Chapter 125: Immortal Skills

"Brother Zhang, I have taken care of you for so many years. Isn't it possible that the friendship between us is not as good as that of a little girl I just met?" Nanny Wang cried and asked.

Even at this point, the nanny had no intention of apologizing.

Luo Zhang did not look back at Niu Niu, but said: "Love is love, truth is truth. Niu Niu did not do anything wrong. She does not deserve these accusations."

After Luo Zhang said these words, he suddenly felt relieved and couldn't help but glance at Fang Yuan.

But these words could not move Nanny Wang. When she heard this, she became more and more convinced of what she was thinking. She turned around and scolded Niu Niu fiercely: "You are so charming at a young age, which caused the young master and me to be alienated... "

But before she finished speaking, Mr. Luo waved his hand, and someone immediately came forward and dragged the nanny out with her mouth covered, apparently not even planning to give her the last decent amount of money.

After such a big thing happened, Rao was the most heartless child. At this time, he had no interest in eating. Gu Yun was even thinking about whether to take his younger brothers and sisters home.

Mr. Luo still looks calm and relaxed. He has lived for most of his life and has even watched the succession of the throne several times. This small scene will naturally not affect his mood.

"Come on, come on, it's not important to eat. This is the **** cake that Niuniu likes to eat. I even asked your grandma how to make this dish." Mr. Luo smiled and took a chopstick of ginger. Send the silk cake to Niu Niu's bowl.

Niu Niu glanced at Luo Zhang, then at her brothers, and before moving her chopsticks, she asked Mr. Luo in a crisp voice.

"Grandpa Luo, don't you think Niu Niu is a good child?" Niu Niu asked.

After hearing this, Mr. Luo put down his chopsticks, looked at Niuniu seriously, and replied: "I think Niuniu is the best little girl. She is smart, clever, and studious. I have never seen a more lovable little girl than you."

Niu Niu breathed a long sigh of relief after hearing this, and then asked: "Are you unhappy because I am studying and eating at your house? I am already studying here, shouldn't I eat here? "

The nanny's words left an impression on Niu Niu. She didn't want to be a little girl who couldn't understand her eyes.

But what the little girl doesn't understand is that taking the initiative to ask like she is is actually a sign of not winking.

Mr. Luo said with a smile: "Why do you think so? Grandpa Luo begged Niuniu to study and eat here. If Grandpa Luo hadn't discussed it with your grandma several times, I wouldn't be able to let you eat here today."

Niu Niu didn't understand very much and asked: "Why? Grandpa Luo, don't you think we are wasting food?"

In Niu Niu's eyes, eating is a big deal. When she was at Zhang's house in the past, every bite she took would cause a big storm.

A trace of sadness flashed in Mr. Luo's cloudy eyes, and he said: "Grandpa Luo has a lot of food, but he is old and can't eat."

"With you guys accompanying me and listening to you talk, grandpa can eat a few more mouthfuls of food. You have helped grandpa so much, so eating a little food doesn't matter."

What Mr. Luo said was not a lie. He had only a few children, and in his heart he envied the happiness of other people's children and grandchildren. However, Luo Zhang had a calm personality in front of his elders and did not like to joke and play, while Fang Yuan was very reserved in front of him.

It seemed that only Niu Niu and Gu Zhao were like normal children, eating and drinking when they should, especially Niu Niu, who looked very good at eating. Mr. Luo's appetite improved after watching the little girl eat.

Niu Niu was very relieved when she heard this and said: "Great, I was afraid of causing trouble to you."

Mr. Luo joked: "Niuniu, Grandpa Luo, I see you have a good appetite when you eat. Do you know any magic?"

When Niuniu heard this, she tilted her head and thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Maybe I really know how to do magic." Mr. Luo had a look of surprise on his face.

Gu Yan quickly reminded: "Niuniu, be careful what you say and don't talk big words casually."

After Gu Yan said this, he gave Gu Yun a meaningful look.

Gu Yun was so anxious that he almost jumped up on the spot: "Ayan, what's that look in your eyes? Niuniu didn't learn from me when it comes to talking big. I always say one thing, one thing, two things..."

Gu Yun said, his voice getting lower and lower.

Niuniu retorted: "Brother, I didn't lie."

"Every time I go to eat in front of the shop, the business in the shop becomes very good. Aunt Liu always says that my magic is working."

Gu Yan opened his mouth slightly, not knowing what to say for a moment. He also didn't expect that Niu Niu actually took Liu Xiaoru's casual joke seriously.

He instinctively felt that the business in the shop was good because Niu Niu was cute and looked good, and it probably had nothing to do with any magic. He hesitated and didn't know how to explain it to Niu Niu.

However, Mr. Luo was very supportive and said: "It turns out that our Niuniu is actually a little fairy! You are only five years old and you can help the family in business."

When Niu Niu heard this, she was so happy that her tail was raised to the sky, and she said to Gu Yan: "Brother, look, Grandpa Luo admits that I can do magic, I'm not lying!"

Gu Yan didn't expect that a man of such high moral character and respect as Mr. Luo would say such a thing. He was confused for a moment, not knowing whether he should believe in Niu Niu's magical skills.

But after being teased like this, the atmosphere on the table was not as tense as it was at first.

Niuniu is optimistic by nature. She doesn't remember those grievances very much when she has delicious food. Her little face is buried in the piled rice bowl, which is full of vegetables that Mr. Luo picked for her.

Seeing the little girl's cheeks bulging like a hamster, Mr. Luo suddenly felt an inexplicable joy, as if he was witnessing the future growth of Niu Niu through his own feeding.

Mr. Luo watched Niuniu eating and felt that the food on the table in front of him became more delicious.

But when he turned around, he saw his precious grandson holding a bowl and slowly picking out the things he didn't want to eat.

I won’t eat ginger, garlic, onions, fatty meat, or if the heat is not right...

Luo Zhang had a lot of taboos, and there were only two dishes on the entire dinner table that didn't contain any of his taboos.

Mr. Luo took a second look and felt that the dishes on the table seemed to be covered with a layer of gray fog, and he lost his appetite instantly.

The old man was old and didn't like torturing himself very much, so he decisively turned his head and stared at Niu Niu while she was eating.

It's really amazing. Watching Niuniu eating, Mr. Luo instantly felt that his appetite had returned.

Suddenly an idea flashed in Mr. Luo's mind, and he whispered to his grandson: "Brother Zhang, look at Niuniu more."

First update

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