The magic trap of the main system is like this! So there is no need to feel bad when discarding it.

Just discard it.

Assist the Golden Country Lich to start!

Then use the resources of the cemetery to continue to earn resources to achieve a resource difference!

In essence!

A duel is just to see who has more resources!....

I want to be a master of the Golden Country:"The Magic Trap 2 effect of the Golden Country is a must."

I want to be a master of the Golden Country:"Resources can be earned in the cemetery, so it is not difficult for us to find that this Golden Country underworld is different from other underworlds."

"Other underworld decks are difficult to replenish after their resources are exhausted."

"But in the Golden Kingdom system, monsters constantly come back to life to clear the field, and magic traps pull resources to earn cards for the family!"

"This will lead to a situation"

"During the game, your opponent's resources are decreasing, and your resources are increasing."

"As the saying goes, it is more painful to see your opponent earning resources than to have no resources yourself."

"The Golden Country is a typical example."


After hearing this,

DM World,

Seto Kaiba, Yugi Muto and others all showed emotion.

Isn't it true?

Seeing others draw cards is more painful than losing cards yourself.

Seeing others being interrupted is more enjoyable than not unfolding your own cards.

This is one of the important points of playing El Dorado!

But here comes the problem.

The linkage between El Dorado Lich and these magic cards.

They all saw it.

But who has the priority to search?

"So, the Golden Country is another field of this system?"

"So, which one should be searched first?"

Honda Hiroshi was the first to speak out the doubts of everyone.

And the next second.

Several cards of the Golden Country field appeared on the screen.

I want to become a master of the Golden Country:"I believe everyone has begun to wonder here."

I want to become a master of the Golden Country:"Since the cards sent to the grave can play an effect, what should be searched?"

I want to become a master of the Golden Country:"Let's take a look at which Golden Country there are!"

The first one! Continuous magic card! [Seven Sky Gods of the Golden Country]!

Undead fusion card! Don't invest!

The second one! Counterattack trap card! [Eternal Glorious Golden Country]! The three-color Kang of the family! It needs to liberate the undead at the cost! You can invest 1-2!

The third one! Continuous trap card! [Conqueror of the Golden Country]!

1 effect! Transform into a normal monster undead! If successful, you can cooperate with the lich to explode the card!

2 effect! Exclude the graveyard and put 1"Golden Country Immortality Stone" magic and trap card from the deck on your field.

Must invest 2-3 cards!

The fourth one! Continuous Trap Card! [Golden Country Robber]!

1. The effect is similar to Conqueror. If successful, you can banish cards from your own or your opponent's graveyard!

2. The effect can also search for the Golden Country Eternal Life Stone!

1-2 cards must be invested!

The fifth! Continuous Trap Card! [Golden Country Guardian]!

1. The effect is the same as changing to a monster! If successful, you can select another face-up monster on the field and its attack power will be reduced to 0.

2. The effect is the same as banishing and searching the graveyard!

0-1 card must be invested!


The 5 cards that can be searched in the [Golden Country] field are almost out!

After watching the recommended investment amount given by the video blogger.

It is clear and eye-catching, and it also makes the construction clearer.

Counter Trap Card [Eternal Brilliant Golden Country]!

Continuous Trap Card [Golden Country Conqueror]!

Continuous Trap Card [Golden Country Robber]!

These three cards! It is almost certain that all cards will be invested!


After the last two cards are used up, they can be connected to the [Golden Country Eternal Life Stone] field as resources in the graveyard!

And the [Golden Country Immortality Stone] can search for the [Golden Country] in the cemetery except for the [Golden Country]!

The entire connection chain emerged in the minds of every duelist!

The duelists in the 6 dueling worlds were all confused!

At first glance, the search is very messy, right?

But in fact! It is very clear and bright, and it also fills the duel strength!

The monster card [Golden Country Lich] throws the magic trap in the [Golden Country Immortality Stone] field to special recruit.

Or the [Golden Country Immortality Stone] field magic trap special recruits [Golden Country Lich]! The

[Golden Country Immortality Stone] field in the cemetery excludes the magic trap and searches for the magic trap in the [Golden Country] field.

After using the magic trap of the [Golden Country] sent to the grave, exclude the magic trap and search the magic trap in the [Golden Country Immortality Stone] field in reverse.

It's like a triangle.

Let the Golden Country's operation ideas become clearer!

The duelists who figured it out all showed horrified expressions.

For example, in the GX world.

Professor Chronos is like this at the moment.

He originally looked down on this system.

At this moment, I am completely immersed in the connection ideas of this golden country!

"No! How can it be like this?"

"Do these cards actually have such a search relationship?"

"Mamma Mia!"

"I'm really confused!"

Professor Chronos was really confused.

It was also because he understood this triangle relationship that he was even more confused.

"Wow, what an interesting system!"

"I admit that I was a little loud earlier."

"I'm a little obsessed with the Golden Country"

"I also want to become a master of the Golden Country like this blogger!"

Misawa Daichi excitedly sorted out the [Golden Country Lich】、【The relationship between the Golden Country and the Golden Country Immortal Stone.

It was precisely because of the completion of the sorting that he became more and more fascinated.

This kind of calculation is his way of love.........

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