After Zhuge Ye went back, he remained silent all the time, his mind was always wandering, and his brows frowned from time to time, as if he was worrying about something.


Another sigh.

Tang Guo blinked, "The six hundred and seventy-seventh time."

"Tang Guo, what are you counting?" Fu Yizhi looked curious.

At this time, they were in the small dining hall of the college, and Yan Jinyu pushed a plate of spicy chicken in front of Fu Yizhi.

"Eat without words."

The kid talks a lot.

Fu Yizhi's eyes lit up, and the corner of his mouth grinned directly to his earlobe.

My cousin actually gave him food, it was a whole plate.

It seems that my cousin's heart is not as cold as his surface.

Happily eating a mouthful of food, Fu Yizhi's entire face turned red in an instant, his mouth was on fire, and his voice was hoarse, "Water...water..."

Zhuge Ye's attention was drawn back, and he silently pushed the teacup over.

There were not a few people in the dining hall, because of the previous rumors, everyone was eating while giving half of their attention to Yan Jinyu's table.

Seeing Fu Yizhi like this, the nearest people quickly handed over the teacups.

"Master Yi, drink tea."

"I have them here too."

"Everyone in the whole continent knows that Master Yi of the Moon Mountain Villa can't eat spicy food, why do you still give him spicy chicken?"

"Could it be intentional?"

Fu Yizhi ignored them and picked up the teapot on the table. For the first time, he didn't care about his appearance and demeanor. He raised his head and drank the whole pot of tea.


The teapot was put down heavily.

Fu Yizhi took out a brocade handkerchief, and wiped the corners of his lips carefully, with a kind of nobility in his casual movements, which emanated from his bones.

Raising eyebrows, "My cousin was just joking with me. I want to try the spicy taste and challenge myself. Do you have any opinions?"

Danfeng's eyes were slanted, with a coldness in them, and the tip of her tongue lightly licked her thin lips, as if she didn't pay attention to anyone, her attitude was extremely arrogant, but no one here dared to feel dissatisfied.

Just because he is Fu Yizhi, and his surname is Fu.

The others retreated, and Fu Yizhi sat down again.

"You can't eat spicy food?" Tang Guo asked.

Fu Yizhi glanced at Yan Jinyu, and suddenly lost the aura of being angry with others just now, and there was a pair of eyes that clearly said 'please pay attention'.

"'s not that you can't eat..."

"If you can't eat, you can't eat. Don't be brave."

Yan Jinyu spoke, and then put a small box on the table.

From such a distance, Fu Yizhi could smell the strong medicinal fragrance emanating from there.

Tang Guo was a little surprised, "Qingling ointment?"

Even Zhuge Ye's thoughts were pulled back by the fragrance of the medicine, and then he glanced at Fu Yizhi's lips.

Naturally, Tang Guo also saw it, tried her best to suppress her smile, and pushed the Qingling ointment forward, "This ointment is very useful, try it."

Fu Yizhi was slightly taken aback, seeing Tang Guo pointing at his mouth and holding back a smile, only then did he notice that his lips were numb and tingling.

I raised my hand and touched it, but felt nothing.

Fu Yizhi hurried back to the room, leaned over to look in front of the Linghua mirror.

The appearance is still the same, but there is an extra pair of swollen lips.

Footsteps came from behind, it was Tang Guo and Yan Jinyu.

"Here, you put it on now, and you should be fine tomorrow." Tang Guo handed the Qingling ointment over, and added in a low voice, "This ointment is very precious, and my brother would not be willing to use it on weekdays."

Fu Yizhi instantly revived with full blood, and his cousin was reluctant to use it, but gave it to him. It was indeed cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and the way of apologizing was so different.

Today is over, please ask for another wave of tickets, good night, love you

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