Chapter 123 Nurse

 Chen Captou is a good master. In addition to the things in the yamen, he also teaches other things. The eldest couple of the Gu family did not teach Gu Yun the ways of the world, but Chen Captou taught them everything step by step.

As for Gu Yun going to the Luo family to practice martial arts, Chen Captou was in full agreement.

"You are still young. If you learn more, you will have a brighter future. Your second uncle is a capable person. He will find a road for you without any hesitation." Chen Captou said.

Gu Yun didn't understand anything, but he was willing to listen to others' advice. When he was learning martial arts at the Luo family, he was serious about it. He even forced himself to learn the reading and calligraphy that he didn't like to do. He even took the initiative to take over the people who were staring at Gu Zhao. live.

Gu Yan, the eldest brother, did not need to invest too much energy in Gu Zhao, so he devoted himself to studying.

Although the Luo family invited a juren to sit in the hall, the juren master was a noble person and not everyone was willing to teach. Among the Gu family, only Gu Yan caught his eye, so he only taught Luo Zhang and Gu Yan.

The others were all at Mengtong level and were taught by another old scholar.

The old scholar was pedantic. If it were not for the sake of money, he was determined not to teach girls. When the class actually started, the old scholar also preferred a few boys. He did not embarrass Niu Niu, but ignored her most of the time.

If it were Gu Zhao, without a teacher watching over him, he would have slacked off in his studies.

However, Niuniu came to study at Luo's house with her parents' great expectations. When she had questions that she didn't understand, she asked the teacher but ignored them. She was not discouraged and asked her brother instead.

Juren was teaching in another place, and with more interactions, Niuniu and Luo Zhang became more and more familiar with each other.

"Niuniu, you accumulate a lot of questions every time you come back. Doesn't your husband answer your questions? I even wonder if you want to see your elder brother a few more times." Luo Zhang said with a smile.

When they first met, Luo Zhang was still a little boy who spoke very irritably. After receiving a life-saving favor, Luo Zhang's mentality changed quickly, and now the two of them are more like serious friends.

"Sir doesn't teach." Niu Niu told the truth.

Luo Zhang was stunned when he heard this, and then asked: "Why don't you teach, sir? Mr. Zhang is not bad at learning, why don't you teach?"

Because except for Niu Niu, no one else in the small classroom had so many questions. Niu Niu still thought it was because her husband didn't like to answer questions, but she didn't know that it was her husband who didn't like her.

"Sir, he seems to like to be quiet and doesn't like to be disturbed." Niu Niu said casually.

Luo Zhang frowned slightly.

Gu Yan kept his identity in mind. After all, his family came to Luo's annex, not as guests. He said to his sister in a gentle tone: "If there is anything you don't understand about Niuniu, just ask me. While I'm answering Niuniu's doubts, , you can also review the past and learn something new.”

Luo Zhang also said: "You can also ask me, you are so eager to learn, you may surpass me in a few days."

As the only grandson of the Luo family, Luo Zhang was hurt as much as his eyes by Mr. Luo, but he did not develop a arrogant and licentious playboy, and instead showed his talent for reading early on.

"Brother Luo Zhang, you are only seven years old and you are about to take the child examination. It will probably take a long time for me to surpass you." Niu Niu said innocently.

In about ten days, Luo Zhang and Gu Yan will face their first imperial examination. They will take the county examination. If they pass, they will go to the capital city to take the prefectural examination. Only by passing the prefectural examination can they become Tongsheng.

Luo Zhang said: "Hey Niuniu, you actually want to surpass me!"

Niu Niu didn't feel anything was wrong at all, and no one taught her to be humble. Instead, she said: "Dad hopes that I will be a talented girl, so of course I will aspire to surpass you!"

Luo Zhang didn't know for a moment whether to say that Niuniu valued him, or that Niuniu looked down on him.

Let's face it, she doesn't seem to think it's difficult to surpass herself.

She said she looked down on him, but Niuniu regarded him as a goal to fight for.

"If you really want to surpass me, you should wait another hundred and eighty years." Luo Zhang was just a child after all, and he was so excited by Niu Niu that he uttered big words. Niu Niu was still not knocked down by any words, but said: "Okay, I will try to live a long life."

Luo Zhang couldn't help laughing and said, "You really don't suffer at all."

Niu Niu smiled lightly and said, "My mother taught me to say auspicious words when speaking. This will make people happy."

Due to Niu Niu's special physique, Gu Mingda and his wife were also afraid that one day she would say something unfavorable and cause backlash, so they gave many instructions to Niu Niu not to make random wishes or open or close her mouth to make negative remarks.

Luo Zhang couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder everyone likes you. My grandfather loves to talk about you every day and hopes that Aunt Fang in Beijing will give birth to a granddaughter like you."

The Luo family has only a few heirs, so it stands to reason that they should be looking forward to having more boys, but during this time, Mr. Luo is actually looking forward to girls.

When the Luo family learned about this, some people had some thoughts and wanted to send their own girls over to be his bride, but Mr. Luo refused all of them.

While a few people were talking, it was time for dinner.

Although the Gu family's children study here, they usually don't eat here. Instead, Mrs. Gu brings meals to them.

But because Mr. Luo specifically mentioned yesterday that he would save food today, Mrs. Gu did not send any food.

It's just that the Gu family has an ordinary status, and there are quite a few people in the Luo family who flatter and disdain others. Taking advantage of the children's young age and thin skin, they will inevitably say some unpleasant things.

Mr. Luo hadn't finished reading a page of the book in the room, but the food in the flower hall had already begun to be placed on the table.

Looking at the plates of exquisite dishes, Gu Zhao couldn't help drooling. He bumped Niu Niu with his arm and said, "I made **** cake today, this is your favorite!"

Niuniu immediately looked forward to it and said, "Grandpa Luo is so kind. I only mentioned it to him once and he remembered it!"

Gu Zhao also nodded vigorously and said, "There is also my favorite roast goose!"

Fang Yuan said naively at the side: "Hey, there are also elbows, I like to eat them!"

Mr. Luo is very thoughtful. Although he is entertaining a group of young guests, he remembers everyone's preferences. Now the servants are still adding dishes to the table. The older children have big appetites, so there is no need to worry about waste.

"It's okay to spend time in Shunian for nothing, but now I can't even eat a bite. It's like a bunch of starving ghosts were reincarnated."

The person who said this was not someone else, but Luo Zhang's nanny Wang. When she said this, her mean eyes that seemed to have a cold touch glanced around all the children except Luo Zhang.

Fang Yuan, who was living in Luofu, had dark eyes and lowered his head.

Luo Zhang immediately turned his head and looked at his nanny with disapproval.

Niuniu heard this kind of sarcastic remarks a lot when she was in the Zhang family.

But now she was the daughter of the Gu family, and her parents had repeatedly emphasized to her that she must speak out if something happened.

Niu Niu walked up to the wet nurse with bounding steps and asked: "Mother Wang, do you think I was reincarnated as a starving ghost?"

First update.

This book is not cruel to the master. Niuniu will not endure hardships no matter who endures hardships. Those who bully her will be in bad luck on the spot.

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