Chapter 132 Pen Wash

Old Mrs. Gu felt angry and funny when she saw him like this.

"Forget it, let me argue with an old fool." After speaking, Mrs. Gu took out the money from her pocket and handed it to Niu Niu quietly.

Niu Niu had previously helped the old man pay 60 cents for throwing darts. The old lady had already obtained the clothes and was unwilling to continue to take advantage of the child, so she secretly gave the money to Niu Niu.

The stall owner, who had just lost his gold hairpin, glanced at Dad Gu and then at Niuniu, who was still waiting to throw the darts. Unable to resist the enthusiasm of the crowd, he gritted his teeth and took out a new gold hairpin.

Mrs. Gu's eyes lit up and she hurriedly urged Niuniu, "Niuniu, it's your turn."

But Niu Niu shook her head and said, "Forget it, I won't play anymore. I don't have anything special I want."

Niu Niu could vaguely sense the stall owner's fear of her, and she didn't like this fear.

Mrs. Gu looked pityful and said, "Our little boy is so good, if you play, you will definitely win a jackpot."

Niu Niu raised her little face and said with a smile: "Our family has won the jackpot once, let's give the opportunity to others."

The children had said so, and Mrs. Gu didn't force it even though she regretted it.

However, the stall owner felt relieved when he saw Niuniu leaving with her family.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

"I came first, and I want to compete for the top prize with Old Lucky Star!"

The last time someone followed Niuniu to win gold was still fresh in my mind, so this time there were still many people frantically vying for the position behind Gu.

The Gu family ignored what happened behind them and continued to stroll in the market.

After all, it was the official day of the Dragon Boat Festival, and there was a lot of excitement in the market. Counting carefully, this was Niu Niu's first time watching a sideshow.

The little girl watched the fire-breathing performance without moving her eyes, for fear of missing some exciting part.

Even though her little face was flushed by the afternoon sun, Niu Niu still didn't move a step. Her eyes were bright and her hands were slapping particularly hard.

After finally waiting until the performance was over, Niu Niu still had a face full of satisfaction.

When the jugglers held up the trays to beg for rewards, Niu Niu casually threw out a handful of coins without counting them. This move made Mrs. Gu's eyes jump.

"My dear, just give me two or three copper coins. Actually, you don't need to give that much." Mrs. Gu couldn't hold back and whispered to Niu Niu.

Niuniu said doubtfully: "Their performances are really wonderful. The uncle whose chest was broken, the sister who breathed fire, and the child who spun the Frisbee all looked so hard. I think they are worth so much money." ”

Mrs. Gu was stunned when she heard this. She didn't expect that Niuniu had her own unique consumption concept, and she didn't know what to say.

Niuniu said again: "Grandma, I will make more money to honor you in the future, so that you don't have to worry about the small money."

Mrs. Gu was stunned by her granddaughter's pie. She felt that the more money she spent, the more money she would make. There was nothing wrong with this logic.

In the end, it was her love for her granddaughter that prevailed. Mrs. Gu said with a smile: "Hey, our good baby still thinks, generous and smart, unlike me, grandma, who is a stingy one!"

Niu Niu acted coquettishly against Mrs. Gu and said, "Grandma is not stingy. Grandma is the best grandma!"

Anyway, according to Niu Niu, everyone in the family is the best grandpa/grandma/parents/brother/aunt, but the family just does this, and Niu Niu coaxes her into confusion every time.

The market was very lively. After walking two steps further, I saw someone setting up a stall selling sundries. There was a circle of people pointing and pointing in front of the stall, but few people took the initiative to buy anything.

"Why is this prodigal son of the Zheng family setting up a stall to sell things every day! Haven't all the things in his house been sold out?"

"You don't know this. It was said that a man bought a pair of his ancestor's calligraphy at his stall and sold it at a high price. But he was smart and bought a lot of worthless ones. Toys, real and fake are mixed together and sold.”

Hearing this, the Gu family suddenly felt eye-opening.

Both Niu Niu and Zhang Yuniang remembered Zheng Datou. When Niu Niu came to the county for the first time, she bought a golden turtle with black paint from Zheng Datou's stall. Zhang Yunniang and her husband never made it known to the outside world. If this matter really comes out, Zheng Datou's stall will be robbed.

