Asuka and Fubuki each had their own thoughts.

While quietly waiting for the next Red-Eyes to unfold their ideas, in the ZEXAL world, many duelists were already getting impatient.

What Jiujiu Yuma and Astral Body cared about was not the main family of this system at all!

What they cared about was the amount of Xyz cards invested in this Red-Eyes system!

"It doesn't look like a numbered card!"

"Astral body, can you tell what those super quantities are?"

Kujiu Yuma gritted his teeth and looked at the super quantity cards in the construction!

One after another, it was not dazzling.

But it just had a special attraction to them!

This is an indescribable attraction

"Yuma, I don't know either."

"It doesn't look like the superpower that our world can possess."

"Let's continue and wait and see."

Astral Body waved his hand helplessly.

If he knew, he would have spoken long ago.

As for the others, such as Moon Viewing Bird and Kamishiro Ryoga, they were even less clear.

Jiujiu Yuma could only sigh heavily and wait for the follow-up super-narration.���.....

In the VRAINS world, many duelists who don't care about Red-Eyes decks but are interested in Link have been discussing the investment of Link in Red-Eyes decks.

It is certain that Link doesn't have any Red-Eyes original monsters.

So the question is, whose cards are the Links invested in Red-Eyes?

"Hahaha! I know that link1! It seems to be from Leader Zuo!"

"Hmm? It really is! It's [Active Stinger Dragon]! By the way, why did the Red-Eyes deck put this in?"

"I don't understand, so I don't ask. Who knows? The main axis has red fusion, but it doesn't look like a fusion deck!"

"Isn't this nonsense? There aren't many Red-Eyes Fusion monsters in the build! It's mainly Link and Xyz!"


The duelists around him quickly noticed the Red-Eyes' extra link 1 [Active Strike Dragon]!

Leader Zuo frowned slightly.

Who is he?

Who is the person who uses the Red-Eyes deck?

This guy actually dared to use his [Active Strike Dragon]?


He wanted to see how this Red Daddy YYDs used [Active Strike Dragon]!........

ARC-V World.

Hyper Dimension.

Yuto slowly opened his deep eyes.

His gaze was fixed on the [Phantom Knights] constructed by Red-Eyes!

After confirming that it was correct,

Yuto's face became more solemn.

This higher world.

There is actually a [Phantom Knights]?


In fact, there is a card of a [Phantom Knights] that is stronger than him!

That link? What is the link related to the Phantom Knights?

"Youdou, it seems we underestimated"

"My RR, this red-eye actually has some investment"

"I'm a bit amused."

"Does he really understand how RR Raptor works?"

Kurosaki Hayabusa on the side showed a strange smile.

It seems that he is full of disdain for the Red-Eyes system.

But Yuto didn't say much. He just watched the Red-Eyes construction silently.

Because the explanation of the fusion content has begun........

Main world, short video content is playing.

Red Daddy yyds:"Hahaha! That's about it for the main deck."

Red Daddy yyds:"Subsequent duels will allow everyone to deeply understand the role of these cards in investment."

Red Daddy yyds:"Next are a few cards for fusion"

"Actually, to be honest, I don't use fusion red-eye very much."

"But I still have to mention it, after all, each of the three cards has its own merits"

"We have to take a look at it too, right?"

"First up is this one! [Meteor Dragon Meteor Black Dragon】!"

【Card Name: Meteor Dragon Meteor Black Dragon (8*)】

【Attribute: Dark】

【Race: Dragon】

【Offense and defense: 3500/2000】

"This card has a good usage rate."

"Because this card can burn blood and send it to the graveyard when it appears, it has an attack value similar to Red-Eyes!"

"Last words can also revive normal monsters"

"How should I put it? This is the one I use the most, at least it’s better than the next one!"

"Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon】!"

【Card Name: Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon (7*)】

【Attribute: Dark】

【Race: Dragon】

【Offense and defense: 2800/2400】

"why would you say so?"

"This card has a weak attack and requires equipment to gain resistance to the target."

"Third, this card needs to attack in order to pull the graveyard card as equipment!"

"In conclusion, it’s about the tempo. You tell me what’s the use of taking the initiative?"

The video blogger asked this question, which confused many old-timers!

Isn’t it?

A monster with 2800 attack power!

Is it useless even when it appears?

Is this true?

The world view is going to collapse again?

Red Daddy yyds:"Others [Meteor Dragon Meteor Black Dragon] can still burn blood and help solve the opponent when it appears."

Red Daddy yyds:"Forget about the Black Blade Dragon, it’s not good enough in the environment!"

Red Daddy yyds:"There is still 1"

"The name is [Dark Demon Dragon】!"

【Card Name: Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon (9*)】

【Attribute: Dark】

【Race: Dragon】

【Offense and defense: 3200/2500】

"What does this card say?"

"The third level of the battle is barely acceptable."

"But it would be too slow to burn blood after attacking!"

"So it is not recommended."

"To sum up, all three cards can only be used. If you want a strong deck, it is not recommended to invest in three fusion monsters."

"Only recommended to invest in [Meteor Dragon Meteor Black Dragon】!"

"For the other two cards, unless you want souls, you can give me 3 of them, I have nothing to say."


The final fusion summary was completed.

The old people from the first generation worlds fell into silence instantly.

Three fusion monsters! They are actually not very useful?


How come this is completely different from what I felt at the beginning!

DM world.

After listening to the explanation of fusion monsters, Jonouchi was petrified on the spot. What about the promised deck fusion bunker?

But why does it seem to be useless in this Red-Eyes construction?

What's outrageous is.

These three fusion monsters are actually said to be worthless!

And [Meteor Dragon Meteor Black Dragon] is actually just a little bit useful?

"Games? Him! He wasn't kidding, was he?"

"After fusing these 3 cards, which one is not an absurdly powerful card?"

"But he said, you can only use it?"

"Huh? Am I not able to keep up with the worldview of Duel?"

"3500 attack points, 2800 attack points, 3200 attack points, are they all useless?"

Jionouchi immediately asked soul-searching questions one after another.

Yugi Muto beside him smiled bitterly.

He also thought that these three fusion monsters would be the main force after seeing them.

But after listening to them, it seems that the usage rate is not particularly high at all.

He was also helpless.

"In the city, you have to believe the short video that Mr. You is looking for"

"Since fusion is not used much"

"That must be an excess, right?"

"We'll find out if we continue to watch." After calming Jonouchi down,

Yugi Muto and the Pharaoh in his body continued their discussion.

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