The subsequent plot is constantly instilled into the memory of each duelist.

It is like a quick viewing of a flower, and then the subsequent plot gradually disappears.....

Yu Chengxing:"Okay, the fusion of the four dimensions of the ARC-V world is complete."

Yu Chengxing:"From now on, you four major dimensional protagonists will have your own souls and spiritual consciousness resonance."

Yu Chengxing:"I will not let any of you disappear."

"But don't break the rules of the world."

"Remember, I am from the higher world."

"Have absolute control"

"Believe it or not, you can try it."

"Once you have a dark thought, you will automatically disappear"


As Yugisei's voice appeared, words fell into everyone's mind one after another.

Everyone realized that their ARC-V world had been completely controlled.

The four dimensions!

They had completely merged at this moment!

Kurosaki Hayabusa and Yuto, who were originally planning to leave, were stunned.

In front of them, Ruri Saki had actually appeared.


Then what were they looking for?

At the same time.

The moment when the unbelieving Akaba Rei was about to have a dark thought!

His whole body began to turn into a bubble phantom!

Or it could be said that it disappeared like data!

"How is this possible!?"

"His words were actually true!"

"Who is he?"

Akama Zero King suppressed the darkness in his heart with fear.

The bubbles turned into phantoms and gradually disappeared as he suppressed the darkness in his heart.

Even after more than ten minutes,

Akama Zero King was still in a state of shock. After finishing the ARC-V world and continuing to study for a while,

Yu Chengxing has completely understood the specific role of this function.

In other words, he regards these worlds as worlds that he can control.

If he controls them like God.

Although it is a bit magical, but this is the fact.

"Phew, some useful features, but not much"

"I'm not some evil person."

"Let's look for other videos related to Cyber Dragon."

You Chengxing put this function aside.

Then he looked for videos related to Cyber Dragon on the short video platform.

This time,

You Chengxing actually found a video about Cyber Dragon that he had never seen before!

The title of the video is!

《Cyber Dragon has 8 counters in one turn! Make a happy day! 》

Cyber Dragon? 8 counters?

You know.

The strength of Cyber Dragon's deck has declined since Anaconda was banned.

And the deck itself is extremely easy to suspend.

It can be said to be ash, and it can't even make a compromise.

Dragon 133 core will be sent to death once it is ash.

Coming up with Dragon King is not as simple as it looks in the previous video.

After all.

Hope didn't bring hand trap interference

"Well, just look at this 8 Kang scene"

"How did the storyteller say it?"

You Chengxing blinked and clicked on the short video.

At this moment, the title of the short video also appeared in the 6 duel worlds.

GX world.

Seeing the title of Electronic Dragon 8 Kang, all the students and teachers were shocked!

If they were just starting out, and had not yet been baptized by short videos, they might have asked with confusion what 8 Kang meant?

But now, after experiencing multiple decks of first-hand explosive development, how could they not know what this 8 Kang meant?

"Electronic dragon? Can it be 8 Kang?"

"In other words! If it can be done!"

"Opponent! Doesn't that mean he can't make any moves?"

Principal Samejima took a breath!

He felt a chill down his spine when he thought of this?!

This is so freaking terrifying!

"Principal, let's wait and see what happens."

"I don't believe that all duelists in their higher world are masters of the electronic school!"

"What can I say! The electronic dragon is also difficult to master!"

"I wanted to obtain all the power of the electronic dragon!"

"During the underground duel......."

Caesar Liang gritted his teeth when he thought of this.

Memories are gradually flooding into his mind!

If Caesar Liang knew that the cards in their deck can actually be used to buy the cards he obtained when he awakened.

I wonder what Caesar Liang would think.

In the short video.

Soon another leader of the electronic school appeared in front of everyone.

The pure leader of the electronic school:"Um, ahem, welcome everyone to click to enter the content of this video." The pure leader of the electronic school:"I believe that all of you are old leaders of the electronic school, and you all want to struggle with Sabadora to consolidate the crazy attack!" The pure leader of the electronic school:"But unfortunately, the video I brought today is not about struggling infinitely."

"Instead, it is an entertaining performance venue that showcases the strength of Electronic Dragon Master Kong through simple operations!"

"As we all know, 4 Kang is the basic operation of electronic dragon"

"5 Kang and 6 Kang are not too difficult"

"What if I say I can achieve 8 healths to the maximum?"


After finishing the speech, the duel show officially begins!

First attack! The pure leader of the electronic school!

The pure leader of the electronic school:"It's my turn! I will directly activate the magic card [Emergency Call Electronic】!"

The leader of the Electronic School:"According to the effect, the deck searches for [Electronic Dragon Core】!"

The pure leader of the Cyber School:"Normal Summon Cyber Dragon Core!"

"Dragon Core takes effect, deck search [Computer Technology Horizon】"

"Horizon effect! I discard [Cyber Dragon Next Generation] in my hand and [Cyber Dark Bone】"

"Deck search [Electronic Dark Claw], additional deck to send to the grave [Electronic End Dragon】!"

