Chapter 377 Thank you for your presence

Today the Gu family is hosting a wedding banquet for their younger sister. Most of the people who come here to have a drink are Gu Mingda’s colleagues and friends from Beijing.

This sudden decree from the Queen Mother caught everyone off guard.

It was a colleague who reminded Gu Mingda: "Brother Gu, since it is the Queen Mother's decree, we should set up an incense table and hold it respectfully."

The colleague kindly reminded him, but he was also afraid that Gu Mingda had just become an official and had not taken over the orders of the nobles at home, so he was negligent.

The person who came to announce the decree was Li Shunfu. He blinked at Niu Niu as soon as he entered the door. He held a copy of the decree in his hand and was waiting unhurriedly for the Gu family to prepare everything.

Liu Xiaoru, whose sight was always covered by the red hijab, had no idea what was going on. She only heard that there was a decree coming, and the atmosphere around her felt very depressing. She tugged on the other end of the red silk nervously.

Shopkeeper Luo had spent a long time with her and understood her character. He immediately took two steps towards her. The two were standing side by side, each other's clothes were stuck together, and they looked very intimate.

Shopkeeper Luo lowered his head and lowered his voice to his newlywed wife's ear: "Don't worry, the **** delivering the order seems to be smiling. It doesn't look like he's doing anything bad."

Although Liu Xiaoru breathed a sigh of relief, she still asked: "What will you do if something bad happens?"

Shopkeeper Luo said softly: "What else can we do? We are already connected by the red silk. In my heart, we are already consummated. You are my wife. Don't even think about regretting your marriage because of other things. The couple's hearts are in the same place. Any difficulty can be overcome.”

A hint of sweetness flashed through Liu Xiaoru's heart, but she said worriedly: "I just don't know what the Queen Mother is transmitting the decree for."

Shopkeeper Luo said: "My brother-in-law also said before that the Queen Mother loves Niu Niu very much. She does not look at the monk's face but the Buddha's face. Even if she is dissatisfied with us, she will take into account Niu Niu's mood. It is probably not a bad thing."

As the person who was most familiar with Li Shunfu in the audience, Niu Niu ran directly to Li Shunfu without anyone urging her.

"Uncle Steward, what is the order given by the Queen Mother?" Niu Niu tugged on his sleeves and raised her head and asked.

The rest of the Gu family were all looking at Li Shunfu eagerly, waiting for his answer.

Li Shunfu shook his head and said: "My dear, I can't say anything nonsense before reading out the decree, but don't worry, it's not a bad thing anyway."

A group of people breathed a sigh of relief. Today was the wedding day for their sister. It would be bad if something happened.

After finally setting up the incense table, Li Shunfu held the copy of the Queen Mother's decree in both hands, stood up, cleared his throat, and began to read out the decree.

"Liu, the sworn sister of Gu Mingda, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, is outstanding in talent, chastity and purity. She is in the prime of her youth and should marry a good son-in-law. Now she is specially granted marriage to the son of Luo in Anzhou, and the marriage is white. Appointment, a good marriage between the two surnames..."

Along with the marriage decree, there were also a large number of rewards from the Queen Mother.

It happened to be a coincidence that all the wedding rewards were given to Liu Xiaoru by name as a dowry. Even the marriage decree stated that Liu Xiaoru was "marrying" Luo's son.

The Queen Mother's intention was very obvious, not only to show favor, but also to support Liu Xiaoru.

Liu Xiaoru naturally understood the deep love conveyed by the Queen Mother's decree.

Liu Xiaoru had never met the Queen Mother, and she was not so arrogant as to think that the Queen Mother granted the marriage because of her. At this moment, she wanted to lift the red hijab and take a look at Niu Niu.

"Good boy..." Liu Xiaoru's voice was choked with sobs.

Zhang Yunniang hurriedly sent her daughter over.

"Aunt Liu." Niu Niu held Liu Xiaoru's other hand with her soft little hand.

"Good baby, thank you." Liu Xiaoru knew very well that after receiving this marriage decree, no one in the Luo family would dare to say anything to her even if they still despised her origin. Even openly, everyone would Treat her respectfully. "Aunt Liu, I often tell your story to the Queen Mother. She likes you very much." Niu Niu said in a sweet voice.

At this moment, the guests around him all looked astonished when they heard this. It turned out that the Queen Mother liked to listen to stories.

Only Liu Xiaoru knew very well that this had nothing to do with the story, it was just because she was Niu Niu's family.

Liu Xiaoru has always felt that Niuniu is the most lovable child in the world. As long as she stays with the little girl for a long time, no one will dislike her.

Now that she has received this honor, Liu Xiaoru naturally takes it for granted that it all comes from Niu Niu.

"Aunt Liu thanks the Queen Mother, but the one who is most grateful is always Niu Niu. Without our dear baby, I wouldn't be where I am today." Liu Xiaoru lowered her voice and said to Niu Niu.

Niu Niu felt that she was not that good. She never knew how much she had helped Liu Xiaoru.

"My dear, can you take me out of the house, okay?" Liu Xiaoru suddenly asked.

Niuniu nodded vigorously.

After the marriage decree was read out, the wedding continued, except that it was Zhang Yunniang holding Liu Xiaoru before, but now it was changed to Niu Niu.

The little girl held Liu Xiaoru's hand and slowly walked towards the door.

When they arrived at the door, shopkeeper Luo said gently to the little girl: "My dear, just send it here. From now on, you have to change your name and call me uncle."

Niu Niu was still reluctant to give up.

Even Liu Xiaoru found separation so embarrassing.

"Okay, okay, although your Aunt Liu is married, she will always be your Aunt Liu." Zhang Yuniang coaxed gently from the side.

Niuniu finally let go.

Watching the wedding honor guard walking further and further away, the red color finally disappeared on the street corner. The little girl turned around and asked her mother: "Why do you have to leave home? Why can't Uncle Luo join our family?"

"Because your Uncle Luo also has his own family, and his family also hopes to stay with him." Zhang Yunniang said softly.

Niu Niu frowned, thought for a long time, and finally said: "Then even if I get married in the future, I want to find someone who is willing to join our family. I don't want to be separated from you."

Zhang Yunniang couldn't help laughing.

However, when Gu Mingda heard this, he said happily: "We, the good little ones, will think that we will kidnap a bad boy back so that we don't go to other people's homes and suffer the consequences."

Zhang Yunniang added: "Our family will move soon. When the time comes, we will buy a house that is close to your Aunt Liu. If you want to see her, you can see her at any time."

The house that the Gu family lives in now was rented to them by Shopkeeper Luo. They have been in Beijing for so long and have almost accumulated enough money. The neighbors here are all ordinary people. It is inevitable to be jealous when seeing the Gu family's good life. There has been a fight between the neighbors. There was a few frictions.

Gu Mingda thought about it and decided that it would be better to change his residence.

Niu Niu's eyes were bright at this time and she said to her father: "Then I want to live in the room closest to Aunt Liu!"

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