Xu Hexie's thoughts moved slightly. Even he never owned these things. Tang Guo, a yellow-haired girl, can easily obtain them just because she has a deceptive skin. Why?

In her hands, these things are just a tool to show off to others.

But if he puts them in his own hands, he will definitely let them play the most effective role, and contribute to the Dragon Yin Academy and the entire Dragon Yin Continent.

Such thoughts drifted through his mind over and over again, each time becoming more intense than before. Gradually, Xu Hesnipe even felt that these things must have been stolen or robbed by Tang Guo, and he used these stolen goods as The right way is to help Tang Guo.

With a slight movement of his fingers, Xu Hesnipe was about to transfer these things to his space ring as quickly as possible.

Although his space ring is not as big as Tang Guo's.


Just when Xu Hesnipe made a move, a strong force hit him, causing his internal organs to swell, and his whole body flew straight up, and fell heavily on the bed not far away.

The bed was crushed, and Xu Hesnipe was buried in it.

His students rushed to rescue him, blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth, his hair was messy, his robe was scratched, he looked very embarrassed.

"Tang Guo, what did you do to the dean?" Someone asked Tang Guo sharply.

In their view, the dean is only for the college. Although sometimes he is a little harsh, it is also because of the teacher's hatred of iron and steel, which is understandable.

But Tang Guo was the one who stole first, and now he attacked the dean behind him. Such a character is not worthy of staying in their academy at all.

"Dean, fire her, don't spoil our pot of soup just because of this rat droppings."

Xu Hesnipe's face was very ugly. These students couldn't see anything, but it didn't mean Chi Qiu and Wan Chengdan couldn't see it.

Tang Guo didn't say anything, just waited with a smile.

Sure enough, Chi Qiu, who was the most impatient, was the first to get angry and glared at Xu Hesnipe.

"This is the backlash of the space ring! Xu Hesnipe, how shameless are you? You want to steal my student's things?" Chi Qiu was furious. How many good things his students could have must be cherished very much. This old man The guy actually wants to take it without asking, it's shameless.

Wan Chengdan also had a sullen face. He picked up the interspatial ring and returned it to Tang Guo, as if he was afraid that Xu Hesnipe would come and snatch it.

"Xu Hesnipe, don't lose your status as the head of the hospital!"

The students who supported Xu Hesnipe looked puzzled.

"Associate Academician Wan Teng, Associate Academician Chiqiu, what are you talking about? How could the dean steal Tang Guo's things?"

"That's right, the dean has never seen such a treasure, how could he be greedy for something that is not on the table?"

Fu Yizhi stepped forward, shaking his folding fan, and smiled, "Isn't it something that can be put on the table? Tang Guo's interspatial ring was a gift from my aunt, and the things inside were also carefully selected by my aunt and sixth uncle. It was a gift for her." , are you saying that the things I produced from the Moon Mountain Villa cannot be put on the table?"

After saying that, Tang Guo had poured out everything in the space ring.

Put it all over the place.

At the same time, it blinded everyone's eyes.

Even Wan Danqi and Chi Qiu were stunned.

Chi Qiu: The student he thought had only one or two treasures was actually a little rich woman.

Wan Chengdan: Don't expose your wealth, the little girl is still a little too impulsive.

Li Xiang: The head of the eldest sister really deserves to be the head of the eldest sister.

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