"Dark Claw effect, discard yourself, deck search [Electronic Dark World】!"

"Activate Dark World, deck search [Electronic Dark Cannon】!"

"Dark Cannon Effect, Throw���Myself, Deck Search [Electronic Dark Chimera】!"

"Activate magic card! [Mechanical Copy】!"

"You can activate this effect by targeting 1 Machine-Type monster with 500 ATK or less on your field. Special Summon up to 2 monsters with the same name as that monster from your deck."

"Then! My deck will directly Special Summon 2 5-star Cyber Dragons with 2100 ATK"

"There are 2 5-star monsters! They are coming!"

"2 electronic dragon oppas!"

"Ultra Summon! [Cyber Dragon Nova】!"


All the students in the GX world.

Even Caesar Ryo and Principal Samejima thought he was going to take a fusion shot.

The moment of fusing 3 Cyber Dragons into a Cyber End Dragon!

The constructed Ultra Network!

The appearance of the black card. It directly killed the two of them CPU!

What the hell?

Cyber Dragon, how did Ultra suddenly appear?

I didn't see it when there were 3 Kaihuang Dragons before!

Could it be?

Is this the real development of the Cyber School?



There won't be another 1ink later, right?

And Caesar Ryo and Principal Samejima thought of this almost at the same time!

Then watching the short video!

Ultra is still upgrading!

The pure leader of the Cyber School:"Activate the Nova effect! Remove the material Cyber Dragon to revive the Cyber Dragon in the graveyard!" The pure leader of the Cyber School:

"Upgrade to Ultra Summon! [Cyber Dragon Infinite】!"

The leader of the Electronic School:"Dark World Effect, I Normal Summon [Electronic Dark Chimera]】!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Dark Chimera Effect, discard 1 card [Mechanical Night] in your hand, and search the deck [Power Welding】!"


"Dragon Core and Dark Chimera 1ink Summon!"

"Arrow confirmed! Link2!"

"【Electronic Dragon Triumph】!"


Sure enough!


Cyber Dragon has really developed to the 1ink era!

Everyone in the GX world had a brain short circuit at this moment!

Logically speaking!

Such a fusion-axis Cyber Dragon!

Shouldn't it be in the higher world, constantly moving towards the direction of fusion?

How could it be? 1ink and super?

Is this how the times have changed?

"Sure enough, their higher world electronic genres are different"

"Overload? Link?"

"So, are these all for the sake of preparation?"

Caesar Liang is not stupid. Seeing this, he has realized that his electronic dragon's thinking is completely different from that of the electronic dragons in the higher world.

If it were him, Caesar Liang[]

At this time.

Maybe it's just a matter of trying to survive.

And it's time to attack!

Start struggling, start power welding the 8000 attack power Cyber Dragon!

Start the Cyber Two-Headed Dragon to beat the opponent!

Principal Samejima looked solemn, and he naturally knew the meaning of Caesar Liang's words.

Sir, the Cyber Dragon School has changed!

In the short video, 1(adec)ink is finished.

But the field is still going on!

The pure leader of the Cyber School:"Dark Chimera Effect, the deck is stacked in the graveyard [Cyber Dark Blade】!"

The pure leader of the electronic genre:"I just [power welding]】!"

The pure leader of the electronic school:"Electronic Dark Blade, Dark Chimera, Dark Cannon,���Dark claws, dark bones!"

"Fusion Summon! [Armored Prison Dragon - Cyber Dark Nether Dragon】!"

"Activate the Armored Prison Dragon effect! Equip the Cyber End Dragon in the Graveyard!"

"Next! Do you need me to tell you what's going on?"

"Shout his name loudly! [Armored Emperor Dragon - Cyber Dark End Dragon】!!!"

The armored dragon appears again!

5000 attack power, high strength panel!

In addition, it has invincible resistance and the possibility of continuous attack!

It is reassuring!

But, obviously, this can't meet the so-called 8-combat!

The pure leader of the electronic school:"Then the electronic dragon and the triumph will continue 1ink!"

"Connect the arrows to confirm 3!"

"【Fantasy Beast Machine Dawn Goddess Hundred-headed Dragon】!"

"Activate the effect! Summon successfully. I directly summon 3 derivatives (Mechanical Style 3 Star Attack/Defense 0)!"

"Activate its 2nd effect! I blow up 1 of the tokens and [Phantom Beast Machine Dawn Goddess Hundred-Headed Dragon] itself!"

"The deck special summons [Phantom Beast Orion Flying Lion] adjusted to 3 stars!"

"2-star adjustment of Orion Flying Lion and 3-star derivatives!"

"Synchro Summon! [Accelerated Synchro】!"

"Fantasy Beast Machine effect, supplement summoning 3-star derivatives"


Acceleration, Synchro?

