Kaiba Seto immediately let out a low growl.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"My Blue-Eyes White Dragon couldn’t fuse a fake card monster like this!"

"How can these two guys be like this!"

"I don't accept it!"

Kaiba Seto's voice, accompanied by a horrified look, proved that after reading and listening to these introductions, he completely understood the power of Red Daddy!

Bekas's eyes fluctuated greatly, as if he was wondering what kind of company this K Snake was! Compared with his International Fantasy, which card maker was better? After reading these contents, the entire Duel Academy immediately fell into a frenzy.

"Support the new Sword Emperor to take the throne! Duel Academy has no choice but to do it!"

"Hiss! The package is to be supported! 3 effects, and then one is split to give to other monsters, they are all ace terminals!"

"So strong, the ace fusion of Duel King Muto Yugi and Legendary Duelist Jonouchi! The fusion of friendship, woooo!"

"So what is a turtle? What is Sky Striker?���What is it? What is K-Snake? What is the banned card list?"

"Um, the student in front, the teacher can answer one of them. The card ban list is to ban the cards! For example, the president of Cup Seahorse mentioned the card ban list before."


The discussion in the Duel Academy is still going on.

Yujo Judai and Ed Phoenix can't sit still any longer!

This fusion monster!

Even if it's a hero, it's hard to decide!

The hero system.

Yujo Judai and Ed Phoenix can be said to have already recorded it in their minds.

Whether it's the Masked Hero, or the Fate Phoenix Man, etc. cards.

In fact, they have all recorded it.

Therefore, after reading Red Dad's description

"Ed, what do you think?"

"Tenth generation, as for me, if we take the initiative and can achieve the strongest scene of that hero, it is not impossible..."987"..."


Dark Claw plus Phoenix Man plus Bloodseeker.

This scene.

Maybe it can stop the Red-Eyes deck from launching against Red Daddy!

But even so.

There is no way to be 100% sure of winning the game against Red Daddy!

Is the hero the face of fusion?


It may be

【Super Magic Dragon Knight - Red-Eyes Dragoon】

ZEXAL World.

After listening to the Red-Eyes Fusion Monster's story about this terrifying trump card!

Ninety-Nine Yuma and Astral Body felt that their own super-views were about to collapse!


Not super-views!

But fusion views!


Fusion monsters are getting stronger and stronger?!

"Astral! You, what do you think of this card?"

"After listening to it, I don’t even know my own Hop deck!"

"What card can touch this card!"

Kujiu Yuma swallowed his saliva and exhaled suddenly.

He felt that after hearing this card, all his strength and energy were drained.

"No, I don't know."

"But this card is definitely not invincible"

"Didn’t the video blogger say something about turtles?"

"Maybe this card can bring something"

""It's just that I don't know what this system is like."

Astral narrowed his eyes.

He was shocked by the power of [Super Magic Dragon Knight - Red-Eyes Dragoon].

But he also knew that no card was absolutely invincible.

There must be cards that restrain each other.

This is the beauty and unique meaning of duels.

ARC-V World.

Yuri couldn't hold back his emotions any longer!

It's fine that Anaconda became someone else's dowry for others to use!

But the result of the fusion is this [Super Magic Dragon Knight - Red-Eyes Dragoon]!

It's ridiculously strong!

"Is there no way to break through my predatory plant?"


"I do not believe!"

"My predatory plants must have a way to deal with this Super Magic Dragon Knight - Red-Eyes Dragoon!"

"There must be a way!" Yuri was frantically looking for a miracle in the deck.

Serena next to him waved her hands helplessly.

Her Moonlight deck was not powerful enough to deal with Red Daddy.

So Serena had already let it go.

It didn't matter. In the latest era of VRAINS world , Fujiki Yusaku was shocked by not only the Super Magic Dragon Knight-True Red-Eyes Dragoon, but also the [Predatory Plant Blue Lock Dragon Anaconda]! How could there be a card! So powerful that it can copy the effects of many fusion cards! And the required 2000 health! With 8000 health, it is simply a drop in the bucket!

"Yuzuo, I finally understand"

"This higher world is a little bit beyond our understanding."

"Can they print such fake cards?"

