Chapter 333 The King of Children

This was a **** scene. These young girls had never seen such a scene before.

In comparison, only Niu Niu has a little more knowledge.

After all, Niuniu has seen pigs being killed.

Niu Niu trotted to the door of the yard: "Aunt Fangcao, sir is injured, what should we do?"

Aunt Fangcao came in and took a look, and was shocked by the situation. She immediately went to other palaces and called a few young and strong eunuchs over.

Mr. Wu came here on foot in the morning, and before get out of class ended, he was carried into the Tai Hospital.

This happened on the first day of class, and the six little girls looked at each other in shock.

"Should we still go to class?" a little girl asked in a low voice.

Niuniu said: "Sir, get out of class is over, why do we still have class?"

When other people heard this, they immediately felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Only Miss Li San said: "Even if your husband is not here, you still have to study hard."

The others' original intention to have fun was suppressed again.

Niu Niu looked at Miss Li San strangely and said, "Then you can read by yourself."

Miss Li San hated Niu Niu when they first met. She missed seeing the Queen Mother because she was splashed with water by the little palace maid, which made her the laughing stock of the whole palace. Niu Niu also begged for the little palace maid, which made Miss Li hate Niu Niu even more.

Miss Li San said: "Among the six of us, I am the oldest. You should listen to me. My husband has said it before. Learning is like sailing against the current, and if you don't advance, you will retreat..."

Niu Niu just thought she was boring and said: "Judging by age? You must be right if you are older, right? Then Aunt Fangcao I brought is the oldest, we all listen to her."

Miss Li San suddenly felt that the words Mr. Wu scolded Niu Niu were not wrong at all. She had never seen anyone as sharp-tongued as Niu Niu.

"You! You're talking nonsense! How can a servant compare with the master..." Miss Li San argued.

Niu Niu tilted her little head and said, "Didn't you mean comparing by age? In that case, age must come first, and you can ignore everything else."

Miss Li San couldn't argue with Niu Niu, and her nose was almost crooked with anger.

Qin Jingshu stood aside, looking at Niu Niu with admiration, and whispered: "Niu Niu, you are really amazing."

Niu Niu said proudly: "This is what my father taught me. When you meet someone you don't like, you can mess with them and defeat them with fallacies."

Miss Li San doesn't like Niu Niu, and Niu Niu doesn't like her either.

Qin Jingshu couldn't help but said: "Your father is really amazing."

Qin Jingshu actually envied Gu Mingda's concern for Niu Niu. He did not ask for anything in return and tried every means to make her daughter live a better life.

Niu Niu likes people to praise her family the most. She proudly puffed out her belly and said, "Of course, my dad knows the best! When I'm at home, my dad teaches me all my homework!"

Qin Jingshu felt that she was tired of saying the word "envy" and couldn't help but said: "It would be great if your father came to teach us. He would definitely teach us a lot of useful things. I don't want to learn any female virtues or precepts." Niu Niu. He looked at his friend in surprise.

Qin Jingshu came over and whispered: "I have already learned these things Mr. Wu taught me at home, and I know them by heart."

Niu Niu's focus is always a bit strange. This time she looked at Qin Jingshu with admiration: "You can actually recite such ugly things!"

Qin Jingshu's face froze, and she suddenly felt that Niu Niu's description was so apt. She didn't know why she didn't like the three obediences and four virtues before, but now that Niu Niu said it, she found it hard to hear it.

Niu Niu instinctively disliked this, and said: "What's the use of learning these things that Mr. taught? It's better to learn something practical, even if we are asked to recognize bugs."

"Gu Xi, do you like to recognize bugs?"

Another little girl who Niuniu didn't recognize came over and asked.

Facing Niuniu's unfamiliar eyes, the little girl immediately explained: "My name is Song Miaomiao, I am seven years old this year."

Niu Niu dared to contradict Mr. Wu. Except for Miss Li San, the other little girls thought Niu Niu was very powerful. They thought she was very brave and admired her very much.

Niuniu shook her head: "I don't like to recognize bugs, but my third brother likes to recognize bugs. My third brother is amazing. Not only does he know a lot of bugs, he is also very good at raising bugs! There is an old doctor who likes him very much and insists on collecting them. Become his disciple!"

When Niuniu talks about her family, no matter what comes into her mouth, everything will turn into pride.

Other little girls also gathered around at this time. They were not very old and did not have much ability to distinguish right from wrong. Listening to what Niu Niu said, they also made a sound of exclamation, as if dealing with bugs was also a particularly powerful thing.

"Gu Xi, what do you know? Your brother is so good, you must be good too!" Song Miaomiao is also a child who is particularly good at providing emotional value.

Niu Niu tilted her little head and thought for a long time before saying, "I know how to play! Can I teach you how to play with sandbags?"

Although these official ladies are young, they still play by the aristocratic training rules. The family pays attention to the cultivation of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and occasionally they play games such as chess and pot for entertainment.

What Niu Niu brought to them at this time was a small game that had been popular among the people for many years, which immediately gave them the feeling of opening the door to a new world.

Not long after Niuniu finished explaining the rules, a group of little girls immediately started playing together happily. As for Mr. Wu, reading and other things, they all forgot about it.

Only Miss Li San was sitting in the room at this time, holding a copy of "Girls' Commandments" and reading absentmindedly. From time to time, the laughter of other children playing outside could be heard in her ears.

What are you playing at? Is it that fun? These thoughts were always swirling in Miss Li San's mind. She wanted to put down her book and go out to play with them, but she just had a quarrel with Niu Niu and she couldn't bear it.

Niu Niu didn't know Miss Li San's dilemma at all. She led a group of little girls to play in the yard for nearly an hour, until Aunt Fangcao came to urge them.

Niuniu then turned back to the other little girls and said, "It's time to have lunch. I'll go back first. Let's play together later!"

"Okay, okay!" A group of little girls agreed happily.

Qin Jingshu reminded: "Niuniu, Mr. Wu doesn't know when he will be fine, and he doesn't know if he will have classes in the afternoon. When and how will we meet?"

Niu Niu felt that this was indeed a problem and said: "I can't stop studying all the time. If there is no class in the afternoon, I may have to practice Chinese calligraphy."

Niu Niu was not completely tired of studying, she just didn't like Mr. Wu. She always kept in mind the homework assigned to her by Gu Mingda.

"If there is no class tomorrow, can we go and play with you?" Song Miaomiao asked, pulling on Niu Niu's clothes. She really liked playing with Niu Niu. Niu Niu seemed to have countless fun ideas.

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