Feng Ji also looked at Xu Hesnipe and Yuan Huaqing, his expression darkened, "You two, I am so disappointed."

Xu Hexie was shocked, "Master, I..."

Feng Ji raised his hand and stopped Xu Hesnipe's words, "For the sake of calling me uncle, I will give you another chance."

Feng Ji pointed to the subdued beasts, "Manic fans, what's going on?"

Xu Hexie frowned, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he quickly glanced at Yuan Huaqing.

Yuan Huaqing's face turned pale, he understood exactly what Xu Hesnipe's eyes meant just now.

He is giving up on himself.

"Uncle, this matter was done by Yuan Huaqing. I knew it at the time, but I just thought about it. Maybe this is a test for the Imperial Beast Academy, and it has already happened, and there is no way to save it, so I brought a group of teachers The students have rushed over, firstly, they can observe the first call of the three freshmen, and secondly, there are too many people, so they can also help."

Tang Guo and Fu Yizhi curled their lips together, with disdain flashing in their eyes.



The two of them said a sentence, with similar expressions.

After looking at each other for the last time, Qiqi said, "Shameless."

Many people around shook their shoulders and held back their laughter, but they didn't dare to make too much noise, for fear of offending Xu Hesnipe, so they would wear small shoes for them in the future.

The students of the Spiritual College looked at Yuan Huaqing in astonishment, unable to believe that the teacher they had always respected and loved would actually spread fanaticism in the back mountain, intending to cause a wave of beasts.

"No, it's impossible. How could the teacher do such a thing? There must be a misunderstanding."

Regardless of the pain in his body, Zhang Heng stood up and raised his objection.

Dao Yuansi was not far away from Zhang Heng, and he glanced at Zhang Heng, "But when he was in the back mountain, Deputy Academician Yuan did disappear for a while, although the time was short, but if he was going to spread fanaticism, it would be fine." enough."

"Don't think I don't know that you and Yan Jinyu are in the same group. You say that to frame the teacher. Why did the teacher do this? What good does it do him?"

Zhang Heng still refused to believe it, and even attributed all this to Yan Jinyu and others' prejudice against Yuan Huaqing.

It's their plot, it must be.

Tang Guo took a step forward and said in a concentrated voice, "Because I'm in the Imperial Beast Academy, he wants to help Dean Xu deal with me."

Zhang Heng looked back, and when his eyes swept over Tang Guo's face, he couldn't help being surprised, followed by deep disgust.

The teacher said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is, and they will become a stumbling block to his success, which is a disaster!

"You? The dean is highly respected. How could he deal with a freshman like you? You take yourself too seriously."

Tang Guo smiled, "Because I killed his sister."

Although Xu Wanyin's death was not intentional, it is a fact that she died under her own scissors.

Everyone was stunned, no one expected that Tang Guo would admit his murder so easily.

And that person is the dean's sister.

A look of cruelty flashed across Xu Hesnipe's eyes, and he looked at Tang Guo with murderous intent, "You admit it, well, since you admit it, then blood debts are also the rules of the cultivation world, and I will ask you to pay for it. It's not even a fault!"

Tang Guo nodded, "Of course I admit that your sister Xu Wanyin intended to murder me, but she was weak and died under my scissors. This is a fact. Many people have seen it with their own eyes. Why should I deny it?"

Dangdangdangdang, today is over, the next chapter is the old rules, it is still 0:00, I love you guys, good night

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