward just by watching a short video!】

【Please click the link to participate in the download and installation!】


Duel Master APP?

New game videos from Konanami?

Are the profits from Yu-Gi-Oh! DL and MD not enough for them?

They have created a new one?

Looking at the pop-up message, Yu Chengxing complained in his heart but somehow clicked the link.

Thirty seconds later, the software was successfully installed.

After opening it, it was filled with Yu-Gi-Oh related duel videos.

【He will never guess what I will play next!】

【Inka has a limit! So I want to exceed the limit!】

【Starting with 5 Lao Ai cards, who else on the Internet can do it?】

【You just said fusion, right? I have to super-fusion immediately!】


Yugiho, who already loved Yu-Gi-Oh, soon became addicted and started playing it......

At the same time, the virtual data of the major duel worlds began to connect.

DM world, GX world!

5DS world, ZEXAL world!

ARC-V World and so on were all connected successfully!

After the sound of electronic music, virtual screens appeared in the sky of each duel city!

Including other major live broadcast screens, pictures and sounds gradually appeared.......

In the DM world, duelists at the KC stage noticed something was wrong with the KC score screen.

The screen was no longer showing the scores and rankings of each duelist in real time.

Instead, it was a duel screen they had never seen before.

They were also sure that these duel screens were not of any of them!

"What's going on! Isono!"

"Isono? Deal with the emergency quickly!"

"Why did the KC Duel show other unknown duel scenes?"

Seto Kaiba's face was full of anger!

It was so hard to hold a large-scale competition!

In the end, such a mistake happened!

"President Kaiba! I can't handle it!"

"It seems that there are codes and prohibitions beyond our time........."

Isono's answer made Kaiba Seto's face pale!

A code beyond their time?

What does that mean?

Look at the duel screen again.

Cards that have never been seen before appear one after another and flash.

Kaiba Seto stared at the cards floating by in a daze.

Muto Yugi, Jonouchi Katsuya, Mazaki Kyoko, Mamoru Maiko, and others also watched the screen play with shocked pupils.......

GX World.

Yuujo Judai's graduation ceremony has just ended.

The big screen that was about to play Yuujo Judai's memoirs of the past three years of study has now shown other duel scenes!

The sudden change has stunned Principal Samejima, Professor Chronos and others!

"Mamma Mia! Principal Samejima!"

"What is going on!"

"What are those duel scenes?

Professor Chronos was the first to ask in confusion.

These voices immediately attracted the attention of the graduating students and those who had already graduated.

"Hyperconvergence immediately?"

"Elemental Heroes, are you putting Destiny Heroes into it?"

"Who taught him to play like this?"

Yucheng Judai looked at the duel scene on the big screen in confusion.

The short video played at an extremely fast speed.

But Yucheng Judai and Yubel in his body still caught the words in the video.


"Teach heroes to play the underworld?"

"A live broadcast of a professional player duel?"

Ed Phoenix looked at the duel screen with a sneer on his face.

At the same time, he seemed to be thinking about something else.

"Mechanical angel invested in Long Hui Qiao?"

"What does it mean? Why can't I understand it?"

Asuka Tenjouin, who had already graduated, pursed her lips blankly. She was full of curiosity about the duel scene short video.

Maruto Sho, Kaiser Ryo, Misawa Daichi, John Anderson and others also took a serious attitude to watch the duel short video in front of them.

Not only because of curiosity.

But also because the short video was full of unknown duel combos and card information.

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