Chapter 160 Good Brother

It turns out that the daughter who is having the hardest time in this family is Gu Xiaoya.

But after changing her mother, Gu Xiaoya's life became easier. Although Zheng Cuier did not love Xiaoya as much as her second wife loved Niuniu, at least Xiaoya and Xiaobao were not treated differently in her eyes.

Now Gu Daya has become the one who feels the most uncomfortable. Although he lives in his own home, he feels like a second-class person.

"Go out to the village and see if anyone's daughter has as much work as you do. You must be content!" Chen Chunhua said fiercely.

Seeing her like that, Gu Yun seemed to want to eat his sister alive, but he didn't dare to let the two of them quarrel anymore, so he pulled his sister into the house.

Gu Daya started crying as soon as she entered the room: "Just because I am a girl, do I deserve to be a servant in the family?"

Gu Yun saw his sister crying so hard that her face was covered with tears and snot, so he found a piece of cloth and wiped it on her face.

"Stinky! Rag!" Gu Daya shouted.

Gu Yun retracted his hand nonchalantly.

But after such a fuss, Gu Daya stopped crying.

Gu Yun didn't know how to comfort her, so he said, "I'll go talk to my mother later and tell her not to be so biased. For someone as old as Gu Jin, he should have washed his own clothes long ago."

When Gu Daya heard this, she was stunned, her nose became sore, she held back her tears and said, "Brother, you are so kind to me."

In all his life, Gu Yun was staring at someone with such a dependent look for the first time. He immediately patted his chest and said, "Your eldest brother, I am also an errand boy now. I will love you from now on!"

"Big brother is the best!" Gu Daya said happily.

Gu Yun was held in such a hug by his sister, and he suddenly felt that he would not be able to live up to his sister's trust if he didn't do something. He felt in his purse and took out a handful of coins.

This was originally his pocket money, but now it was all given to Gu Daya.

"Brother doesn't stay at home often. If you want to eat something, buy it yourself. Don't wrong yourself. Brother is rich now and can afford to support you." Gu Yun said.

Gu Daya held a handful of coins and no tears at all. She now thought that even if her eldest brother didn't go to talk to her mother, she would still be able to earn so much money with her eldest brother as her backer.

It was not that she did nothing when she got the money. Instead, she embroidered a handkerchief for her eldest brother before he left home.

Gu Yun cared about his sister and ran to persuade Chen Chunhua: "Don't mention how much my second uncle and two aunts love Niuniu. Even if this is not a biological child, let's just say how much the Chen family's grandma and uncles love you. Da Ya is your only daughter, no matter how much you hurt her."

Chen Chunhua rolled her eyes: "I don't love her enough? How much pain do I need to count? Are you going to give her up and let me take care of her?"

"At least treat everyone equally. Look at how the second uncle treats Gu Zhao and Niu Niu." Gu Yun said.

"Who knows what your second uncle is thinking, a little girl who is not related by blood, but he is in pain as if it is life-threatening. It is simply looking for trouble!"

Chen Chunhua tried to please Niu Niu on the surface, but he still had nothing nice to say in private.

"Okay! Don't talk about not being related by blood. Second uncle doesn't like to hear this." Gu Yun said.

Chen Chunhua curled her lips: "I'll just talk behind your back, I won't bother you in person."

After Chen Chunhua finished speaking, she was about to walk into the yard, but as soon as she stepped out, her soles slipped and she fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Gu Yun, who usually reacts very quickly and moves extremely sensitively, was half a beat too slow this time. He stretched out his hand to catch something empty.

Chen Chunhua fell to the ground. She was not seriously injured, but her face fell on chicken feces. When she got up, she cursed.

"Who is so unethical? Putting things around randomly!" Chen Chunhua scolded.

The thing that tripped her was a small horse.

"Gu Jin must have done it. I saw him kick a small horse before." Gu Yun replied casually. Chen Chunhua's two most precious sons suddenly fell silent when they heard this.

Gu Yun added: "Look, you are getting retribution for speaking ill of people behind their backs. In the future, you should speak more good things and do less ostomy karma."

Chen Chunhua was used to scolding people, how could she change it right away? When her son said this, she just felt aggrieved and said: "I have been pooping on my head after studying for a few days, and I didn't know that your second uncle's family would give you What kind of ecstasy soup did you drink?”

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly felt a cold feeling on her forehead.

A flying bird in the air, no matter how early or late, waited until Chen Chunhua stood up straight and pooped on her head.

Gu Yun couldn't help laughing when he saw his mother's unlucky look with chicken and bird **** all over her face, and said, "I already told you that there is no right or wrong behind your back, why don't you have a long memory?"

This happened again and again, and Chen Chunhua suddenly felt unsure.

Zheng Cuier said that she was going back to the city. The people in the second room did not expect that she would come to the city so quickly.

The next morning, before Niu Niu set off, she saw a couple from the third house carrying things and waiting outside the door with their two children.

"Second brother and second sister-in-law, I heard you said you wanted to eat it, so I brought the beancurd over. Unfortunately, after walking all the way, there is no heat left." Zheng Cuier said apologetically.

Zhang Yunniang didn't expect that this was a solid person, so she quickly pulled him into the house.

"You guys have been walking all the way, so you're probably hungry too. I'm going to order a bowl of noodles and have something warm." Zhang Yunniang said.

Zheng Cuier said: "I'll help light the fire and heat up the beancurd."

Zhang Yunniang did not refuse.

When Niu Niu heard that Zheng Cuier was coming, she immediately rushed into the kitchen.

"Third Aunt, how do you know I want to eat beancurd right now!" Niu Niu asked with a sweet smile.

Zheng Cuier held the little girl in her arms, teased her with a smile, and said, "I dreamed of Niu Niu last night, and Niu Niu told me that she still wanted to eat beancurd."

Niu Niu tilted her head: "This really seems like something I can do."

Zheng Cuier and Zhang Yuniang both laughed when they heard this.

Niuniu added: "I didn't eat much in the morning, so now I have to eat two bowls, one sweet and one salty!"

"My dear, you have a big appetite. Can you eat it?" Zhang Yunniang asked softly.

Niu Niu proudly puffed up her belly and said, "I couldn't eat that morning, but now I feel like I can eat a whole pig!"

"Okay, okay, I'll make a bowl for you." Zheng Cuier said with a smile.

She prepared the toppings sprinkled on the bean curd last night. The salty bean curd has minced soybean meat and various seasonings, which already has a rich texture. In addition to the sweet bean curd, she sprinkled red beans, and also added chopped peanuts and chestnuts. .

Zhang Yuniang looked at the full bowl and said, "I would never have imagined such ingenuity of my brothers and sisters."

"Yesterday you told me that I took it seriously. Red beans, peanuts and chestnuts are all available at home. It doesn't take much trouble. I'm stupid. If you didn't help me, I wouldn't have thought I could enter the city. They sell bean curds here." The gratitude on Zheng Cuier's face was genuine.

"What's going on in the kitchen, I smell it!"

Shopkeeper Luo's hearty voice sounded outside the house.

Niu Niu will leave for Sun's house tomorrow. Today, the Gu family has made an appointment with shopkeeper Luo to talk about braised meat. This matter must be settled before Niu Niu leaves home.

Second update

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