"That banned card list! I think this card is banned!"

"No one can use it!"

Zaiqian Aoi on the side grumbled and started to output.

He felt sad in his heart.

It was also because his card group Naughty Fairy Star did not have such a powerful terminal!

"Caiqian Aoi did say a key point"

"I'm still not clear about this."

"I wonder if there is a short video that can introduce it?"

Leader Zuo was not only amazed at the combo and strength of these cards!

What he cares about is also very unique.

Like Zaizen Aoi, he is thinking about what the banned card list is in this advanced world?

What kind of fake cards will be imprisoned? In the DM world, there are also the old people from the first generation world who care about the banned card list.

Kaiba Seto:"Mr.

You, what is the banned card list in your world? Can you find a video to popularize it?" Muto Yugi:"Yes, banning these strong cards can indeed balance the duel environment to a great extent, but will the card list be re-released?" Jonouchi :"Hahaha!


My Red-Eyes deck has its own ace monster!

Next time, don't let me see the name of Salted Fish Eyes!

" Bekas:"Unbelievable!

What an interesting card!


You, I have the same idea as them.

I want to know more about the K-Snake company.

" GX world.

The students and teachers of the GX world also started a wave of banning cards and asking about the topic!

Principal Samejima:"Banning cards can be used as an interesting popular science, Mr.

You, please don't be stingy.

" Professor Chronos:"Mamma Mia!

That's what I mean!

Such a strong card!

It's a pity to ban it!

I, Leo Ku, also want to join Red Daddy!

" Yu Cheng Judai:"So what are K Snake's other ideas for restricting strong cards? Can there be a short video introduction?" Main world.

After watching the chat barrage between the DM world and the GX world!

Yu Chengxing thought of an important point.

For these anime characters in the duel world.

The ban card list is indeed a novel point.

Even though Seto Kaiba once mentioned the so-called ban card list in KC.

But for the other worlds.

This is still a point worth talking about.

Yu Chengxing:"Well, then I'll find you a short video about K Snake's method of restricting strong cards!

" Yu Chengxing:"I believe that through the explanation, you will have a better understanding of these concepts.

" You Chengxing:"It will also help you understand the subsequent video content.

" After speaking, You Chengxing immediately finalized the short video goal.

After playing, the sound in the video began to sound.

Sir who only loves insects:"Hello!

Good evening, card players!

" Sir who only loves insects:"Welcome to listen to my explanation of the knowledge points related to the K Snake banned card list.

" Sir who only loves insects:"First of all, ha!

Everyone knows!

" Sir who only loves insects:"When facing powerful cards, K Snake will observe and test the environment


"Wait until you are sure that the strength of the card will exceed the standard!"

"Bring a deck construction far into the mainstream of an environment"

"Or it is a cancer, or even the existence of t0"

"Then, you will be punished by K Snake next!" (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"There are a total of 4 sanctions for K-Snake!"

"The first option is to simply put the card in the banned card list!"

"Then they will be detained by prohibition, restriction 1, restriction 2, etc.!"

"For example, the most well-known card! [Super Magic Dragon Knight - Red-Eyes Dragoon] banned card!"

"The card left by the old man, what is the [Pot of Greed]】、【Angel's Charity】、【Hurricane】Wait card!"[]

"These are banned cards"


What the hell? ? ?

Red Daddy is a banned card, that's all!

What's going on!

Even Pot of Greed and Angel's Charity have become banned cards!

These cards!

On their side! Each of them has 3 cards!

These cards have become banned cards!

Then what other cards do they have?

DM World.

Hearing this news.

Yugi Muto, Seto Kaiba, Jonouchi, Peacock Dance, Bakura and others can't sit still!

These cards can be said to be their life-saving straws in critical moments!

Which one!

Isn't a card that can play a strong turnaround at a critical moment?

These cards are banned!

What the hell are they still playing! ?

GX World.

Hearing this news!

They can't sit still either!

Not to mention anything else!

Yuki Judai! It seems that he regards Pot of Greed and Angel's Charity as essential cards in his own deck!

Which card here!

Isn't the key to Yuki Judai's comeback?

As a result, they are all banned!

Yuki Judai must be the first one to not allow it!

