Chapter 149 Jie Yuan

Hearing this, Gu Mingda felt that if he had such a good thing in mind, who wouldn’t want to do it?

But he finally took it to heart and sat there and thought about it carefully.

"Insects...who would like to study insects..." Gu Mingda murmured softly.

Niu Niu nestled in his arms, flipping through the Book of Songs on the table, and read in a low voice: "Bingbi...Dad, I don't recognize this word."

Gu Mingda stopped thinking, looked at his daughter's shameful look, lowered his head, took the book, and read with a smile: "Bing Bi (mao) the thief, pay (bi) the fire, which means to take advantage of the insects' love at night The bright nature lights a fire at night, causing the insects to burn themselves.”

Niu Niu frowned and said, "Although they are just insects, why do you want to kill them for no reason?"

Gu Mingda explained: "The bugs in this poem refer to locusts. There was a locust plague the year before last. Those locusts ate everything in sight. Many old and weak people suffered from lack of food. Died in that locust plague."

Niu Niu said: "I remember! Niu Niu was so hungry every day the year before last..."

Gu Mingda looked at his daughter distressedly and said, "Don't worry, my dear, it's all over. My dear, you won't be hungry anymore."

After saying this, Gu Mingda suddenly realized something.

"The sage values ​​agriculture and mulberry trees. If we can guide him to become familiar with insects and use them in farming, that might be a way." Gu Mingda said.

Niuniu raised her head and asked: "Are there many books about insects in farming? Third brother only likes to read books related to insects."

Gu Mingda shook his head and said: "There are not many records related to insects in farming."

"Where are they?" Niu Niu asked.

Gu Mingda followed his daughter's train of thought and continued to think deeply. Gu Zhao's biggest problem now is that he doesn't like to study and doesn't know a few words. Naturally, he can't be an agricultural officer. He has to focus on what he is interested in so that he can at least Get rid of illiteracy.

"Where are bugs most useful?" Niu Niu tilted her head and said, "Am I too stupid? I can't think of anything useful for bugs."

"Many bugs can be used as medicine!" Gu Mingda's eyes lit up.

Gu Zhao also didn't expect that he would suddenly no longer need to read the Classics and History Collection, but instead would be stuffed with a bunch of pharmacopoeias.

Gu Mingda even marked the pages related to bugs separately.

Gu Zhao's calligraphy practice is all related to insects.

With this method, Gu Zhao's resistance to reading and learning calligraphy was indeed not that strong.

Time passes quickly.

One of the three children was well behaved, and even Gu Zhao was studying and practicing calligraphy seriously. Zhang Yunniang felt that there would never be such an easy fairy life again.

On this day, the whole family got up early again, put on new clothes and went to Jiangzhou Fuyamen.

On the day when the results are released, it is always very lively outside the government office.

Now that the red list has not been posted, many people have already brought their own little horses and are sitting under the list waiting.

Catching a son-in-law under the imperial examination did not start with the capital examination. Outside of the provincial examination, many local high-ranking families sent people to guard them.

When Gu Mingda first appeared, there were many servants from high-ranking families. Seeing his graceful demeanor, they observed him for a long time. When Zhang Yunniang, who was a few steps behind him, appeared with her children, these people could only give up on such potential on the spot. share.

The teahouse on the roadside was already full of people, and there was not even a single empty seat. Fortunately, the Gu family had been prepared. Gu Mingda put down the small horse in his hand.

"Don't run around. I saw a vendor selling cakes on a load. I'll buy some." Gu Mingda warned the three children.

Gu Yan had a calm face, like an elder brother, and stretched out a hand to hold down the restless Gu Zhao.

Niu Niu nodded obediently and stretched out a hand to hold Gu Zhao.

Zhang Yuniang's face was full of nervousness, and she took her daughter into her arms: "I don't know if your father can pass the exam this time."

Regardless of whether Gu Mingda can pass the exam this time, the family will move to the capital and look for their second son there.

But if he fails to pass the examination, Gu Mingda will have to rush back from the capital for the next provincial examination, traveling back and forth, which will be hard work.

"Mom, we have to believe in daddy." Niuniu's small hand patted Zhang Yunniang's palm. A smile appeared on Zhang Yunniang's face, but the anxiety in her heart did not ease at all.

After Gu Mingda came over with a box of various pastries, he first took out the brown sugar cake and handed it to Zhang Yunniang: "What you like."

"This is the Xueyun Crispy that Niuniu likes to eat. This is what Ah Yan likes to eat. This is what Ah Zhao likes to eat."

Gu Mingda clearly remembers everyone's hobbies and tries his best to ensure that everyone gets what they like best.

Gu Mingda twisted up a piece of the unpalatable pastry left and ate it slowly.

"Dad, if you pass the exam this time, what will you reward us with?" Gu Zhao tilted his head and asked naively.

Gu Mingda chuckled and said, "I want to reward you if I pass the exam? Shouldn't it be you who rewards me?"

Gu Zhao quickly covered his wallet: "Dad bullies children, I have no money!"

Niu Niu suddenly jumped down from Zhang Yunniang's arms and threw herself on Gu Mingda: "Dad, Niu Niu still has some money. Whatever you want, Niu Niu will buy it for you!"

Comparing it with his well-behaved daughter, Gu Mingda looked at Gu Zhao and felt more and more like he wanted to throw away the goods.

He reached out and touched the hairpin on his head and said, "The hairpin Niuniu gave me is already very good. Daddy, I don't have anything in particular that I want for the time being."

Niuniu looked regretful and said, "Why doesn't daddy have what he wants?"

She seemed to be deeply regretful that she could not give the gift.

Gu Mingda gently tapped his daughter's little head and said, "Why is my little idiot thinking about spending money now?"

Zhang Yunniang taught Niu Niu how to spend money, and Liu Xiaoru and Sun Jiaxing taught Niu Niu how to spend money for the people she likes.

"Being able to spend money for the people you like is something that makes Niuniu feel warm all over." Niuniu said happily with her little face raised.

Gu Mingda was so soft-hearted that he was about to say something when the crowd suddenly became commotion.

"The list is released! The list is released!"

"Don't squeeze me!"

"Who stepped on my toes?"

"Did I win?"

The chaotic sounds all around flooded into Gu family's ears.

Gu Mingda immediately protected Zhang Yunniang and the children. Not only did he not push forward, but he led the people back.

Fortunately, the place where they were sitting was far away from the red list. Now they took a few steps back and were finally completely away from the crowd.

"Ms., I'll take care of the children. You go in and take a look." Zhang Yunniang urged Gu Mingda to look at the list.

Gu Mingda shook his head: "If you watch it sooner or later, there will be no difference in the result."

"I got it, I got it!"

A man in his forties squeezed out of the crowd and jumped three feet high. Even though his hair was messy and his clothes were torn in several places, he looked crazy, and the eyes of the people around him were still full of excitement. envious.

Han Chuang has been studying hard for decades, isn’t it just for this day?

Juren has been able to select officials and become officials.

Becoming an official means changing the family, and the whole family can soar to the sky.

"Gu Mingda? This time the solution is Gu Mingda! From Guang'an County!" someone in the crowd shouted.

First update

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