After Wearing the Book, I Became the Villain’s Contract Beast

Chapter 111 It's not handsome to frown

Yan Jinyu naturally knew that those people were sent by Concubine Fu Gui, but she didn't expect that their target was Tang Guo, and the anger in her heart suddenly increased.

He made a gesture to the air, and Yan Feng immediately led his men to chase after him, and the people in Jiaofangdian really should beat and beat, even the master's beloved pet was missed.


Tang Guo crawled from Yan Jinyu's arms to his shoulders, one paw resting on his tightly locked brows, the soft paw pads gently smoothed out those gullies.

It's not cool to frown.

The rage in Yan Jinyu's heart was also miraculously calmed down. Looking sideways at Tang Guo, he always felt that this was a strange creature.

It can make him laugh, it can make him sleep peacefully, and it can easily smooth out the hostility in his heart.

"There is a kind of fruit on the top of the highest peak of Fuyun Mountain, which is very sweet."

Tang Guo's eyes lit up, "Squeak."

Then go quickly, take me there.

Yan Jinyu smiled, and was about to turn around to ride the horse, when suddenly, an arrow flew over and knocked the horse down, it didn't die, but it couldn't ride anymore.

In the air, bloody and murderous aura mixed together, gradually permeating the surroundings, enveloping Yan Jinyu and Tang Guo.

"Guoguo, go to that tree and wait."

Yan Jinyu cleverly threw Tang Guo onto the trunk of the big tree next to him. He could feel the strength of these killers. Yan Feng and the others hadn't come back yet, so he couldn't take the risk of taking Guoguo with him.

The moment Tang Guo landed on the thickest tree trunk, dozens of killers suddenly rushed up from all directions.

They all covered their faces and quickly surrounded Yan Jinyu, even forming a sword formation.

Yan Jinyu narrowed her eyes slightly, her hostility rose sharply, and the corner of her mouth slowly raised an almost cruel smile, "Phantom Formation, the studio really paid a lot of money to kill this king."

The killers seemed not surprised by Yan Jinyu's ability to accurately name the formation, they exchanged glances with each other, and then moved their hands.

The phantom sword formation requires everyone in the formation to have a very high attainment of lightness kung fu, coming and going like the wind, leaving only a phantom to the enemy.

Tang Guo on the tree could only see streaks of light and shadows surrounding Yan Jinyu, surrounded by evil winds, all the leaves were swept away by the sword energy, but the person in the center remained motionless.


Big pig's hoof, why don't you fight back!

Hearing her voice, Yan Jinyu gave her a reassuring look, and then suddenly pulled out the soft sword at her waist.

Sword Qi and Stellar Qi swung out violently, and directly shot down a killer who was about to attack Yan Jinyu in mid-air. There was a vacancy in the formation, but it was quickly filled by another killer.

It was obvious that he had already made all the preparations.

With one enemy fifty, even Yan Jinyu couldn't get away quickly, not to mention this difficult sword formation. He was defending while trying to find a way to break the formation. At this moment, Yan Feng and others rushed back .


Yan Feng was planning to take people to defeat them one by one, but was stopped by Yan Jinyu, "Concentrate on the same direction."

As a result, the speed of several killers at the attack position of Yan Feng and others was forced to slow down, unable to cooperate with the offensive of the entire sword array, and loopholes appeared like this.

Yan Jinyu made a false move, waved his left hand, and shook the person in front of him away, turned his right wrist, and pointed the point of the sword at the loophole.

The two fell to the ground with the sword.

This time, Yan Jinyu didn't give them a chance to make up for their seats. With a quick flash, she stood in that position, swung the sword flower quickly, and directly wiped the necks of the two people in front and behind.

Seeing this, Yan Feng immediately led people to fill the two positions, followed the example, and began to break them one by one.

Soon, all fifty people fell to the ground. Except for the first two killers who were still breathing, the other forty-eight people all died.

Yan Jinyu turned her head to look at the tree before, but her pupils shrank suddenly.

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