"Damn! This higher world is crazy! Completely crazy!"

"I think so too, it must be crazy! Banning so many cards in my system!"

"That is to say! Then why should I play? Just quit the duel!"

"Although, since this thing called K-snake is banned, there must be a reason for it, right?"


The campus was immediately divided into two factions...........

Some people think that it is better to ban.

So many strong cards have been released, but they are still overturned by Pot of Greed every day!

How can we not ban it?


Naturally, some people think that banning is not good!

These cards are banned!

Then what is the point of entertainment duels?

Pot of Greed, Angel's Charity.

Which one can't add fun to the duel?

Even though they are still discussing.

But the playback of the short video is still going on!

Sir who only loves Bug Magic:"The next is the second way that K Snake will suppress strong cards."

Sir who only loves Bug Magic:"The second way is to come up with a deck system that specifically restrains mainstream decks."

Sir who only loves Bug Magic:"This one is more obscure and seems to give you a brand new and interesting system"

"But in fact, it can only work in that environment."

"For example, a system deck that relies on the graveyard"

"You can use the Gravekeeper Deck and the Royal Valley Field Magic Card to block it."

"Similar to this restrained method"

"Of course, this method may create a mainstream"

"So it's not very controllable."

"In addition, a strong card system is about to be released, and K Snake has something to think about!"

"They are too lazy to do it, so this method is not particularly common."


So that's it!

After hearing this!

They can finally confirm the role of this K Snake company.

It's not just about restricting cards. It turns out that it can also make cards!

In other words!

These powerful decks were all made by this K Snake! ?

DM World.

After Bekas got the answer he needed.

His face was a little ugly.

As a card maker, the father of Duel Monsters. He really wants to compete with this K Snake in card making ability!

Sir who only loves Bug Magic:"The next is the third way."

Sir who only loves Bug Magic:"This way is to directly change the effect of the card!"

Sir who only loves Bug Magic:"For example, the monster card [Three-eyed Monster from ancient times】!"

"Or maybe it's the [Ice Barrier Light Spear Dragon] that has been released after entering the small dark room and has its effect modified."

"Or maybe this card!"

"【Chaos Emperor Dragon - Messenger of the End-】!"

"This method is not actually used very often."

"But after the change"

"Basically, it has lost its original function."

"This is also a pity!"

"Many interesting effects lose their original glow and heat because of this method"


The third method.

All the duelists in the 6 duel worlds showed solemn expressions!


Is it possible to do this?

The cards have already been printed!

Can they still be used to change the effects to weaken them in disguise?

In this way!

This method!

Can indeed completely suppress strong cards!

And it can also let strong cards out of prison!


So many cards have already been printed and shipped out of the factory, and they have to be printed again. 4.2

This is also a big project!

It is not that simple!

Sir who only loves Bug Bewitching Demon:"The above 3 methods are actually more common."

Sir who only loves Bug Bewitching Demon:"There is also the last method."

Sir who only loves Bug Bewitching Demon:"The 4th one is much more cruel!"

Sir who only loves Bug Bewitching Demon:"Maybe many card players don’t know that this is the judgment effect after the secret modification!"

"simply put!"

"It’s just an adjustment to a certain judgment!"

"Keep it simple and straightforward!"

"A card A with one effect can be used as a certain card B!"

"In theory, card C refers to the field effect of card B."


"Can your C card also be used as A?"

"After all, A can also be used as B card!"

"But after the secret changes, the rules and judgments were adjusted!"

"Your C card! You can only use the B card!"

"You can't use an A pretending to be a B card!"


After listening to the last card reduction operation, all the duelists in the 6 duel worlds were shocked!


Is there such a disgusting operation to reduce cards?

This kind of secret modification effect!

If you don’t understand it, you may not know that such an effect exists!

After all, the modified judgment adjustment.

This method is completely different from the previous two methods!

The changes that come naturally are also different!

DM world.

After understanding all the operations about card reduction.

The old guard also has a certain understanding of the banned card list.

And why the effects of some cards in the higher world will be different from their cards.

After all, different worlds bring different rules.

It is for this reason that there will be interesting decks and constructions.....

I want to say: SAZ

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