Professor Chronos swallowed his saliva.

He kept looking back and forth at the monster cards.

The more he looked, the more frightened he felt.

This ancient machine was beyond his understanding!

He felt a little strange......

5DS world.

After watching the simple main monsters,

Yusei Fudo became interested in this system.

It relies on fusion.

But these cards don't seem to involve too much fusion.

Unlike heroes, many monster cards can be searched for fusion to play.

Or the mask transformation and the like cooperate with the mask transformation

"Ancient machinery, the lower level is indeed interesting"

"Both provide the possibility to ignore the conditional summons"

"That itself"

"This system can actually rely not only on the fusion axis"

"If I remember correctly, our Duel Academy seems to have this system as well, right ?"

Jack Atlas squinted at the riding duel screen.

Fudo Yusei nodded thoughtfully.


Because the ancient mechanical deck has become the heritage deck of the Duel Academy.

Even in a parallel world with a different worldview, the ancient mechanical deck will still exist.

As far as Yusei Fudo remembers, he seems to have played against an ancient mechanical player?.......

ZEXAL World.

For a system that is not built with Xyz and the amount of investment is not enough.

Jiujiu Yuma and his friends don't care too much.

But after seeing the very rare Xyz cards,

Jiujiu Yuma was a little stunned!

Those Xyz cards?

It seems?


It seems! Numbered cards!

One of the cards! Number 41!

"Astral body! Look!"

"That's a numbered card!"

"Another number card has appeared!"

After hearing this, the Astral Body immediately looked at the so-called number 41!

It really is a number card!

It is [No. 41 Mud Sleeping Monster Sleeping Tapir】!

"Another number card?"

"Okay, okay, that's for sure."

"Yuma, that world!"

"It definitely contains information about all the numbered cards!"

"It's just like here."

"Over there, almost every one has"


Although Astral couldn't believe the conclusion he had drawn, the facts were before his eyes.

He had to admit that this world had all the numbered cards!.......

In the short video.

Ku Juji believes:"Of course, these monsters are not the focus."

Ku Juji believes:"In fact, if the main body is unfolded, a flying dragon is enough."

Ku Juji believes:"The focus must be the magic trap in Ku Juji's system"

"As for why I say so?"

"Let's take a look at a few magic cards to find out."

"After reading this, I think you will understand what I mean."

"Let’s start with this one."

"The most important 3 cards of Gu Juji are [Ancient Mechanical March】!!!"

"Why do I say that? Because this card's effect 1 allows us to add 1 Ancient Mechanical Magic Trap card from the deck to our hand, except Ancient Mechanical March."

"Like Feilong, it has a powerful search effect!"

"And 2 effects!"

"Once per turn, you can activate this effect by releasing 1 monster on your field. Draw 1 card, and during this turn, the following effects apply."

"If you want to summon an Ancient Mechanical Giant or a Level 5 or higher monster with its card name, you don't need to release it."

"Just these two effects! Are they enough to maximize the value, right?"


Putting aside the self-restraint like the flying dragon!

This card brings too many enhancements in effect!

Summoning high-star monsters without liberation!

Once again proved an important point!

Summoning ace monsters is so simple!

Ku Juji is a believer:"Then there is the magic card of the original family [Ancient Mechanical Projectile]!"

"Effect 1: If you have no monsters on the field, you can blast one of your own cards and Special Summon 1 Ancient Mechanical Monster from your Deck, ignoring the Summoning Conditions."

"You can summon ace monsters when you advance, and summon flying dragons when you retreat to continue searching!"

"Effect 2: You can remove this card from the Graveyard and activate it by targeting 1 face-up card on your field. Destroy that card and Special Summon 1 Ancient Machine Derivative (Machine-Type, Earth, 1 Star, Attack/Defense 0) to your field."

"At this point you will find that both effects of this key card involve destroying your own cards, right?"

"Has anyone ever thought about why?"



This wave of questions confused the six duelists in the duel world.

They really didn't notice that most of the effects on this ancient mechanical magic card are to waste their own resources.

As long as it destroys the opponent's cards, that's understandable.

But why do they destroy their own cards? Why do they only destroy their own cards? Can they play a combo this way? While still wondering!

Gu Juji immediately threw out the matching card information with faith!

The first card!

Field magic card [Gear Street]!

It can reduce the home team's upper liberation by one.

But when it is destroyed, 1 ancient mechanical monster can be special summoned from the hand, deck, and graveyard.

The second card!

Continuous magic card [Ancient Mechanical Fortress]!

Put aside other effects!

There is also an effect that can pull ancient mechanical monsters when it is destroyed!

However, it is from the hand and graveyard!

After reading the two synergy cards, the Duelists in the GX world were finally completely defeated!

So that's it!

That's not surprising!

Destroy your own cards!

This seemingly negative effect is not surprising!

It turns out to be to trigger the special effects of these cards!

Used to continuously summon the family monsters!


Ancient mechanical monsters are so easy to summon? It's really like summoning for free!

There are monsters in the front to ignore the conditions.

There are three special moves of magic destruction in the back.

Professor Chronos was stunned and suddenly became excited!

This is the ancient machine he wants!

Professor Chronos himself is worried about so many powerful high-star monsters that he can't easily summon!

