"Big Sister, the fish are not in the river, but up there."

One pointed to the top.

Tang Guo looked over and took a closer look, "The fish is actually in the waterfall!"

Those fish fell down the waterfall from above, and their tails kept swaying in the process, as if they were attracting people to catch them.

And then... baked and eaten.

Many people jumped up one after another, catching the fish against the pressure of the waterfall, and after landing, they held it in front of Tang Guo.

"Big sister, this kind of fish is called eyebrow spot. It has aura, but it is too delicate. You must catch them before they fall into the water below, or you will fall to your death."

Tang Guo was stunned, "The fish will still fall to death? In the water?"

"The power of this waterfall is great, and the brow spots are also affected." Someone explained.

At this time, someone caught many more and put them in their respective barrels.

"Big Sister, take a rest first. We must hurry up. Today's task is to catch a thousand fish. If we fail, we will be punished tomorrow."

"What punishment?" Tang Guo didn't care much.

"No food." One person said.

Tang Guo stared, filled with righteous indignation, "No food? It's so inhumane!"

Turning her head, she looked in the direction of the waterfall, "One thousand, right? Just wait!"

With a whoosh, Tang Guo's body jumped out. As soon as she got under the waterfall, she felt an almost overwhelming pressure, which made her almost breathless and couldn't even stand still.

"Pfft!" Tang Guo spat out the water flowing into his mouth, and looked up.

Isn't it just catching fish?

This baby is an ancient beast!

Slightly released some animal breath, the falling eyebrow grouper began to swing more violently, and was struggling to swim upstream.

"Want to run?"

Tang Guo hooked his lips, jumped up, and grabbed one.

Turn around and grab another one.

"Accept it!"

Throwing the two fish to the people on the shore, Tang Guo turned around and continued to catch them.


"There are two more!"

The people on the shore are very busy, this is simply the most relaxing task they have ever experienced, there is nothing to do, just stand here and wait to catch the fish.

"Sister, one thousand is enough!"

Just after noon, the person in charge of counting shouted at Tang Guo in the waterfall.

"Strange, what is the eldest sister doing there? She hasn't thrown any fish to us for a long time, and she won't come back."

"Could it be leg cramps? The water is quite cold. I also had cramps last time."

While everyone was talking, Tang Guo suddenly came back with empty hands, but a satisfied smile was on the corner of his mouth.

"That's enough, right? Let's go then."

A mighty group of people returned to the Wulian Courtyard and handed over a thousand fish to Xing Lan, thus completing today's task.

When Xing Lan saw it, she was very surprised, "You finished it so quickly?"

"Of course, our eldest sister has a terrible head."

Everyone couldn't help thinking that this eldest sister was much stronger than the previous one. In the past, she only knew how to be mean to them and take credit for their achievements, but now it's them who enjoy it.

Xing Lan glanced at Tang Guo, and was about to record everyone's results today in the notebook, when an indistinguishable voice came.


Tang Guo glanced at the young man he met at the gate of the Moon Mountain Villa. This time he was wearing lavender, and the material and workmanship were top-grade. He still held the folding fan in his hand and kept shaking it.

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