Chapter 388 I want to leave the palace

 When the Queen Mother picked up the list of ministers, she actually didn’t see much in it.

She has been concentrating on worshiping Buddha these years, and the emperor is very arbitrary. She has never thought about intervening in government affairs, and has no way to do so. She hardly knows most of the people on this list.

"Several of them are censors."

After hearing the explanation from her subordinates, the Queen Mother couldn't figure it out: "You said he doesn't want to help his sister regain favor, so why is he still thinking about impeaching others?

Naturally, his subordinates couldn't come up with an answer.

The Queen Mother continued: "Forget it, the Ai family doesn't bother to care about the affairs in the court. He will impeach whomever he wants."

The Queen Mother thought that this matter had nothing to do with Shoukang Palace, so she ignored it.

But within two days, news came from the previous court that many censors jointly impeached Gu Mingda.

The reason for impeachment was an article written by Gu Mingda in the early years. The language was careless and meant to satirize the government.

It was just a trivial matter at first. These articles were not written in the past two years, but were written decades or twenty years ago. Even when Gu Mingda himself was impeached, he was stunned for a few moments. He even thought about making things difficult for these people. In order to target myself, I even dug out articles from many years ago.

The emperor did not take this matter seriously.

But this was just the beginning. Immediately afterwards, someone wrote a letter to impeach Gu Mingda for his close contacts with the businessman Luo family, and there was suspicion of collusion between government and businessmen.

But this is easy to explain. After all, the two families are apparently related by marriage. In the contract signed with Shopkeeper Luo, only Liu Xiaoru's name was included.

Niu Niu and Zhang Yunniang's shares in the braised meat workshop were signed separately by Liu Xiaoru and them in private, so it was not affected.

Gu Mingda thought the matter was over, but soon someone wrote a letter to impeach Gu Mingda for cheating in the Tongsheng Examination. The reason was that Gu Mingda's brother-in-law Zhang Guangzong betrayed and was exiled due to imperial examination fraud, and Gu Mingda was probably involved.

Gu Mingda complained that he and Zhang Guangzong had already severed their ties with each other.

But the people behind the scenes obviously expected that Gu Mingda would do this, because the impeachment that followed turned into an impeachment of Gu Mingda for not being strict with his wife and for being unfilial to her mother.

Gu Mingda even met Mrs. Cai.

For this "mother-in-law" who had bullied his wife for many years and the "grandma" who had bullied Niuniu for a long time, Gu Mingda never thought that there would be a chance to see this person again.

Since Zhang Guangzong was exiled, Zhang Jinbao and Mrs. Cai have disappeared, and Gu Mingda thought there was no possibility of seeing her again.

Mrs. Cai cried with snot and tears in Jingzhao Mansion. She accused Zhang Yunniang of being unfilial to her and wanted to sue Zhang Yunniang for disobedience.

In theory, although Mrs. Cai is a stepmother, she is indeed Zhang Yunniang's mother. However, the world is such that the stepmother cannot enjoy the same treatment as the mother.

Mrs. Cai's complaint is really far-fetched.

Although these were minor matters, they made Gu Mingda very embarrassed for a while, and he was criticized by his colleagues in the Hanlin Academy.

"Brother Gu, these people are jealous that Brother Gu is favored by His Majesty. Don't take it to heart. If you feel unhappy because of it, you will make these villains proud!" Sun Jiaxing comforted Gu Mingda.

Gu Mingda shook his head. This trivial matter really didn't make him anxious and angry, but he didn't understand which **** he had offended, so he was in such trouble.

It's just him who is in trouble, so he won't feel embarrassed. Everyone in his family has been in trouble recently. Zhang Yunniang was once invited to a small official's home to provide postpartum care for the woman in their family. The woman did not accept Zhang Yuniang's guidance and died of a sudden postpartum hemorrhagic collapse within half a month.

The woman's family members immediately got involved and sent people to the door of Gu's house all day long, screaming that it was Zhang Yunniang who was seeking wealth and murder.

Even the old lady Gu has been having a very rough time recently. The old lady was watching the excitement at the gate of the city. Two groups of people were fighting. I don’t know whose stick fell out of hand and hit the old lady directly on the head. Now the old lady is Lying at home, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

During this period, the Luo family was not only involved in the Gu family's lawsuit, but their own business was also hit hard. When the braised food shop encountered a porcelain dealer, they carried a dead person and blocked the door of the shop. It must be the Luo family who killed someone.

With so many troubles surrounding her, even though the Queen Mother kept it secret, Niu Niu in the palace still knew the news.

Gu Mingda didn't come to class for a few days. The reason he gave was that something happened in the past. Niu Niu didn't think much about it at first. After she didn't have to go to class, she often went to visit Li Xuan.

Li Xuan and Li Shuo lived next door. Li Xuan was not a talkative person, but Li Shuo was different.

Li Shuo was fine, but he felt that if Niu Niu hadn't bumped into Li Xuan, Li Xuan wouldn't have been able to go to the racecourse to practice riding and shooting that day, so he would have been the unlucky one.

Li Shuo didn't reflect at all on why he secretly rode someone else's horse. Instead, he shifted all the responsibility to these two people, feeling that they were the ones who caused him trouble!

Li Shuo didn't have a good face when facing Niu Niu. As soon as he received the news, he gloated to Niu Niu: "Your father is going to be in bad luck, your grandma is going to die, your mother is going to jail, and you are going to be expelled soon." Kicked out of the palace!"

When the little girl heard this, her face went blank. After she reacted, she retorted loudly: "No way, my family is fine, they will definitely be fine! My grandma has always been healthy!"

Li Shuo said: "What an idiot. Your family is in trouble. Just go and find out!"

Tears welled up in the little girl's eyes and she shook her head vigorously: "Impossible! My family will be fine! You must be lying to me!"

The little girl looked at Li Xuan standing aside with a look of help.

Li Xuan's eyes dodge. In the past two days, Li Xuan's mother came in to visit and told him a lot about the Gu family.

When Niu Niu saw Li Xuan's expression, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Li Shuo on the side continued: "It's all because you did bad things that they suffered such retribution! You are a harm!"

The little girl's face was pale.

Li Xuan hurriedly comforted him: "Niuniu, don't think so. If everyone in this world suffers and feels that they have done bad things and are being punished, then look at him. His hands and feet are broken. Is it because he did too many bad things?" "A lot?"

Li Shuo now hates people mentioning his broken hands and feet. When he heard this, he used his good hand to pick up something on the side and threw it at the two of them.

It's just that he forgot that he was currently weak and had no strength. When he threw the object, it didn't hit the other two people. Instead, it fell on his own feet, making him scream in pain.

"You are harming me! You are harming me!" Li Shuo said loudly.

The maids and eunuchs who were in charge of serving the palace rushed in in a swarm.

Li Xuan looked at the noisy scene and quickly pulled Niuniu out who was in bad condition.

After leaving the prince's residence, Niu Niu suddenly woke up and cried: "I want to find the Queen Mother! I want to leave the palace! I want to go home! I want to stay with my family!"

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