5DS world.

As the people of the Synchro Era, Yusei Fudo and others.

Facing the explanation of the construction of the Black Mage, not many people have felt it.

They are not like the GX world and the DM world, which have a worldview connection.

Therefore, seeing this blank system can play such a linkage, it is just a little surprising.

"Sure enough, it’s more fun to play with the same tune"

"This deck, forget it."

"I don't like it."

Long Ya curled his lips. He still prefers his own deck.

That is the Transformer deck!

Relying on the Transformer dice to play different sparks.

Maybe it's more exciting.

"Well, I can only say that the card group mainly consists of blank system"

"There shouldn't be much of a good future."

"For example, who still remembers the legendary card, the Axe Monster?"

Krogan yawned, and the Axe Monster he was referring to was naturally the [Giant Axe Raider], a 4-star blank card with 1700 attack power.


【The Great Axe Raider seems to have faded from the minds of all the duelists.

In the days of axe kings fighting each other, the Great Axe Raider was the dream card of many people......


Fujiki Yusaku has already sorted out the Black Magician's field ideas through construction and the coordination of several cards.

It is precisely because of this arrangement that Fujiki Yusaku showed a mysterious smile.

"The Black Magician deck is not very strong."

This sentence made Homura Takashi, Zaizen Aoi, and the left leader all focus their attention on Fujiki Yusaku.

"Isn't it high? Isn't the ending good?"

"Yusaku, what do you think?"

Leader Zuo narrowed his eyes and looked at Fujiki Yusaku.

After all, Leader Zuo had a different idea from Fujiki Yusaku after reading it.

In his opinion, the Black Magician still has something.

"how to say?"

"You will understand after watching the video blogger's explanation."

"Next, he will explain the idea of the first-hand game."

Fujiki Yusaku kept it a secret and then closed his mouth.

And the fact is just as Fujiki Yusaku guessed.

In the next short video, the voice of the video blogger sounded again.

30-year-old Black Magician:"I understand it almost."

30-year-old Black Magician:"The next problem is that it is not easy to make it to the end. It takes at least 2-3 rounds! And the deck itself has 3 cards, and the card rate is not low." 30-year-old Black Magician:

"So don't rush to see how to end the game. Let's take a look at several ideas for the first-hand game. After a thorough understanding, you will be introduced to the Black Mage."

"The first idea is, if you have the Magician's Staff in your hand, don't hesitate, search for the Black Magic Array after the Normal Summon! If you have it, search for other"

"After that, [Black Magic Array] takes effect, look through three cards and take the best card, such as [Eternal Soul] or the venue [Mage Rescue]】"

"Then, place [Eternal Soul], and if there are other trap cards, place other trap cards"

"The final first move is [Magician's Staff] plus [Black Magic Array] plus [Eternal Soul】"

"At the very least, I have a second-speed excluding interference, plus a 2500 black magician with god-like resistance."

After a simple set of ideas and processes, the duelists from the six dueling worlds frowned slightly.

This black magician's first move seems a bit too simple?

High EQ, simple.

Low EQ, too weak, right?


Or compared with the hero's first move finale [Phoenix Man] plus [Dark Claw] plus [Blood Demon D].

This first move is not strong enough.

It is not as deterrent as the Golden Kingdom's Golden Kingdom Lich plus the backfield 3-5 cover cards!

"The second idea is to have a key card [Wizard of the Souls]】"

"The double soul takes effect, discarding yourself to recruit the black magician"

"When summoning [Magician's Staff], look for the magic card [Master and Apprentice Bond] to activate its effect.】!"

"【When there is a"Dark Magician" on the field, select 1"Dark Magician Girl" from your hand, deck or graveyard to Special Summon"

"Then pull out [Black Explosion Break Magic] from the deck to cover"

"The finale, [Magician's Wand] plus [Dark Magician] plus [Dark Magician Girl】!"

"The card is clear. A [Black Explosion Break Magic Guide] two-speed card that blows up the entire field of the opponent."

The second idea was explained.

This made many duelists show slightly excited expressions!

Sure enough!

The Duel King's deck is still powerful!

Two-speed blows up the entire field!

【Black Explosion Breaking Magic】Gaifang!

It is already powerful enough to deter!

If you can get a little more!

Black Magic Array and Eternal Soul!

Then this first move of Lu Si 2 is undoubtedly the strongest first move, right?

"Idea 3, with Chaos Fantasy】!"

"Show off your fantasy first, search the deck for Dark Magician, if you have it, then don't use it."

"Magician's Wand retrieves the quick attack magic card [Black Magic's Mystery]】!"

"【The effect of the Black Magic Mystery is very simple. One is the fusion magic card effect."

"The other one is the ritual effect, so our ritual here produces Chaos Fantasy"

"At the end, a Chaos Fantasy Counter, if there is a Black Magic Array, it can be regarded as a second-speed exception."

"But, it's too difficult. I can only say that Dark Magician System 3 is too slow."



After the three ideas, they all have similar resonances and commonalities!

It also makes the old people in the first generation world more thoughtful and insightful.

It seems that it is not as simple as imagined to achieve a situation where the Dragon Knight Black Mage and the Eternal Soul protect each other.

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