Zhang Yunniang was in charge of the number of times Niu Niu was kicked off, but she didn't care how she spent her other money. She didn't care when she rewarded jugglers with large amounts of money before, but now she doesn't care when Niu Niu squats in front of Zheng's stall and learns from others.

Gu Yan and Gu Zhao squatted with her and helped her read the details, while the rest of the Gu family waited patiently.

Mrs. Gu stood there, looking at her granddaughter for a while, then reaching out to touch the gold hairpin stuck on the back of her head, and snickering from time to time.

Niu Niu flipped through it for a long time, but she couldn't understand the calligraphy and paintings. Instead, she fell in love with a sky blue porcelain brush washer.

"How much does this cost?" Niu Niu asked Zheng Datou, who was setting up the stall, in a crisp voice.

Zheng Datou set up a stall almost every day. After setting up the stall, he took the money and went gambling. After gambling all his money, he continued to sell goods. There were many people coming and going at his stall, and he didn't even remember Niuniu who bought something from his stall last year.

"This is the brush washer used by my ancestor who was the prime minister. Seeing as you are a little girl, I won't lie to you. The price is thirty taels of silver!" Zheng Datou opened his mouth.

The crowd of onlookers continued to point and point: "Zheng Datou is really nothing. He even deceives little girls."

Zheng Datou didn't care about the gossip around him. He just shouted the price casually. He had no idea that a little girl half a person's height could afford such a price.

But Niu Niu didn't refute immediately. Instead, she lowered her head and asked Gu Yan, "Brother, how much is ten taels, fifteen taels, plus seven taels?"

Niuniu got forty taels of silver today, and her family was not willing to spend too much money on her, so there was a lot left. She only had ten fingers, so she couldn't calculate the amount at the moment.

"Thirty-two taels." Gu Yan whispered.

When Zheng Datou heard this, he immediately cheered up. He did not expect that this little girl looked like a middle-class person in her dress, but she was actually rich.

"Little girl, my treasures are very popular, but there is no store like this after passing this village." Zheng Datou is quite good at creating anxiety.

Before Niuniu opened her mouth, Mrs. Gu thought of what happened with the juggler just now, and thought to herself that her silly granddaughter would really spend money on something she likes.

Mrs. Gu was worried that Niuniu would suffer a loss, so she immediately rushed over and scolded Zheng Datou: "You are a wicked thing, how dare you deceive my child! Is this broken pen washer something valuable? I don't know where you picked it up from. , Opening your mouth is what the ancestors said, you think it is made of gold, and you dare to call it thirty taels of silver!"

"Let me tell you, for five pieces of silver, we won't even buy it!"

Niu Niu squatted on the ground, opened her mouth wide, and looked stupidly at Mrs. Gu, who was extremely powerful in fighting.

"My dear, let's go. Grandma will take you to another store to buy pen washes!" Mrs. Gu picked up Niuniu and left.

Niu Niu whispered: "Miscellaneous, I like this very much..."

But Mrs. Gu was very insistent and said: "No, we don't accept this injustice. It only costs a few dollars to wash a pen. I'll buy you a better one!"

Niu Niu looked at the azure pen washer on the stall in confusion. After all, she cared more about her family. After hesitating for a moment, she nodded obediently: "Okay, let's buy it elsewhere."

When Zheng Datou saw that the cooked duck was about to fly, he was very anxious and said quickly: "Old lady, if you have something to say, please tell me. Don't curse at the beginning. The price is negotiable!"

Mrs. Gu thought that people who gamble have no dignity. She scolded her so harshly, and Zheng Datou was still licking his face to discuss with her in order to earn some gambling money.

But she stopped in the end and said with a calm face: "When you do business, you should do business well. You won't be able to go far by relying on this kind of deception!"

Zheng Datou still had a smile on his face and said: "You are right, I will do business well. Do you think ten taels of silver are okay?"

Mrs. Gu sneered and said, "Five coins is too much for me!"

Zheng Datou hurriedly said: "Okay, five yuan is five yuan!"

Second update

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