2 link cards!

【The Holy Seal of the Celestial Sphere and the Rusted Axe of the Dark Phantom Knights have all shown their respective roles!

At least they are more understandable than the previous two cards, Active Strike Dragon and Dragon Knight of the Dragoon Regiment - First Spear Dragon Knight!

But if that's all!

For the duelists of the 6 Duel Worlds, it's still impossible to understand how the Red-Eyes deck was really developed!

DM World.

The entire construction has been explained.

Kaiba Seto smiled calmly and began to tell the story.

"Hum, it's just a third-rate deck for a third-rate duelist."

"If you look at it this way"

"My Blue-Eyes White Dragon, whether it is the Chaos Dragon of Ichidaoge or the True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Fusion Dragon"

"Better than Red-Eyes"

"It seems I had too much expectations."

"Red-Eyes, that's it."

Seto Kaiba shrugged and closed his eyes, not watching the short video of Red-Eyes on the big screen.

Jonouchi looked unhappy after hearing these words.

But even he couldn't understand the construction of Red-Eyes, and couldn't understand the current development ideas of Red-Eyes.

For a moment, he didn't even know how to refute.

"Hippocampus, don't be too talkative."

"This video blogger is called Hongdieyyds"

"I am quite curious, what exactly is this red daddy?"

"Perhaps, the real Red-Eyes ace is this."

Yugi Muto jokingly told the story.

But he didn't know.

What he said was really right!

In the next video!

It will be Red Dad's turn to explain!......

GX World.

Tenjouin Fubuki held his breath and slowly exhaled.

His mind was constantly working to sort out the ideas of each card.

He tried to find connections among these cards.

What is RR? What is Phantom Knights? What are these cards?

"Senior Fubuki, don't worry."

"Now onto the last part."

"You will understand soon."

Marufuji Sho saw that Tenjouin Fubuki was already frowning and scratching her head anxiously, so he quickly spoke to comfort her.

"Marufuji Sho"

"You do not understand"

"These are beyond comprehension."

"Now, I feel that my view of duels needs to be rebuilt."

After saying this, Tenjouin Fubuki fell into deep thought again.........

5DS world.

Yusei Fudo and the others have arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department in the satellite area.

Tetsu Ushio chuckled as he watched the short video content of Red-Eyes.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"I say, this is really red eyes! Let's just forget about it!"

"Do you know my ace monster?"

"【Synthetic dragon] Have you heard of it?"

"This is my trump card now!"

Ushio Tetsu took out the 8-star [Synthetic Dragon] card with 0 attack and defense from his deck.

The effect is that it can only be special summoned when 3 monsters are sent from the hand to the graveyard.

The attack power of this card becomes the total level of the monsters sent to the graveyard × 300 points.

In simple terms! If the total of 3 cards is 30 stars, the attack power of this [Synthetic Dragon] can reach an outrageous 9000 points!!!

Yusei Fudo and Jack Atlas both looked grim after seeing the card information.

This Ushio Tetsu actually got a good strong card!

No wonder he was always disdainful when he watched the construction explanation of Red-Eyes before..........

ZEXAL World.

Kujuku Yuma and Astral Body kept looking sad.

They didn't care about the development of Red-Eyes.

What they noticed was the only upgraded magic card in the entire construction!

That is

【Upgrade Magic-Dark Phantom Knights March】!

"Astral body, are you sure you are not mistaken?"

"Upgraded magic card! Is it the power of the Barian world?"

Kujiu Yuma asked again uncertainly

"Well, I'm sure"

"The Balian World cannot directly interfere with the Astral World. It was formed thousands of years ago when the Astral World exiled a large number of chaotic souls and was born in chaos!"

"Therefore, all the super monsters inside can achieve chaos upgrades!"

"People in the Barian world can basically upgrade!"

Astral Body threw away this suddenly stimulated memory.

Perhaps it was because of [Upgrade Magic - Dark Phantom Knights March] that these memory fragments overlapped.

"Balian World?"

"I understand."

Kujiu Yuma let out a long breath.

At present, we haven't figured out what the higher world is, and now there is a Barian world.

What kind of world is there?........

Main world.

Yu Chengxing stretched his body and happily read the messages in the chat groups of DM world and GX world.

The two worlds have different opinions on the Red-Eyes.

After reading it, Yu Chengxing's previous doubts disappeared.

As for the dueling thinking and logic of some duelists in DM world and GX world!

It's really backward!


"No more delay!"

"Let them see the real Red Eyes as soon as possible, and then show them what a real strong card is!"

