Chapter 118 Rescue

"Do you know this man? Is he a relative of yours?" Gu Mingda asked, pointing to the man lying on the ground.

"He's a kidnapper!" the little boy said, got up from the ground, stretched out his legs and kicked the kidnapper hard.

It's just that perhaps due to the loss of strength, not only did he not kick the man out, but he almost fell to the ground, and then he couldn't get up again.

Gu Yun's lips trembled slightly and asked: "Another...another one died?"

Gu Yun was originally looking forward to becoming a temporary policeman, but now he couldn't help but feel scared. This city was too scary. There was a life-threatening lawsuit right after he arrived.

Gu Mingda knelt down, probed the noses of the three of them, and said, "What are you thinking about? Everyone is still alive. Let's take them to the hospital first."

Gu Yun immediately dragged the big man to leave.

Gu Mingda stopped him.

This nephew looks smart, but in fact he still has brains, but not much.

"Take off his belt." Gu Mingda ordered.

Gu Yun was stunned for a moment, then he looked like he understood and said, "That's right, kidnappers are the most hateful. Such people should take off their clothes and parade them through the streets!"

Gu Mingda took a deep breath and said, "Tie him up with a belt."

Gu Yun: "Huh?"

Gu Mingda said: "If you don't use his belt to tie someone up, why should you take off yours?"

Gu Yun hurriedly pulled off the kidnapper's belt, and was stunned again when it was tied.

Gu Mingda had no choice but to step forward and use the pig's trotter buckle used when killing pigs. After tying him with this method, the more he struggled, the tighter he was tied.

Seeing his neat movements, Gu Yun couldn't help but ask: "Second uncle, why do you know everything?"

Gu Mingda said: "You will know **** a pig at home after watching it a few times."

Gu Yun thought to himself, no wonder the second uncle is the most promising person in the Gu family. He is obviously a scholar, but he can even kill pigs. He really pays attention to everything.

Gu Mingda asked Gu Yun to drag the big man, pick up the bag of rice that hit the person, and then pick up the two children.

"When encountering situations like this in the future, it is indeed important to save people, but you must also ensure your own safety. It is best to carry weapons with you. It can save lives at critical times. Remember?" Gu Mingda warned softly.

Gu Yun nodded his head like garlic. Before he came to the county, he had been told by his uncle to listen to his second uncle in case of trouble.

When they reunited with their family members, the whole family helped transport these three people to the hospital.

The doctor was shocked when he saw this posture: "Oh, what's going on?"

Three people, one large, two small, were unconscious, and two of them were bloody. Anyone who looked at them at night would be frightened.

If the Gu family didn't look like vicious people, the doctor wouldn't have dared to open the door and let them in.

"This man is a kidnapper, and these two children were harmed by him." Gu Mingda explained the situation concisely.

When the doctor heard this, he immediately felt worried. He examined the two children first and said, "It's a pity. Fortunately, it's nothing serious."

After the doctor bandaged the two children gently, he reluctantly looked at the kidnapper and said to Gu Mingda with a puzzled look on his face: "What can be done about such people?"

Gu Mingda explained: "Doctor, we must let him wait until the government comes."

The doctor then felt the kid's pulse and said, "I won't die for a while." The doctor asked the medicine boy to grab a handful of plant ash from the backyard stove door and sprinkle it on the kid's face perfunctorily.

He didn't give an injection or prescribe any medicine. This posture was all about resignation. If everyone hadn't been staring at him, he would probably have spat in the kidnapper's face.

"These are little nerds and followers." Gu Zhao suddenly shouted.

He couldn't recognize them before when their faces were covered in blood, but now that they were in a bright place and their faces were clean, it was much easier to identify them.

Gu Mingda asked: "Do you know these two children?"

Gu Zhao nodded and said, "Not only do I know him, but my sister also knows him. The little nerd is so annoying! He even bullied my sister before!"

When Gu Mingda heard this, his eyes turned evil when he looked at the unconscious child.

Niu Niu quickly said: "He didn't bully me, we just had different ideas. The person he bullied was actually my brother."

The little boy didn't scold Niu Niu at that time, he just argued about it, and later he said that his words seemed to be scolding Gu Zhao.

Gu Zhao patted his small chest and said proudly: "What's the use of him scolding me? It's so polite. I can't understand it anyway, so he didn't scold me!"

Listening to Gu Zhao's invincible logic, the silence of everyone present was deafening.

"Since he is a young guest of Desheng Building, it shouldn't be difficult to find his parents tomorrow."

After Gu Mingda finished speaking, he asked his family to wait in the hospital and took Gu Yun towards the Yamen.

Oddly enough, the yamen, which used to be quiet at night, was brightly lit tonight.

As soon as Gu Mingda entered the door, he met Chen Captou and others hurriedly walking out.

"Brother Gu, why are you here so late at night? Is there something wrong?"

On a bitterly cold early spring night, Chen Captou was so busy that he was sweating profusely. But no matter how anxious he was, out of concern for Gu Mingda, he still stopped and asked patiently.

Gu Mingda pointed to the young man behind him: "This is my eldest nephew Gu Yun."

Chen Baotou nodded towards Gu Yun and said: "This is the kid who is going to be a strong class member in the Yamen. He looks very energetic. Brother Gu, you can bring him here tomorrow. I have important business tonight, so I'm afraid I can't Accompany him to see Master."

The middle-aged man who looked like a butler behind Chen Captou was already very unhappy when Chen Captou stopped and urged: "Chen Captou, now is not the time to reminisce about old times. It's important to find someone."

Chen Captou looked troubled.

Gu Mingda said: "Brother Chen, you have important business. I will do the same with others. It's not a big deal. It's just that my nephew caught a kidnapper and saved two children..."

When Chen Captou heard this, his foot that had already stepped out immediately turned back. He grabbed Gu Mingda's hand tightly and asked eagerly: "Brother Gu, where are the two children? Where is the kidnapper? Take me to see it quickly!”

The housekeeper also asked: "How old are the two children, what do they look like, and what clothes are they wearing?"

When Gu Yun heard this question, his mind went blank. He couldn't even remember what the child looked like, let alone what clothes the child was wearing.

Gu Mingda still had the same calm look: "Two children, one is six or seven years old, and the other is about ten years old. The younger one has fair skin, a tear mole under his left eye, and is wearing a jacket with dark bamboo patterns. The clothes look like the material is Huanhua brocade..."

"It's him, my young master!" The housekeeper cried with joy.

Gu Yun looked at Gu Mingda in shock. He couldn't understand how his second uncle could remember so many details in just a short moment when they were all working together to save people.

Second update

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