Chapter 401 Ginger Sugar Balls

Niuniu still remembers that the first time she ate pastries from Baiweifang was at the flower viewing banquet at the princess's mansion.

After just eating it once, she was astonished.

Rich families in the capital always like to use Baiweifang's pastries for their banquets.

The pastries sold at Baiweifang are too expensive. Although Niuniu loves to eat them, she won't keep pestering her parents to buy them for her.

It is precisely for this reason that Niu Niu really likes to attend various banquets in the capital.

The one time she was particularly happy was when she and her father attended a poetry recital. Without any reason, her friend Qin Jingshu asked her maid to buy a lot of Baiweifang pastries for Niu Niu, including Baiweifang candies.

Baiweifang's pastries are very famous, but Baiweifang's sugar is a less popular product. Not many people know about it, and not many people even buy it.

Although Niu Niu has only tasted it once, she likes the taste very much. The reason is simple. She likes to eat Baiweifang's **** candies.

Niu Niu put the candy wrapper to the tip of her nose, smelled it, and said loudly to Gu Mingda: "This is the **** candy ball from Baiweifang, I like to eat it!"

When the governor of Jingzhao heard this, he sighed in his heart that children are greedy. At such an important moment, they only stared at a candy wrapper on the ground.

Yes, in Gu Mingda's eyes, it was important evidence, but in Jingzhao Fuyin's eyes, it was just a piece of garbage on the road.

"Master Li, it looks like we are going to Baiweifang." Gu Mingda turned to Jingzhao Fuyin and said.

The governor of Jingzhao said: "Why are you going to Baiweifang? Are you going to buy candy for your daughter?"

Gu Mingda:…

Gu Mingda resisted the urge to look at the Jingzhao governor as if he were a fool. He pointed to the footprints on the ground and said, "The footprints extend from the entrance of the alley to here. This candy wrapper must have been accidentally dropped by the other party." of.

The governor of Jingzhao looked at the candy wrapper that the little girl was holding in her hands like a treasure. The candy wrapper was no bigger than a child's hand. It was coated with a layer of wax seal and stamped with a Baiweifang seal in the corner of the paper.

Baiweifang's pastries have always been very expensive. Each pastry is wrapped in waxed paper, which is not only convenient and practical, but also increases the price.

"Can we really find traces of the other party with just a piece of candy wrapper?" Jingzhao Fuyin was half-convinced, but he still had some thoughts in handing the case to Dali Temple.

Gu Mingda vaguely understood what this person was thinking and said, "Don't worry, sir. If we can't find out, we won't waste too much time by handing over the clues to Dali Temple."

When the governor of Jingzhao heard what Gu Mingda said, he hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "Just in time, I haven't been to Baiweifang for a while, and my little daughter has been talking about eating the pastries here."

He found a reason for himself and accompanied Gu Mingda to Baiweifang.

Baiweifang is three streets away from the Gongbu Yamen. But after going there, the shopkeeper of Baiweifang said: "Selling **** candies? Sir, please forgive me, only the old store in the south of the city sells **** candies. These **** candies are mine." Shaodong makes it himself, but others don’t like it.”

When Niu Niu heard this, she had a look of regret on her face and said, "Why don't other people like to eat such delicious candy? I really like it so much!"

When the shopkeeper of Baiweifang heard this, he didn't dare to agree. He had also eaten **** candy made by Shaodong's family. The pungent smell almost hit Tianling Gai as soon as he entered it. He couldn't get used to eating that candy. It's just business people who always fall in love when they meet. The shopkeeper smiled and said: "If the young master knows that the **** candies he makes are so popular, he will be very happy."

Niu Niu said: "Uncle shopkeeper, when you say this, I really want to meet him. If you can make such delicious **** sugar balls, your young boss must be a very powerful person!"

The shopkeeper said: "Little girl, do you really want to see the young master? Then you should probably go to the workshop in the south of the city to find him. He spends all day studying how to make candy there and doesn't like to see outsiders."

The governor of Jingzhao listened to these useless conversations and felt anxious, but Gu Mingda had been patiently waiting for his daughter to finish chatting with others.

It took a while before they left the Baiweifang branch, and the group went straight to the old Baiweifang store in the south of the city.

The old Baiweifang store can also be regarded as the main store of Baiweifang in Beijing. It has a complete range of goods and has all the types of pastries sold by Baiweifang in Beijing.

As they walked further into the store, everyone noticed that there seemed to be fewer and fewer buyers.

"The further you go in, the more exclusive the products become, and fewer people buy them. The **** candies that are probably not easy to sell are at the very back." Gu Mingda lamented.

When some people were in the innermost corner, they saw neatly wrapped **** candies placed on the shelves.

Because the governor of Jingzhao came in person wearing official uniform, he was naturally accompanied by the shopkeeper of the main store.

"Master Li and Master Gu like to eat **** candies?" the shopkeeper asked, and then motioned to the waiter to bring out a few packs of **** candies and some snacks.

Although I don't know what the reason for the official visit is, it's probably not a good thing. Jingzhao Prefecture Yin is also used to such small bribes, and he just wants the people around him to accept it.

Who knows, Gu Mingda waved his hand and said: "Shopkeeper, don't be busy doing these things now, I will ask you something important later."

The shopkeeper paused, but he also knew that these officials were not easy to offend, so he gave the waiter behind him a look. While they were talking, the waiter had already sent the **** candies and cakes to the official behind Jingzhao Fuyin. On hand.

"Several adults, if you ask, I will definitely tell you everything I know." The shopkeeper of the main store said respectfully.

Gu Mingda took out the candy wrapper that Niuniu had picked up before and sent it to the shopkeeper of the main store.

"This is **** candy wrapper. I would like to ask the shopkeeper if there is a person with a limp who has bought **** candy here?" Gu Mingda asked.

The shopkeeper of the main store frowned slightly when he heard this, as if he was thinking.

Seeing that there were clues, Jingzhao Prefecture Yin immediately scolded him sternly: "Now that Mr. Gu has asked, what are you hiding for that thief? Do you want to go to jail too!"

The shopkeeper of the main store did not expect that the relationship was so big. He hurriedly waved over the guys in charge of the store: "Sir, please forgive me. I am rarely responsible for specific sales matters. I vaguely seem to have seen the comings and goings in the store. There is a customer with limited mobility, but you still have to ask the store clerk for details.”

Several guys looked at each other, and finally fell on one of them.

The waiter stumbled and said: "The **** candies made by Shaodong's family are not easy to sell. Only a few customers like to eat them. Among them, there is a customer with limited mobility who comes to buy it almost every half month. That person came and bought the **** candies." Tang just left, and the villain didn’t know his specific situation!”

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