"Let’s start with Red Daddy!"

After You Chengxing finalized the content of the next video.

The last part of the Red-Eyes short video began to play!

Red Daddy yyds:"Congratulations to all the card players who see this, you can finally step into the most exciting duel scene!"

Red Daddy yyds:"As everyone knows! I said from the beginning about the Red-Eyes deck!"

Red Daddy yyds:"Fusion is not the focus of the Red-Eyes deck at all!"

"Because the self-reporting of the magic card [Red-Eyes Fusion] is too serious!"

"After activation, you cannot Summon or Special Summon monsters other than through the effects of this card."

"In other words, once you use Red Melt, you are blocked from special moves and summons!"

"This is extremely fatal to any deck!"

"So I don't recommend using Red Melt."

"But, if it's for Red Daddy, then it's different."

"Oh, whatever"

"Let’s first take a look at the duel development strategy of the Red-Eyes deck!"


After the video blogger finished speaking one sentence after another, the duel screen of Red-Eyes soon appeared on the duel screen!

Seeing this scene!

The duelists of the 6 duel worlds all showed serious expressions!

Finally. Is it coming?

Red-Eyes, explosive development ideas?

Those non-family, card operation combo?

With expectations.

In the screen, after taking the initiative to draw 5 cards!

Red Daddy yyds immediately started to operate!

"The first is the deployment and application of our true red-eye system!"

"We usually have the same ideas."

"Everyone, please pay attention, study hard, and think carefully!"

"Normal Summon Black Steel Dragon】!"

"Then [Black Steel Dragon] links out [Active Strike Dragon】!"

"Black Steel takes effect, search the deck for [Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon】!"

"Dark Steel takes effect, except for [Active Strike Dragon], which specially recruits yourself!"

"Dark Steel is taking effect. The Black Steel Dragon in the Resurrection Cemetery】!"

"Here you just need to repeatedly brush the resources."

This operation explanation immediately silenced the duelists of the six duel worlds! They were originally still thinking about how to start the game!

The result is like this! Can you use this black steel and dark steel to continuously brush the search effect of black steel?

Can you still play like this?!

Red Daddy yyds:"Then just continue linking!"

"【Black Steel Dragon] and [Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon] link!"

"Here comes [Dragoon Knight-First Lancer Dragon Knight】!"

"The effect of the Dragon Knight begins, search the location [Dragon Valley】!"

"Graveyard Dark Steel takes effect, deck search [Red-Eyes Black Star Dragon】!"

"Activate [Dragon Valley], then take effect, discard 1 card in hand, and stack [Storm Dragon - Storm] in the deck】"

"The Black Star Dragon takes effect. After sending the graveyard deck [Red-Eyes Black Dragon], you can recruit it and increase your level by 1 to 7 stars!"

"Storm Dragon is taking effect. After banishing graveyard resources, it continues to Special Recruit itself."


All six Duelists in Duel World had one word written on their faces!


Yes, they were all stunned!

What the hell are these next few steps?

The outrageous thing is not that they can't understand it!

But these operations!

Actually linked all the cards that were not from the original family! In fact, they were all cards that they originally thought were useless!

Whether it's [Active Striking Needle Dragon] or [Dragon Rider - First Lancer Dragon Knight]!

Or [Storm Dragon - Storm] and [Dragon Valley]! They are constantly playing their roles in the Red-Eyes deck!


Is this the weird linkage?

And on the field!

There are already 2 7-star monsters!

Red Daddy yyds:"There are 2 7-star monsters on the field!"

Red Daddy yyds:"What are you waiting for? Directly Oppa type!"

"Super Summon! Give me this without hesitation【RR-Arsenal Falcon】!"

"Key points! As long as you can get out when your opponent blocks you【RR-Arsenal Falcon】!"

"The subsequent operations are not important!"

"Because you are already stable"

"At least you can ensure that you can play a 13th-level yellow chicken crispy chicken on the field, that is,【RR-Rebellion Falcon!"

"This is the resistance! I am not exaggerating! Many decks can't get through it!"

"Just this one【RR-[Rebellion Falcon] On the battlefield, many decks are having a headache!"

Red Daddy yyds became more and more excited.

The operations on the screen were constantly displayed as he said.

The confused duelists are still waiting!

Yes. They are still waiting to see how many operations can break their cognition!

Red Daddy yyds:"If we are not interrupted later, we will continue to operate!"

"Arsenal Falcon takes effect, throws material [Storm Dragon-Storm], Raider's Wings】!"

"Then we continue linking!"

