Chapter 190 Watching the fun

Niu Niu pricked up her ears and listened, her head stretched out, her big eyes purring, looking like a kitten jumping up and down.

"Okay, it's none of your business. You need to recover from your illness. Just lie down in the room and have a good rest. Don't run around." Zhang Yunniang said.

But Niuniu scratched her head and scratched her head, thinking about the excitement outside.

"Mom, I want to go out and have a look..." Niu Niu followed Zhang Yun's mother in a pitiful manner.

Zhang Yunniang couldn't stand her sweet and soft little daughter treating her like this.

"That's all, you can watch the excitement if you want." Zhang Yunniang said.

Niu Niu suddenly beamed with joy.

Zhang Yunniang changed the subject and said, "It's just that I'm here to watch for you. You must be good in the house. If you don't, I won't tell you what's going on outside."

Niuniu's face suddenly fell.

Zhang Yuniang looked at her daughter like this and found it funny, and said: "You are only six years old, why do you like to watch the fun so much?"

Niu Niu sighed and said, "I don't know."

Zhang Yuniang soon knew the reason. She saw two familiar faces in the bustling center.

Mrs. Gu and Gu Zhao, two faces, one big and one small, all watched the excitement intently.

"Mom." Zhang Yunniang squeezed past with great effort.

Mrs. Gu squeezed out a vacant seat and said, "You can see clearly from here!"

Zhang Yuniang had no choice but to squeeze into the empty seat. She could only be grateful that there were many people in the family, and Liu Xiaoru and Gu Yan could keep an eye on Niuniu and Dad Gu to prevent the old and the young from running around.

"What happened?" Zhang Yunniang asked her mother-in-law.

Mrs. Gu rushed over immediately, so she probably understood the cause and effect. She pointed at the surrounded gentlemen.

"These wealthy gentlemen, dressed like humans and dogs, actually don't do anything. That day, Jiaxing finally spent money to hire a boatman and a boatman to deal with the water thieves. It's better for these gentlemen hiding behind, they said Pay double the money for these people to protect them.

"They almost killed Jiaxing and Mingda by doing this. Three boatmen were killed that day, and several others were injured and lying there all the time. If it hadn't been for the young general's accurate marksmanship, Mingda would probably be lying there with the doctor now. "

"These gentlemen have robbed people, and now they are reluctant to give up the money. They don't want to give out double the money. They are really doing the same thing in front of their faces and behind their backs. Why don't the water thieves give them a knife!"

When Mrs. Gu talked about these things, her teeth itched with hatred.

Hearing this, Zhang Yunniang's eyes towards these people became unkind.

But these rich gentlemen are still arguing: "You have no enemies, you are just standing next to us, why do you want sixty taels of silver from us?"

With so many people asking for sixty taels of silver each, wouldn't it cost them their lives? They even regretted that if they had known that the navy would come so quickly, they shouldn't have invited them. Then the person paying now is Sun Jiaxing.

"Repent of what you promised, brothers, throw them into the water!" A short man among the young men shouted loudly.

When the other ordinary young men heard this, they were instantly inspired and struggled to push forward.

"Where's the boatman? Where's the steward? Is there no one to take care of the trouble on the boat?" The gentleman shouted.

But the stewards pretended not to know. When the boatmen thought of their dead companions, they all wanted to rush up and beat them together.

The leading gentleman has been lifted up by the young men and has been moving towards the water. He is about to be thrown down.

"Here, let's give it, why don't I give you money?"

The gentlemen finally compromised. They only regret that they are still on the boat and have no response every day. If they get off the boat, who will be angry with these reckless men.

The young men lifted the person up for a moment. "Pay me now, hurry up!" The short man urged to settle the payment on the spot.

There are still some people among the gentlemen who are thinking of scheming when they reach this point.

"I really don't have that much money on me. Think about it, who takes a boat with a box of silver? Don't worry, I will give it to you when you get off the boat!"

The young men were stunned for a moment. Many of them were still naive and actually believed this.

But the short man seemed to be the brains of these young men and shouted directly: "No! If there is no cash, there are also banknotes. If there is no banknote, we will use valuables to offset the price. Whoever can't get it will be thrown away!"

The other young men only needed to obey blindly when they heard the voice, and immediately lifted the old man up.

The faces of the gentlemen suddenly turned green. They only hated that their servants were useless and were no match for these young men.

"Okay, okay, give me the banknote, give me the banknote!"

There are also people who are unwilling to give up and want to play tricks during the money-giving process.

But this time I really met my opponent.

"There will be a discount when exchanging silver notes. If you give me a hundred taels of silver notes, it will only count as eighty taels of silver."

The old man was dumbfounded and cursed: "Why are you more evil than the bank? The bank won't take 20% of it!"

"Who knows what material this jade pendant you gave us is made of. Anyway, we don't understand what is ice type or not. This thing is only worth a tael of silver in our eyes."

The man who took out the jade pendant was confused when he heard this and said, "How can it be worth only one tael of silver? I still bought it for five taels of silver!"

When the short man heard this, he immediately cursed: "You originally wanted to bargain with us for fifty taels of something you bought for fifty taels, but I knew none of you were honest! Even one tael of silver is too much for me. Ten cents is too much." !”

But now the young men all listen to the short man, and the short man is difficult to deal with. No matter how full of clever ideas the old men have, they will only be defeated when they encounter such a smart team.

After the quarrel for a long time, how could the gentlemen tolerate the items they bought at a high price being mortgaged at a low price by a short man, and each one of them took out a large amount of gold and silver from nowhere.

After the short man and his brothers got the money, he sneered at the old man: "Look, they don't have any money, they are just not willing to give it to us!"

As soon as the short man said this, a group of people immediately glared at the old man.

By extracting money from the old men, the short man now responds to everything in the lower class cabins and has a high prestige. These people will chase him almost as soon as he gives an order.

The young men and women went out to make a living just to earn money. Now they had sixty taels of silver in their accounts by boat, and many of them had the idea of ​​returning home on the spot.

The short man did not stop him, but took the initiative and said: "Brothers, I happen to have a lot of connections in the capital. If you want to go to the capital, you might as well follow me to find a job. As long as I am here, I will not let the brothers Hungry."

For those who wanted to return home, the short man did not stop them, but advised them to get off the boat at the next pier to avoid being retaliated by the gentlemen on the boat.

Perhaps it was because of his outstanding performance in asking for wages that most of the young men were willing to follow him after this combination of punches.

The excitement ended and the crowd gradually dispersed.

Zhang Yuniang was about to return when she suddenly saw Gu Mingda and Sun Jiaxing in the crowd. Not only were they watching the fun, but they also carried Xie Xingchuan on their backs!

Before the excitement of watching the excitement on their faces faded away, they saw their family members not far away, and their faces suddenly became full of embarrassment.

Zhang Yunniang glanced at Gu Mingda, and then at Mrs. Gu who was excitedly sharing gossip with her son. She thought to herself, no wonder Niu Niu loves to watch the fun so much. It turns out that the blame lies with these two people.

"This Wang He is quite a character. Either he wants to steal the sixty taels of silver from his younger brothers, or he can really lead this group of people to create a world in the capital." Gu Mingda said.

Wang He was none other than a short young man who was the leader of the young men.

Sun Jiaxing had a strange look on his face. He was the one who organized the young men in the lower class that day. He always had a good memory, so he finally expressed his doubts at this time.

"When I organized my troops to meet the enemy that day, I didn't seem to have seen this person."

Second update

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