Tang Guo looked indifferent, "I'm sorry, the wrinkles on your face are so ugly, it made my feet tremble in fright."

Li Xiang and others: "..."

The big sister is the big sister, and she is so confident in lying.

The old lady seemed to have been stepped on against the scales, and a strong murderous intent burst out of her eyes. She jumped up quickly, raised her arms, and swung a poisonous needle towards Tang Guo.

"Sister, be careful!" A reminder came from below.

Tang Guo dodged sideways, the poisonous needle flew past her eyes, her left ear moved slightly, and felt the ruthless palm wind hit.

Li Xiang waited for someone to stamp his feet in a hurry, "If I knew it, I wouldn't have jumped down so early, and now I don't even want to help the eldest sister."

"She must have designed it. She knew that the Snake Cave was restricted here, and once she jumped off, she couldn't jump back up again, so she waited until the end before attacking the elder sister."

"But Xu Wanyin is usually honest and mediocre, otherwise she wouldn't have failed the assessment for so many years, and forced herself to become an old woman. How could she suddenly become so powerful?"

On the other side, the old lady Xu Wanyin had already attacked Tang Guo. Her nails suddenly became very long, black and purple, which was weird. They were quite beautiful at first, but looking up, the back of her hand was full of wrinkles. And the build-up of loose skin spoils it all perfectly.


The long nails tried to scratch Tang Guo's face, but Tang Guo successfully avoided it.


A pair of large scissors suddenly appeared in Tang Guo's hands and cut off Xu Wanyin's nails.

"Come on, continue."

Tang Guo shook the scissors.

Xu Wanyin looked at her broken nail and was full of anger, "You! Damn it!"

She attacked again, as if she was surrounded by black mist. Such a black mist made Tang Guo narrow her eyes.

"Tsk tsk."

It's really familiar.

"Hehehe, I was recognized by you." Xu Wanyin's voice suddenly changed, no longer old, but with a charming female voice.

"It seems that you miss me, otherwise you wouldn't have recognized me so quickly." Xu Wanyin smiled.

Tang Guo shook his head, "The creases on your face are so ugly, and with your voice, it's really disgusting."

The laughter stopped, and Xu Wanyin's facial features were hideous, "Yeah, everyone in this world is ugly. After all, no one is as blessed as you. All good things belong to you. This face, this blood, this identity, and that body ability……"

The more she said, the angrier Xu Wanyin became, and the thicker the black mist on her body became.

"Now, you're finally back, but it's not enough." Xu Wanyin's eyes suddenly became strange and sinister, "The Middle Continent is just a transition, I will give you ten years, after ten years, if you don't go to the Higher Continent Continental, then, this game is won by me, then, I will personally come and destroy you."

"This time, you will be thorough, soul, fly, soul, and loose!"

Xu Wanyin laughed, and rushed towards Tang Guo suddenly, hitting the scissors in Tang Guo's hand just like that.


It was the sound of scissors piercing into the body.

The black mist dissipated suddenly, and disappeared with a triumphant laugh.

Tang Guo looked at Xu Wanyin, who was lying in front of her, and curled her lips, "Peng Cier, at least you stayed to blackmail me, why did you run away?"

Crouching down, Tang Guo breathed out Xu Wanyin's breath.


Take your pulse again.

He was not stabbed to death by scissors, but had already lost his breath before.

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