Chapter 24 Rumors

The third bedroom of the old Gu family went out to sell tofu. Chen Chunhua took this opportunity to accompany her husband back to her natal village, Chenjia Village. She wanted to stay at her natal home for more time, but also hoped to help her husband sell out all the tofu.

Liu Erni was different. She wasn't familiar with the people in the next village, so she couldn't help her husband there. She simply took advantage of her mother-in-law not paying attention and took another piece of tofu back to her parents' house.

When Gu Mingda went around asking people to go up the mountain to look for Niu Niu, Liu Erni originally wanted to come out to help, but was held back by her mother.

Liu's mother's reason was also very good: "You went out, what if they asked your brother to come with you to help? The person was lost in Daqingshan. That Niuniu was very unlucky. Who knows if she was playfully raped by something?" Eat it, don’t drag your brother down.”

The Gu and Liu families are in-laws. According to the secular agreement, if something happens to the Gu family, the Liu family will naturally lend a hand to help. The men of the Liu family will also be at the head of the team that goes into the mountain.

Liu Erni obviously valued her mother's family more. When she heard this, she immediately shrank back and pretended not to hear Gu Mingda calling people around the village. She helped her mother's family with work for a long time before hearing the news. The movement inside.

At first, the Liu family joined in the fun to watch Zhang Guangzong's family's jokes, but when they heard that the old Gu family had caught a wild boar in the mountains, they immediately couldn't sit still, for fear that the Gu family's third room would not be able to take advantage of it.

After knowing that the wild boar was going to be divided equally with others, not to mention Liu Erni, even Liu Lao Niang was shocked. The old lady's logic was very touching. If her daughter did not get any benefits, it meant that her family also suffered a big loss. The things belonging to Liu Er Ni and Gu Laosan, Madam Liu has long regarded her as her own, and the wild boar meat from Lao Gu's family is equal to her wild boar meat.

After Liu Erni was encouraged by her mother, she immediately ran back home in a hurry, trying to stop them from sharing the pork as soon as possible.

Gu Mingda in the room frowned slightly.

Zhang Yunniang said immediately: "I'll go out and take a look."

Gu Mingda frowned slightly: "I'll go with you."

The two sons also had curious looks on their faces, and even Niu Niu stretched her neck as if looking outside.

"Dad, I want to go out and help grandma!" Gu Zhao thought he was very considerate and said.

Gu Mingda didn't tolerate him and pointed it out directly: "If you want to watch the fun, just say so."

Gu Zhao chuckled, not feeling embarrassed at all.

Gu Mingda did not scold him, but looked at his eldest son Gu Yan and said, "You can't go out. Your elder brother will explain the reason."

After saying that, he ruthlessly led Zhang Yunniang out.

Gu Zhao looked at Gu Yan pitifully, and Niu Niu had the same expression.

Gu Yan reached out and touched the top of his sister's hair, and said softly: "The third aunt is an elder. Grandma should scold her. A gentleman should not look at anything inappropriate."

Gu Zhao spoke quickly: "I am not a gentleman, and neither is Niuniu."

Gu Yan:…

He took a deep breath and said: "The elders are about to fall into an embarrassing situation, and the younger generations should stay out of the way."

As he explained, Mrs. Gu's loud voice outside could be heard in the room.

"Where have you been all afternoon, and you don't care if your nephews and nieces are missing? You thanked the villagers for some pork and you jumped! When will it be your turn to make the decision in this family!" Mrs. Gu didn't wait for the villagers who came into the mountain to be dissatisfied, and quickly After settling the matter, Liu Erni not only stopped others from sharing the wild boar meat, but she was also sprayed **** by her mother-in-law.

"This is the wild boar that dad killed. You are too willing to spend a lot of money on this unrelated girl..." Liu Erni defended in a low voice.

But she didn't know that among the three daughters-in-law, her mother-in-law, Mrs. Gu, disliked her the least.

Although Chen Chunhua has her own little plans, in the end she is still thinking about Dafang.

As for the third daughter-in-law, Liu Erni, not only did she have many petty schemes, but she also started many disputes in the family. More importantly, this daughter-in-law’s thoughts were all about her parents’ family!

What Mrs. Gu hates the most is this kind of stupid person who can't see his own position. His children don't know how to feel sorry for them, but instead treat their nephews and nieces as ancestors. In Mrs. Gu's opinion, this is just out of their minds. .

"You also know that the wild boar was killed by the old man. What does this have to do with you? If you can, go up the mountain and kill one yourself! It's not your turn to make the decision in the Gu family. If you make trouble again, I will let the third child divorce you!" The old lady said fiercely.

She was not usually such a mean person, and rarely said such things about divorcing her wife. Today she was so angry that she didn't give Liu Erni any face in front of everyone.

She also did this for everyone present to see. People with the surname Gu fled to Qingshui Village. Although they had settled there for decades and were divided into several families, they still had a small surname in the village.

No matter whether Gu Mingda can be admitted as a scholar in the future or whether he will be successful, as long as his own son tells it, Mrs. Gu will help her son save her face even if she feels sad.

Since the matter of dividing the meat is a foregone conclusion, it must be done beautifully and no one can stop it.

Liu Erni couldn't understand the twists and turns in Mrs. Gu's heart at all. She had always been short-sighted and could only see her own losses. She was still calculating how much meat she had lost. She was so wronged that she almost cried on the spot. She couldn't help it. I want to make a scene again.

Old Mrs. Gu was upset, so she dragged him to the woodshed. People in the yard could faintly hear a few scoldings.

Gu Mingda didn't like outsiders watching the excitement of his house, so he immediately urged everyone: "Is it time to share the meat with Brother Zhang Wu? Is the hind leg meat okay?"

Although the excitement was nice to watch, the meat they got was real. A group of people immediately turned their heads and began to devote all their enthusiasm to dividing the meat.

There was someone who could talk. He was holding meat in his hand and praising Gu Mingda non-stop: "Mingda, you are generous. With you, the old Gu family will have no worries about not being prosperous in the future."

"Yes, yes, you scholars keep your word, but ordinary people are not so willing."

Some people used Gu Mingda to try and bully Zhang Guangzong, saying: "There are not many scholars like Mingda who are sensible. Isn't there a scholar in our village who wants to sell his daughter to get married in the underworld?"

When Gu Mingda heard this, there was no joy on his face, but he said very seriously: "Although Guangzong sold his daughter to make money, he may not have much money and has his own difficulties."

After hearing this, everyone laughed and said, "What trouble can he have? Is the person who took the thirty taels of silver at his word really short of the five taels of silver that sold the girl? Isn't it because he is greedy and lustful!"

When the men in the country started gossiping, it seemed that they had nothing to do with women. Someone immediately sensed that something was wrong and asked: "Lawful? Why is Zhang Guangzong so lecherous? His mother-in-law is famously beautiful in our village, and he has a lot of trouble outside." ? Do you know anything? Tell me."

The first person to speak was questioned by everyone, with a very unhappy face on his face, and said, "You don't know this. Zhang Guangzong, this kid, looks honest on the surface, but in fact he is having a lot of fun in private."

(End of chapter)

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