Brother Yidao! Dealing with the ridiculously strong card of Gaika!

In the DM world, a storm immediately arose!

Yugi Muto and Atum had to fall into deep thought during their conversation.

The content of this world was too much of a dimensionality reduction blow for them.

"Another me"

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon is so strong? I wonder if the Black Mage will"


Yugi Muto is beginning to look forward to the Dark Mage.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Dark Mage must also be able to strike with dimensionality reduction!

"Well, Aibo"

"But don't rush"

"These contents do not seem to be something we can specify"

"Didn't you notice?"

"The changes in the content seemed to be controlled by the hand of God."

Pharaoh Atum was the first to discover that something was wrong.

That is, there would be several adjustments in the playback of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon video.

And the situation was just as Atum said!

After watching the short five or six minutes of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon video.

The next video began to jump quickly again!

《Are you sure you are playing Blue-Eyes White Dragon correctly? Remember these tips!》

《What era is this? Are you still playing traditional White Dragon?》

《How to play Ritual White Dragon? Look at me!》....

The video content jumped quickly, as if it was out of control.

And big data will recommend related videos based on the videos you watched.

These are all what Kaiba Seto wanted to watch!

So when he saw that the content of these videos had been swiped away.

Kaiba Seto was stunned!

Why is it jumping like at the beginning?

Didn't Blue-Eyes White Dragon continue to watch?......

Main world.

Yu Chengxing felt a little sleepy after playing Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

This new APP did not make him feel anything special.

It was just like an ordinary short video platform.

In other words, it was somewhat similar to Bilibili.

【Ding! Congratulations on watching a complete video!】

【Congratulations to the host for receiving a 1,000 yuan red envelope reward】

【Please click on the SMS link to bind the payment account. 】

A string of SMS messages popped up in the background.

This made You Chengxing, who was originally sleepy, no longer sleepy!

What the hell!

Money?! What the hell?

Is it true?

You Chengxing swallowed his saliva and subconsciously thought it was a scam message.

But he still clicked it.

After some operations.

Soon, a transfer message of 1,000 yuan appeared in the bank!

"No! Are you serious?"

"Can you really give me money if I watch the entire short video on this app?"

"Then what kind of job am I looking for? Just watch the video!"

"A few years later! I will buy Kounami directly! I will let them print cards for me!"

"Hahahaha! So cool!"

"By the way, I also collected the Mirror Broken Cards and the Commemorative Cards!"

You Chengxing said to himself excitedly for a while!

He immediately opened the Master Duel APP and started watching videos crazily!

And the next video is!

《The correct way to open a hero! I want to super merge immediately! 》

At the beginning of the video!

The hero construction screen has appeared in the eyes of all major worlds!

The first to react greatly!

Naturally, it was the GX world

"What kind of hero is this?"

"How come there is everything!"

"No! That's a bit too much!"

"Elemental Hero? Destiny Hero? Phantom Hero? Masked Hero? Evil Hero......."

"So many fields mixed together?"

"Can this be linked?"

Yucheng Judai immediately started to complain!

Looking at the various hero cards in the construction, it was both strange and familiar!

"No? Is my destiny hero among them?"

"There is a big problem with this person's construction!"


"I'm not a professional player, so I don't know how to build a deck."

"that's all!"

""It's so hard to get stuck with the hand bag!"

Ed Phoenix also complained about this build!

Both experts who are proficient in heroes said so!

Naturally, other students and teachers around were not very optimistic about this build!

After all, heroes! In their cognition.

Elemental heroes can only play elemental heroes.

Destiny heroes can only play destiny heroes.

How can there be any linkage between elements and destiny?.......

DM world.

Kaiba Seto and the others were still reminiscing about the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

But Jonouchi and the others had already jumped out of it and focused all their attention on the hero.

"Hero construction? What is this hero?"

"How come I have never heard of it?"

Jionouchi frowned. After so many games, he had never heard of any hero.

It was just a fantasy, right?

"In Jonouchi, hero is just a general term."

"You see there are other fields in this system"

"Fate, Elements, Phantom, Mask"

"It can be seen that this system is very mixed."

"I guess, most likely not very strong."

"After all, it's not like my Amazon and Condor Girl combined"

"This, too many combinations!"

Peacock Dance's first impression was the same as that of Yuki Judai and others in the GX world.

The mixture of systems made her unconvinced by this system.

Jonouchi also calmed down after hearing this.

Perhaps, you will know after watching it.

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