In the minds of all duelists, monster cards, magic cards, trap cards and other types of cards will occupy a certain proportion in a deck!

A deck cannot be all monster cards.

It cannot be all magic cards.

It cannot be all trap cards!

At least!

This is what the duelists in the first few duelist worlds thought.

If it is all trap cards, what's the point of playing? How strong can such a deck be?


DM World.

Many duelists who have communicated with Yujosei looked at the Golden Country system where trap cards accounted for 70%.

Many people almost thought that Yujosei was deliberately showing them a garbage deck system!

Where can a deck put so many trap cards?

What's outrageous!

There are so few monster cards! ?

What effect can such a system have?

"Trap cards take up two-thirds of the"

"This system is interesting."

"So you mainly rely on trap cards to create interference?"

"The question is, what output capabilities does that monster have?"

"If you want to win, trap cards alone are not enough."


Yugi Muto frowned and began to comment.

After all, he was also a half-red pit hell player. He put a lot of interesting red pit cards in his deck.

But he knew that trap cards were only auxiliary, and the main axis had to be monsters.

"Since the game is called Golden Kingdom, is the three-card [Golden Lord Golden Kingdom Lich] the most important?"

"Well, let's wait and see what this video blogger has to say later."

"It looks like he is a little worried."

Mazaki Kyoko next to him observed carefully.

He found that in these multiple structures

【Golden Lord Eldark Lich] It seems to be a must-have card!........

GX World

"Mamma Mia!"

"What the hell is this build?"

"Professor Ben gave him a score of 0!"

"I just told the truth!"

"This is the system! It was beaten by my ancient mechanical giant!"

Professor Chronos on the side immediately became proud and sprayed a burst of output!

But the students and teachers around him believed Professor Chronos' words!

Not only because Chronos is a professor!

More importantly!

The ancient mechanical giant!

Is not afraid of magic trap!


The value of the battle stage blockade!

Professor Chronos! I don't know how many underworld decks he has beaten!

To deal with this Golden Country! It seems that he does have an advantage!

"Hum! Do you like to drag and interfere?"

"I hate this kind of deck the most."

"But, I'm not afraid of my electronic dragon!"

"Beat up the underworld, the electronic end dragon energy welding will make him a human being."

Caesar Liang also looked at the Golden Kingdom with cold eyes.

He is the heir of the electronic school. He has also beaten many underworld systems with the electronic dragon.

So there are so many red pits in the single card Golden Kingdom, and he is not afraid of it.........

In the 5DS world,

Yusei Fudo showed a different attitude from the previous two worlds.

Looking at the construction of all the red pits, he actually had the idea of not dueling with this deck!

"Synchronization is actually most afraid of interference"

"After all, there are monsters to adjust and non-adjust."

"This system is difficult to deal with."

Jack Atlas took a deep breath and said his understanding.

But in fact, it is true.

Synchro is blocked or the adjustment monster is solved.

Then, it will immediately fall into a passive state.

"No rush, let’s wait and see?"

"【The Golden Lord and the Golden Kingdom Lich have been explained."

"Let's listen."

Long Ya pointed to the big screen on the duel motorcycle.

As expected, the video blogger I want to become a master of the Golden Country has already started to tell......

I want to be a master of the Golden Country:"Okay, let's see what cards to play after the basic construction."

I want to be a master of the Golden Country:"Next, let's talk about the essential trump cards of the key decks!"

I want to be a master of the Golden Country:"【Golden Lord Golden Country Lich】!!!"

【Card Name: Golden Lord Eldlich (10 stars)】

【Attribute: Light】

【Race: Undead】

【Attack and Defense: 2500/2800】

After this card appears!

Two simple effects come into view of the duelists!

Effect 1!

You can send this card and 1 Magic or Trap Card from your hand to the Graveyard, and activate it by targeting 1 card on the field. Send that card to the Graveyard

"Simple and domineering graveyard non-destructive clearing!"

"But, take the target!"

Effect 2!

If this card is in the Graveyard, you can send 1 Magic or Trap Card on your field to the Graveyard. Add this card to your hand.

Not only that! You can then Special Summon 1 Undead monster from your hand.

Monsters Special Summoned by this effect gain 1000 ATK and DEF until the end of your opponent's turn, and cannot be destroyed by effects.

"Comes with recycling and special moves"

"In addition, the special monsters have increased attack and defense, gaining the effect of breaking"

"Now comes the interesting part!"

"Did you notice that this card can be used to clear the field and can be recycled. Each of the two effects can be used once per turn."

"Have you discovered the terrifying linkage and coordination?"

As soon as the video blogger finished speaking, the duelists from the six duel worlds all showed horrified expressions after carefully savoring it!

This card! So weird!

No! Or rather!

The effect of this card is too disgusting!!!

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