"Here, link 2's [Dragoon Knight - First Lancer Dragon Knight] plus [Raider's Wings] and you can continue to link out the others."

"The idea is, it depends on the situation."

"After all, [Attacker's Wings] can make the【RR-Arsenal Falcon】Continue to throw a material graveyard special move"

"So we can release other links!"

"You can also play this card, that is, the first battlefield [Dark Phantom Knights Rusted Battle Axe】!"

"Then the normal effects took effect!"

"Battle Axe is effective, the deck is stacked with [Dark Phantom Knights Dust Robe】!"

"Then put [Upgrade Magic - Dark Phantom Knights March] in the deck.】!"

"Then activate the effect of [Dark Phantom Knights' Dust-Stained Robe], excluding itself!"

"We can also retrieve [Upgraded Magic - March of the Dark Phantom Knights] again!"

"The upgraded magic card can give us R8 super monsters."

"At the same time, cooperate with the Tomahawk 2 effect to explode the card!"

"For example, we can play [DDD Double King Dark Age]! The effects of cards on the field other than this card cannot be activated and are invalidated."

"At this point, the scene was over.


Deathly silence.

Everyone was stunned.

What is this? What kind of operation is this? What is this? The operation of the Red-Eyes deck?


How can it be more complicated than any previous operation!

What is going on?

The weird thing is!

These operations!

Can really link all these non-family cards together!

This is outrageous!

What's even more unbearable is!

After the scene is done, where is the Red-Eyes?

Why is there no Red-Eyes? Are they really playing the Red-Eyes deck?

DM World.

After watching these operations.

Yugi Muto is about to cry!

He and the Pharaoh Atum in his body have been discussing these operations! They are also trying to understand these operations!

It is precisely because of understanding.

They found that this construction is not only not absurd, but even a perfect match!

"AiBo! It is able to link up so many non-family members"

"This idea is too powerful, the duel thinking is too great!"

The Pharaoh in the body couldn't help but praise it.

"Another me, although"

"Give me some time, I still need to think about it."

Muto Yugi only felt a headache.

He still had to understand these ideas.

On the other hand, Jonouchi was petrified and didn't react for a long time.


Is this Red-Eyes?

Is this the Red-Eyes deck he knows???


You are not playing the Red-Eyes deck!

Red-Eyes deck! This is not how you play it!

GX World.

The content of the short video also made these students and teachers confused and at a loss.

"Mamma Mia!"

"Is the operation better than my ancient machinery?"

"The Red-Eyes deck is indeed the deck of the legendary duelist Jonouchi!

Professor Chronos blinked.

He was unaware of the situation.

How could he know that

Jonouchi was now full of question marks ?

"Uh? My hero's operation is just like this!"


"The cool thing about these operations is that they turn the resources of various cards into linked resources."

"Whether it is RR or the so-called Phantom Knights"

"They are all linking their own cards!"

Yuki Judai swallowed his saliva.

He immediately understood the importance of these ideas!

Similarly, there is also the duelist in the VRAINS world.

Fujiki Yusaku, after seeing these link operations, he couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart.

This is different from the link ideas of heroes.

The idea of Red-Eyes is completely based on the final scene.

For example, what is the horror brought by this scene?

The first point! The second effect of [Rusted Battle Axe of Dark Phantom Knights] is interrupted by the uncertain card explosion factor!

The second point!【RR-The last words of the Arsenal Falcon can pull the 13th level golden crispy chicken with ridiculous resistance!

The third point! The back field covers the upgraded magic card, which can be changed at any time.

The fourth point! It is only 1 card to expand, and the loss is only the one card lost by the Dragon Valley.

So in the hand, it is very likely that there is still���Cards like [Gray Flowing Beauty] and [Value-added G].

That's it.

How can we play against opponents?

When everyone was shocked and trying to understand the operation!

In the short video, another idea is still being developed!

Red Daddy yyds:"The other ideas are the same!"

"For example, if I have [Unicorn of the Kusha Nuwei Clan]】!"

"You can special recruit Unicorns. After the effect is activated, search the deck for the Field Magic Card [Kusha Nuwei's Anchorage]】!"

"After that, continue to operate the Black Steel Dragon link!"

"The difference is that we can first release R7 [Red-Eyes Steel Dragon】!"

"Use the Steel Flame Dragon effect to remove the material and revive the white board red-eye to continue R7【RR-Arsenal Falcon】!"

"The same thing happens later."

"These are all for you to explore on your own!"

"I won’t say much more."

The ideas explained later once again opened the door to a whole new world of Red-Eyes!

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