Chapter 370 Can’t leave the palace

 Letting a six-year-old child listen to ghost stories seems not normal to anyone.

But Niu Niu said: "Dad said it, it's just during the day, it doesn't matter. If you listen more, you may not be so scared."

"He said that a brave man has nothing to fear. Instead of always protecting me under his wings, he told me what to do and how to do it."

Niu Niu said with some regret: "If my father wasn't good at water, he would have taught me how to swim, and maybe I would have gone into the water to save people."

When the Queen Mother heard this, she couldn't help but cover her heart, and said in her heart that she was lucky. If Niu Niu really fell into the water, she wouldn't know how worried she would be.

"Don't say this. When I think about you being the one who falls into the water, I feel so panicked." The Queen Mother was worried because she knew that Li Zhaoyi didn't like Niu Niu.

According to Li Zhaoyi's ruthless nature, it was really not sure whether the incident of Luo Meiren's spice poisoning was directed at Luo Meiren or Niu Niu.

Instead, Li Shunfu came in and whispered: "The Queen Mother, that palace maid is back."

The Queen Mother's eyes lit up.

But Li Shunfu didn't look good and said: "After the palace maid learned that Song Miaomiao had woken up and identified Li Zhaoyi, she bit the poison hidden in her mouth on the spot and she was already dead."

"Dead?" The Queen Mother did not expect such a result.

Li Shunfu continued: "The Queen Mother, with such a clean and neat demeanor, does not look like a hidden child who entered the palace, but rather like a carefully cultivated warrior."

The big families in Beijing do have the habit of cultivating a few dead men in case of emergencies, but each family hides them very deeply.

And the Li family used to be just a gentry family in Guanglin Mansion. Even though it was a wealthy family in the eyes of ordinary people, in the eyes of people in the capital, it was completely unworthy.

"The Li family should be alert. They have only been in Beijing for a short time and they are actually training dead soldiers to be used in the palace. What do they want to do?" the Queen Mother asked with a frown.

Li Shunfu didn't dare to answer this, and could only look at Niu Niu with her big eyes looking in this direction in a vague way.

The Queen Mother didn't want Niu Niu to know these things, so she waved her hand and said, "Just tell the emperor about this and see what he plans."

Li Shunfu breathed a sigh of relief and then said: "Your Majesty, Concubine Wang asked Concubine Xian for permission to call Mrs. Song into the palace. Concubine Xian did not dare to act on her own, so she asked this old slave to ask you for an idea."

The Queen Mother nodded and said: "The little girl of the Song family has suffered a serious crime this time, and she should be given no less comfort. However, Concubine Wang must know how to say it to the outside world."

The accidental fall into the water was always the fault of the royal family, but if Li Zhaoyi was involved, it would be a harem scandal and could only be regarded as an accidental fall into the water.

But in return, the royal family promoted Song Miaomiao's father.

Although Song Miaomiao's grandfather was an important minister in the cabinet, her father was still just a minor official, and his promotion to another level had stopped the Song family's complaints.

"Don't worry, Concubine Xian, Concubine Xian and Concubine Wang are both sensible people and will never make mistakes." After Li Shunfu said this, he bowed and left.

The Queen Mother turned around and saw Niu Niu looking happy.

"That's great. Sister Miaomiao's family can really come to the palace to see her!" Niu Niu was very happy for her little friend.

The Queen Mother touched her little head and said, "Why are you so happy when my mother comes to the palace?"

"Sister Miaomiao fell into the water and suffered a serious crime. If she can be happy, she can recover as soon as possible." Niu Niu was sincerely happy for her little friend.

The Queen Mother likes Niu Niu not only because she looks like the granddaughter in the dream, but also because of her pure, kind and sincere temperament.

"Do you want your mother to come to the palace to visit you?" The Queen Mother was willing to give Niu Niu some preference.

Niu Niu's eyes lit up instantly.

But the next second she shook her head again and said, "Let's forget it."

The Queen Mother was puzzled. "I didn't fall into the water, so you don't need to compensate me." Niu Niu said.

The Queen Mother did not expect that the little girl would have such thoughts, and said with a smile: "You have always taken good care of me. This is your reward."

Niuniu's expression changed, but she asked again: "Grandma, the Queen Mother, can I change the reward?"

"You want something else?" The Queen Mother couldn't help but ask.

"Aunt Liu is getting married next month, and I want to go to the ceremony." Niu Niu whispered her request.

The Queen Mother frowned slightly.

Children who were recruited to pray for blessings could not easily leave their adoptive parents. It was precisely for this reason that Song Miaomiao was not released from the palace despite such a big incident.

Niuniu said: "Aunt Liu is my mother's god-sister. She loves me very much. I really like her and don't want to miss such an important event as her getting married..."

Seeing the little girl's coquettish begging, the Queen Mother's heart softened, but this rule cannot be broken.

"My dear, let's forget this matter. How about doing something else?" the Queen Mother asked.

Niu Niu sighed like a young adult and said, "But if you miss this wedding, there may not be another one."

The Queen Mother also felt sorry for Niu Niu and couldn't help but said: "It would be great if someone in the palace was pregnant, and there would be no need to keep you children in the palace."

Niu Niu was well-behaved and sensible. Although she was full of regrets, since she couldn't do it, she didn't keep pestering her.

It's just that the Queen Mother felt a debt in her heart. During this period, the treasure was delivered to Niu Niu like water, and she hoped that the little girl would be happy.

Niu Niu was also very cooperative. Even if she felt regretful, she never showed it in front of the Queen Mother. She felt that she was lucky enough. Compared with other children, she could at least see her biological father more often.

Song Miaomiao, on the other hand, finally got Mrs. Song into the palace. She thought her mother would find a way to take her out of the palace, but she didn't expect that Mrs. Song felt distressed and still advised Song Miaomiao to stay well in the palace and not get into trouble.

Mrs. Song's husband was neither the eldest son in the family, nor was he an official in the imperial examination. Instead, he relied on the talents of Song Ge's elders to become a minor official. Promotion was even more difficult. Compared to their daughter, the couple were more happy with this promotion. .

Even if her daughter complained that she was unhappy in the palace, Mrs. Song just advised Song Miaomiao to be patient and help the Wang concubine.

Mrs. Song had just tasted the beauty of imperial power. At this moment, she couldn't help but think that it would be great if Wang Concubine could give birth to a prince. In this way, Song Miaomiao would be regarded as half sister of the future prince, and her family would be able to follow her in her career.

Song Miaomiao didn't know the so-called compensation, but pushed her family further and further away.

The days passed by.

Song Miaomiao rested for ten days and finally resumed school. She was still full of disappointment in her heart, but there were many friends in the school, and children are forgetful, so she would forget about the disappointment after a while.

After school that day, Niu Niu said goodbye to her father and left Baisun Courtyard.

The little girl saw Luo Meiren waiting under the shade of a tree not far away and ran over happily.

"Sister Beauty, in class today, my father told me the story of Zeng Zi butchering a pig..."

Niu Niu led Luo Meiren to the direction of Shoukang Palace. As she walked, she explained the stories she learned in class.

After the story was told, Shoukang Palace also arrived.

"Sister Beauty, the weather is too hot. Don't come to pick me up every day. I will find my own way!" Niu Niu didn't want Luo Meiren to work too hard.

Luo Meiren shook her head. She was about to say it didn't matter, but unexpectedly, she suddenly tilted her body and fell forward heavily.

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