"Hey, my little Tang Guo, you can't call the young master and the young lady by their first names, you have to remember them in the future, do you understand?" Xing Lan quickly reminded.

Tang Guo nodded, "Oh."

It turns out that brat is afraid of aunt, hehe, next time I see aunt, if I don't sue, I won't be an ancient beast!

"Okay, today's task is complete, you guys should rest early, tomorrow is the next level, the Snake Cave."

As soon as Xing Lan's voice fell, everyone's face fell.

The snake cave has always been the place they are most afraid of.

Xing Lan sighed, "I know you are afraid, but there is nothing you can do about it. Many of you have failed the test for many years. Are you really willing to stay in this Wulian Academy for the rest of your life? Or are you willing to be deported?" Go back to your hometown?"

"We don't want to!"

"I don't want to go back!"

Everyone shook their heads.

During dinner that night, the atmosphere was a bit gloomy. Several older women even took out some fine wines from their collection and got a little drunk.

"What's wrong with them?"

It was rare for Tang Guo to separate his attention from the food, and looked at those people who were crying while drinking, with a puzzled expression on their faces.

The woman sitting next to her is called Chen Wenjing, with the same temperament as her name, calm and bookish.

"At this time every year, they have to get drunk a few times like this."

"Why?" Tang Guo looked at her.

Chen Wenjing sighed, "Of course it's for the assessment. There are hundreds of people who pass the assessment in Wulian Academy every year. Each of these hundreds of people wants to go to Longyin Academy, but how many people can really pass the assessment? indivual?"

"Is the assessment difficult?"

Chen Wenjing smiled, "I came to Wulian Academy at the age of fifteen, and now I am thirty years old. My cultivation is considered to be above average among these people. Do you think the assessment is difficult?"

After a pause, Chen Wenjing sighed again, "My family has urged me several times, saying that if I didn't come here at my age, I would have married and had children long ago, and the children would run around everywhere, but I am not reconciled, I will work hard After so many years and so much sacrifice, I still can’t escape the fate of giving birth to children and raising children for the rest of my life, how can I be reconciled?”

On the side, another woman also came over. Her name is Li Xiang, and she is five years older than Chen Wenjing.

"Hehe, I received a letter from my family a few days ago, saying that if I don't go back this year, I will never go back." As she spoke, the tears from the corners of her eyes dripped into the wine glass in her hand, and then, The wine was drunk along with the tears.

"This time may be the last time I take the exam. If I still fail, I will accept my fate. Maybe I am not suitable to take this path. My parents are getting old. Go back and be filial to them, even if you can't get married. It’s also good to accompany them well.”

Even though he said that, Tang Guo still saw in Li Xiang's eyes the same unwillingness as Chen Wenjing.

That's right, whoever has worked hard for so many years, but in the end still wants to live an ordinary life like ordinary people, who would be willing?

"Have you all not passed the assessment for many years?"

Tang Guo sat up straight, stayed away from the food at the dinner table for the first time, and focused entirely on other people.

"It's only the second year for us, but seeing the hard work of all the sisters, we also thought that if we still can't do it this year, we will give up."

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