Yan Jinyu noticed Fu Yizhi's movement, her pupils shrank, her shoulders were lifted, and she swung the long sword away with her backhand.

Fu Yizhi dodged in a hurry, subconsciously hooked his fingers, grabbed Yan Jinyu's underwear, and pulled it open when he backed away.


Yan Jinyu's clothes were torn, revealing her bronze-colored strong arms.

Fu Yizhi froze in place.

He even let Yan Jinyu's palm wave, without dodging.


He was knocked to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.

But he, who always loves to clean, didn't wipe it, but got up quickly and walked forward.

"Show me your back!"

Yan Jinyu frowned, it was too late to stop her.

After all, his clothes were torn, and half of his back was exposed like this.

Fu Yizhi stared blankly at the back of Yan Jinyu's shoulder, where his heart was facing, a birthmark with a sun and moon interlaced pattern was clearly printed there.

In the dark night, no color can be seen, but the outline is so clear.


Pointing at the birthmark, Fu Yizhi looked at Yan Jinyu with astonishment and disbelief.

"Fu Yizhi!"

Suddenly, a gentle and powerful voice sounded.

Fu Yizhi shuddered reflexively, and when she turned her head, she saw Fu Zhiyuan and Fu Mengke walking quickly.

"Uncle Six, Auntie, he..."

"He what? Who told you to come here? It's an assessment, what are you doing here? I'm itchy again and want to do punishment tasks, right?"

Fu Mengke's crackling words interrupted Fu Yizhi.

"But he..."

Fu Yizhi still wanted to explain, but still pointed at Yan Jinyu's back.

Fu Zhiyuan walked over, with a rare expression on his face, "Trasing into the examination place without permission, I will punish Fu's family rules to copy a hundred times, otherwise he will not be allowed to leave the room."

Fu Yizhi was stunned, "Hundred times? My fingers will be useless, Uncle Six, listen to my explanation..."

Before he finished speaking, Fu Yizhi was directly tapped on the Ya acupoint by Fu Mengke, staring blankly, unable to speak a word.

Turning his head, Fu Mengke looked at Yan Jinyu, observed his expression, but found nothing.

The stinky boy is quite deep in his thoughts, is he suspicious or not?

"Hehe, it's nothing. I'm a junior at home, and the child is not very sensible. I'll take him back and educate him well. You should have completed the assessment, right? Then go out quickly. You've been tossing around for so long. Go back and take a good bath." , take a nap."

Turning around, Fu Mengke left. Of course, he did not forget to carry Fu Yizhi who could not speak.

Fu Zhiyuan also took a few steps, but stopped, took out a set of clothes from the interspatial ring and threw it to Yan Jinyu.

"It's cold at night, put it on."

After the words fell, Fu Zhiyuan left, with a little haste in his steps.

Yan Jinyu lowered his eyes, looked at the robe in his hand, his eyes darkened, and then glanced at his back. Although he couldn't see anything, he still understood what was on him.

It seems that guess is getting closer and closer to the truth.

"It's very cold at night, but why did you only give me one piece of clothing? We are all wearing an undershirt, too." Yan Feng was puzzled.

Dao Yuansi: "Maybe...he only has this piece of clothing in his interspatial ring?"

Only Zhuge Ye saw that something was wrong with the two brothers and sisters, walked up to Yan Jinyu, and handed over a bottle, "Twice a day, perfectly cover all birthmarks, before the strength is not enough to deal with everything, some things should not be exposed .”

Yan Jinyu nodded and took the bottle.

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