What the hell?

Cyber Dragon? How is it related to Synchro?

What's coming?

Stardust Dragon?

Flowing Star Dragon?

Savior Star Dragon?

In the chat group.

Seeing this, Yusei Immovable couldn't hold it anymore.

Yusei Immovable:"Huh? So this Cyber Dragon also wants to accelerate the synchronization and exceed the speed of light?"

Jack Atlas:"Hahaha! Yusei! I didn't expect that the scrap Synchro you saw in the trash can before would actually be fooled by someone!"

Long Ya:"Why do I have a bad feeling? It always feels that it's not that simple!"

Caesar Liang:"Seniors, you are joking. Maybe this is the understanding of the higher world. Let's continue to see."

Principal Samejima:"It's a small matter, it's all a small matter. The main thing is, what is this Synchro going to be?"

Everyone in the big group was having a great time chatting.

The short video is still going on!

The pure head of the Cyber School:"Activate the effect of the accelerated Synchro, the graveyard piles up the grave [Stardust Synchro】!"

The pure leader of the Electronic School:"The level of the Accelerator Synchronizer has dropped by 40% by 1 star!"

"The Stardust Synchronizer effect releases the special move of the derivative, and then synchronizes with the last 3-star derivative!"

"4 plus 3 equals 7!"

"Activate the effect! The deck flips through 3 equipment cards!"

"All are [re-integration】!"



It is really an equipment magic!

Sometimes I overlook it! I almost thought this card was a normal magic card!

And in the case of 3 choices, all are fusion!

No matter what the opponent chooses, the re-fusion will reach the hands of the electronic school!

The pure leader of the electronic school:"Activate the re-fusion effect! Pay 800 points! Resurrect the Armored Prison Dragon!"

The pure leader of the electronic school:"Armored Prison Dragon effect, equip the electronic end dragon!"

"Activate the [Mechanical Night] effect in the graveyard to exclude yourself!"

"I discard 1 card, deck search [Beast Wars"King" Leo】!"

"Activate the Leo effect, equip yourself with the [Phantom Beast Machine Orion Flying Lion], and then perform your own special move!"

"Armored Dragon effect, equip the Cyber Dragon of the graveyard"

"The end is just like this, all done!"

Is it done?

Is this the last step?


Where is the 8 counter?

If this is the scene!

It seems that something is missing, right?

Just when everyone was confused!

Everyone's eyes were immediately noticed by the Armored Prison Dragon!


This time the blogger Armored Prison Dragon did not become the second Armored Emperor Dragon!

In the chat group.

Caesar Liang and Principal Samejima immediately reacted and realized where the multiple counters were!

Caesar Liang:"You seniors should have seen it."

Caesar Liang:"The Armored Prison Dragon has an effect that when the opponent activates the effect of magic, trap, or monster, you can send 1 equipment card on your field to the graveyard to activate it. Invalidate its activation and destroy it."

Principal Samejima:"Yes, and this effect does not happen once per turn!"

Principal Samejima:"In other words, you can counter as many as you have!" Jonouchi

:"But? This [Re-fusion】、【Electronic Terminator Dragon】、【"Cyber Dragon Second Generation Stage] plus [Phantom Beast Machine Orion Flying Lion] is only 4, right?"

Muto Yugi:"Jounouchi, you also have to count the Cyber Dragon's unlimited 1 three-color counter, and the self-liberation effect counter of [Beast Wars"King" Leo]."

Izayoi Akira:"Everyone, according to what you said, isn't the total only 6 counters?"

The chat in the large group has begun to analyze what counters are.


Just these, are not enough?


Could it be? Synchro?

The 6 Duel Worlds immediately felt a chill on their backs! They almost ignored the synchro! It was also at this moment!

The explanation followed.

The pure head of the electronic school:"5 magic trap grids are stuck, so where are the next few counters?" The pure head of the electronic school:"In simple terms, once the opponent activates the magic trap, the armored prison dragon counter will be lost"

"We can chain this monster."

"That's right! Accel Synchro is 1 star! Tool Dragon is 7 stars!"

"We directly chained the Armored Prison Dragon and the opponent accelerated and summoned the [Barrel Loading Ferocious Dragon】!"

"【The effect of [Barrel Loading Savage Dragon] is!"

"If this card is successfully Synchro Summoned, you can activate this card. Select 1 Link Monster from your Graveyard and equip it to this card as an Equip Card, and place Barrel Counters on this card according to the number of Link Markers."

"And there are as many effects as there are indicators!"

"And in the graveyard, do you remember 1ink3's [Phantom Beast Machine Dawn Goddess Hundred-Headed Dragon]?"

With this explanation at the end!

The faces of the duelists from the 6 major duel worlds suddenly changed!

3 link marks! 3 indicators! 3 con!

The previous 6 con minus 1 con plus 3 con!

Equals! 8 con!

Just right! It is the limit of 8 con!!.

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