Because of this incident, Yan Jinyu and others were isolated by other people in the men's court. After that, when they went out to do tasks every day, they would be provoked and framed in various ways, and they narrowly escaped several times.

Yan Jinyu never mentioned these things to Tang Guo, and would arrive at her room on time every night and hug her to sleep.

In the morning, she would get up early again, prepare a breakfast for her by herself, and then leave.

At the women's courtyard, Xing Lan and the others turned a blind eye to Yan Jinyu's appearance every day, and even made fun of Tang Guo from time to time during the day.

In this way, the time has reached the tenth day, which is also the last stage of the assessment.

More than half of the people in the men's courtyard have been dismissed.

As for the women's courtyard, except for Xu Wanyin who died at the beginning, the rest of the people persisted here.

Li Xiang: "The final test is different every year, and I don't know what this year is?"

"Whatever it is, it must be difficult and dangerous, and we're used to it."

Chen Wenjing: "So what? We have persisted until here, no matter how difficult it is, we have to break through, just like what the elder sister said, at least we have worked hard, and we will not regret it in retrospect."

Tang Guo didn't expect her chicken soup for the soul to be really useful, so she smiled and set off with everyone.

This time, they came to a mountain behind the waterfall.

"The test is within this cave."

Xing Lan walked in with everyone, and the shop was filled with an unbearable heat.

"Is this magma?"

"It's really magma!"

Only then did everyone realize that there was a piece of magma inside the cave, and above the magma, there were some iron chains hanging.

"Today's test is to persist on the iron chain for twelve hours. By this time tomorrow, those who stay on the iron chain will successfully pass this year's test and be able to go to Longyin Academy."

After Xing Lan finished explaining, she raised her arm and swung everyone into the air.

In order not to fall, they can only firmly hold on to the nearest iron chain.

Xing Lan left.

Li Xiang and the others are suffering in pain.

"The iron chain is so hot, I feel like my hands are going to be burned."

"The temperature of the magma is too high, and these iron chains are naturally hot, so hold on."

Tang Guo didn't speak, she held the iron chain with one hand, and took out a fruit from the space ring with the other, and was gnawing on it.

Eat and cool naturally.

This is her motto now.

"No, I can't hold on anymore!" Someone cried suddenly.

Her body slid down little by little, and her hands holding the iron chain were already covered with blood.

Li Xiang: "Hold on, you will be swallowed by magma if you fall!"

"But I really can't hold on!"

Chen Wenjing: "Think about all the hardships you have suffered before, think about your back injury, you have paid so much, and finally persisted to this level, are you really willing to give up like this?"

The man was naturally unwilling, gritted his teeth, and tried his best to climb up.

After eating and drinking, Tang Guo suddenly said, "Aren't you... sleepy?"

It's so hot here, people who are hot want to sleep.

Everyone: "..."

"Sister, aren't you afraid?" Li Xiang asked.

Tang Guo blinked, "I'm just a little hungry."

She rubbed her belly with one hand, she was so hungry, she really wanted to eat fish grilled with big pig's trotters.

Li Xiang and others were completely speechless, didn't you eat so much just now? Why are you still hungry?

During these twelve hours, everyone spent watching Tang Guo eat. Every time Tang Guo would generously ask them if they wanted to eat, but no one dared to really nod.

If you can't hold the iron chain with two hands, how dare you use one hand to eat?

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