The delicate bamboo forest, even at night, has a faint fragrance of bamboo.

The night wind blows, and the bamboo leaves rustle.

Blow an alternative movement for this empty and lonely night.

Under the only gazebo in the forest, a very lonely and cold figure stood with his hands behind his back.

Yan Jinyu paused.

Is it Fu Zhiyuan?

When Xu Shi heard the voice, Fu Zhiyuan turned around, his voice was faint, unable to hear the waves, "Come?"

Yan Jinyu walked in, fisting Fu Zhiyuan with both hands.

This is respect for the strong.

Fu Zhiyuan looked at Yan Jinyu's hair, the hand behind his back, and his fingers moved slightly.

"sit down."

He pointed to the stone bench beside him, but he didn't respond for a while.

Seeing him like this, Yan Jinyu couldn't sit there first, and the two of them just froze here.

Not far away, Fu Mengke hid in the dark, anxious as if there were countless kittens scratching.

My brother, why are you so reserved? The brat is so smart, you will reveal your secrets like this.

Yan Jinyu looked at Fu Zhiyuan, for some reason, but felt that the expression on his face was a bit cramped, "Senior?"

Fu Zhiyuan seemed to have just recovered, and sat down with hands and feet.

Yan Jinyu felt even more strange, sitting opposite him, still looking at him.

His eyes were not explicit, and he tried his best to maintain it, without any disrespect, but it still made Fu Zhiyuan's palms sweat.

"Senior, why are you looking for me?" Yan Jinyu opened his mouth.

Fu Zhiyuan raised his eyes, just like his voice, as long as his eyes are focused on a person, there seems to be a warmth covering them.

However, Yan Jinyu was born with an iceberg body.

Except for Tang Guo, anyone's tenderness and warmth are useless to him.

Therefore, this warmth was isolated outside a certain range, and did not penetrate into Yan Jinyu's heart.

"Recently, how are you?"

"In Wulianyuan, are you still used to it?"

"Did someone bully you?"

After asking three times in a row, even Yan Jinyu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the young owner of Geyue Villa, who was so powerful and respected by thousands of people, would only ask him such simple questions.

And these questions coincided with the guess in Yan Jinyu's mind.

"Senior, do you know Fu Yongshi?" Yan Jinyu asked back.

Fu Zhiyuan was startled, obviously he did not expect Yan Jinyu to ask such a question suddenly.

Even Fu Mengke, who was in the distance, was taken aback and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Stinky boy, why are you thinking so fast?"

Yan Jinyu's earlobe moved slightly, her eyes flickered slightly, she quickly glanced to the side from the corner of her eye, and then quickly retracted it, understanding.

Before Fu Zhiyuan could figure out how to speak, Yan Jinyu's voice sounded again.

"Senior, you should know that I am not easy to fool."

As soon as this remark came out, it indicated that he knew about Fu Zhiyuan and others investigating him, but he hadn't exposed it all this time.

Fu Zhiyuan stared at him in a daze, then sighed lightly, smiled lowly, his stiff body immediately relaxed, and he even spoke more naturally.

"You are really smart."

These words were an admission of everything Yan Jinyu suspected.

Raising his hand, Fu Zhiyuan picked up the white jade wine jug on the stone table, first poured a glass for Yan Jinyu, then filled his own, ignored Yan Jinyu, and drank it all by himself.

Fu Mengke, who was in the dark, was taken aback for a moment, his eyes widened in fright, her brother actually drank alcohol!

After the smell of alcohol dissipated in his mouth, Fu Zhiyuan spoke again, "I have a story to tell you, do you want to hear it?"

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