Now that he has read the information of monsters and magic cards.

He is not panicking anymore, he is really not panicking.

Ancient machines already have a good and bright future!

"Hahaha! Principal Samejima! Did you see that?"

"I said that ancient machinery was not simple!"

"After all, it is our professor’s signature deck!"

""I want to be strong!"

Professor Chronos put his hands on his hips, held his head high and looked very proud.

It was as if he had forgotten all the deck building he had reviewed before!

Obviously, the Hero, Black Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and El Dorado were all as good as the ancient mechanical decks.

"Uh, cough! Professor Chronos"

"You still can't say too much"

"Let's finish watching the fusion monsters first."

Principal Samejima wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Professor Chronos's performance was a little beyond his expectations.

But it was normal after thinking about it.

His own deck has been strengthened in the advanced world.

It would be strange if he wasn't excited........

In the main world, the short video was still playing.

Yu Chengxing watched all the performances of Professor Chronos in the GX Duel World. After reading the comments , Yu Chengxing was amused. As expected, Professor Chronos was going crazy after watching it. Yu Chengxing also watched all the performances and discussions of others.

"Phew, interesting."

"It’s great to be able to watch the barrage"

"The mumblings of these people can see through"

"Some people complain and some people criticize"

"It seems that the short video of the ancient mechanical card group has received good response."

"Well, the next step is to explain the additional aspects."

You Chengxing narrowed his eyes.

He clicked on the video and it continued to play.

The voice of the video blogger soon sounded.

Leo Ku is a believer:"At this point, I believe everyone has a certain understanding of the ancient mechanical deck."

Leo Ku is a believer:"Then the following explanation will be much easier."

Leo Ku is a believer:"I said, if you want to expand, you can only rely on a flying dragon, right?"

Leo Ku is a believer:"Then the question is, these monsters, these magic traps"

"In fact, they are all for one purpose, which is to help us integrate"

"Thus summoning out Ku Juji's strongest fusion trump card!"

"Then help us to defeat the enemy"

"OK, what should we do first? What should we do second?"

"In fact, in our family system, there is not much emphasis on"

"Because Gu Juji is a backhand OTK deck"

"Therefore, most of the fusion monsters have strong attack desires."

"For example, this picture, [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant】!!!"

【Card Name: Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant (10 stars)】

【Attribute: Dark】

【Race: Mechanical】

【Attack and Defense: 4500/3000】

4500 attack power?

When the 6 Duel World duelists saw this attack panel, they were all shocked!

Looking at the fusion requirements! 4 ancient machines! The difficulty is not low!

But the effect is���Extremely terrifying!

1 Effect!

As long as this card exists in the Monster Zone, this card will not be affected by the effects of Magic and Trap Cards, and the opponent cannot activate the effects of monsters during the Battle Phase.

In short! It has resistance to Magic Trap effects and blocks Battle Stage monster effects!

2 Effect!

This card can attack all opponent monsters once each. When attacking a Defense Position monster, it will inflict combat damage to the opponent equal to the attack power exceeding that defense power.

Not only does it maximize the desire to attack!

It also has the effect of penetrating defense!

The combination of the two! It is an absolute killer weapon for attack!

Leo Ku is a belief:"One of the OTK strong card fusions. I will talk about the idea after it appears, so don't worry."

Leo Ku is a belief:"We are looking at another strong attack card."

"【Ancient Mechanical Giant】!!!"

【Card Name: Ancient Mechanical Giant (9 stars)】

【Attribute: Dark】

【Race: Mechanical】

【[Attack and Defense: 3300/3300]

And? ? ?

Are there any cards that can attack and OTK? ? ?

After a sudden shock!

The duelists of the 6 duel worlds turned their eyes to this Ancient Giant monster with lower attack power than the previous one!

1 Effect: Battle-level Magic Trap Lockdown, nothing to say.

The unique inheritance effect of the family!

2 Effect: The materials that meet the requirements are 2 or more of [Ancient Mechanical Giant] and [Ancient Mechanical Giant - Ultimate Heavy Blow] in total!

Then you can attack up to that number of times in 1 battle phase!

The effect of attacking desire is not low!

3 Effect can be activated when the opponent leaves the field due to an effect. Special Summon 1 [Ancient Mechanical Ultimate Titan] from the Extra Deck regardless of the summoning conditions.


What outrageous last words?

【Ancient Mechanical Ultra Titan?

Isn't that a Battle-class Magic Trap Blockade, Defense Penetration, Last Words, and a trump card fusion monster with 4400 attack power of Ancient Mechanical Titan?

Can it be played like this?.......

GX World.

Yuki Judai was stunned!

Is this a continuous nesting of dolls?

【Ancient Mechanical Giant] Leave the nesting doll out [Ancient Mechanical Giant】!

【Ancient Mechanical Giant] Leave the field and nest the dolls to play Ancient Mechanical Giant!

This time, the battle is out of control!

The key is that these cards all have battle-level blockade.

And the attack power is not less than 3000 points!

Too disgusting, right?

When did Professor Chronos's deck move to this nesting doll method?

The other students trembled after reading it.

The ancient machinery of the teacher's dignity was already scary enough for the students.

Now it is so strengthened!

This is even more scary.

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