Chapter 421 Meeting alone

  The faces of the father and daughter who had just got off the carriage changed when they heard this.

Zhang Yunniang and Mrs. Gu were a step behind and hurriedly walked out.

"Why is this nice person missing? What happened? Tell me in detail!" Gu Mingda said.

The person sent by Old Doctor Yan to reply was none other than the little book boy who was responsible for taking care of Gu Zhao.

The little book boy was originally a servant bought by the Gu family. When he heard this, he told everything he knew: "In the afternoon, Master Zhao said that he was going to Baiyun Academy. He said that he had agreed with Master Yan yesterday that he would go to him today. Send something."

"I originally wanted to go for a run by myself, but Master Zhao said that he was feeling dizzy from memorizing medical books today, so it would be a relief to go for a run."

"Who knows, Master Zhao never came back after he left. I went to Baiyun Academy to ask, and Master Yan also said he hadn't seen him."

The people of Baiyun Town have always been simple and honest, and since Baiyun Academy is there, there has never been any human trafficking in the town. The Gu family also thought that Gu Zhao would be looked after by Dr. Yan and nothing would happen.

At this time, after hearing about the cause and effect, the couple both looked ugly.

"Husband...can't...can't act like a waiter anymore!" Zhang Yunniang said urgently.

This family has already lost a child once, and now another child is missing. Naturally, the first reaction is that he has been abducted.

Gu Mingda thought more deeply. The Imperial Preceptor had been absconding all this time. Maybe it was the Imperial Preceptor who sent someone to do it!

He thought of the deep and tired bones under the Sophora japonica forest in the Imperial Master's Villa, and his heart suddenly twisted into a ball.

"Go to Baiyun Town now and see if there are any clues left." Gu Mingda made a quick decision.

Zhang Yunniang and Mrs. Gu immediately said, "I'll go too!"

Gu Mingda left Mrs. Gu behind and said, "Mom, you have just recovered from a serious illness. Just wait for the news at home."

Niu Niu then said: "Dad, let me go too. My brother and I hide and seek, and I am the first to find him every time. Maybe I will find him this time too!"

When Niuniu said this, Gu Mingda, who originally wanted to refuse, nodded, but he repeatedly emphasized that Niuniu should not make wishes casually.

Gu Zhao has disappeared. If anything happens to Niuniu, Gu Mingda can't bear it.

Niu Niu rolled her eyes and nodded obediently.

Mrs. Gu stayed at home to take care of her father. All the other young servants in the family were taken away. Gu Mingda also wrote a letter to Jingzhao Prefecture and had it delivered, begging Jingzhao Prefecture to send someone. Help find children.

But something even more unexpected happened yet to come. They rushed to Baiyun Town overnight. As soon as they arrived at Baiyun Academy, they saw old doctor Yan and Yan Lang staying together, looking serious and not knowing what they were talking about.

"Grandpa, Master Gu is here!" Yan Lang pointed at Gu Mingda and shouted.

Old Doctor Yan turned around and said, "Master Gu, Gu Yan and Shutong went out to look for Gu Zhao, but neither of them came back."

When Zhang Yuniang heard this, she was so frightened that she lost her balance. She swayed and almost collapsed to the ground.

All three of her three sons were missing. She was holding Niu Niu's hand tightly, for fear that something might happen to her only daughter.

Although Gu Mingda was anxious, he still forced himself to calm down and asked: "Doctor Yan, is it only my child who is missing?"

A middle-aged man walked out from behind Dr. Yan. He was one of the stewards of the academy. After hearing this, he nodded solemnly and said, "Because of Gu Yan's disappearance, the academy has just conducted a head count, and there was no Others are missing." Old Doctor Yan also said: "No other children in Baiyun Town are missing today."

Gu Mingda looked ugly.

The academy steward was deeply impressed by Gu Yan because the student had good grades and was close to several great scholars in the academy. There was even a rumor early in the morning that Mr. Liu planned to accept him as a closed disciple.

Baiyun Academy has always focused on academics. Such students are naturally taken very seriously by the academy. The academy is also very worried when he disappears.

The steward asked Gu Mingda: "Mr. Gu, do you have any thoughts on the disappearance of the child?"

Gu Mingda said: "I was the one who took the initiative to investigate the case of the National Master before, and the National Master absconded. This was probably his revenge."

The steward's expression changed when he heard this. The case of the Imperial Master shocked the government and the public. Everyone knew what would happen to a child who fell into his hands.

"If the Imperial Master is involved, you should report it to Jingzhao Mansion as soon as possible, or go to Datian to listen." The steward suggested.

While a few people were talking, another group of officials wearing soap clothes came over from a distance.

"Manager Zhang, we have searched all over Baiyun Town and found no missing students." They are the police squad stationed locally in Baiyun Town.

Gu Mingda was not surprised by such news. Since those people were deliberately retaliating, they would definitely do things cleanly.

At this time, he could only keep reassuring his wife: "If those people want to take revenge on me, they may have some other tricks. The person they really want to take revenge on is me. If they want to kill or chop, they should come at me. Maybe they won't." It will kill someone immediately..."

He himself didn't quite believe what Gu Mingda said. After all, if he was a thief, he might kill the person after getting the person, which would also achieve the purpose of revenge.

Zhang Yunniang nodded vigorously: "Yes, your husband is right...this group of people dared to kill even the court officials...just a few children...if they wanted to kill...they would definitely kill them immediately...not kidnap people...maybe abduct them He is just a kidnapper...not a national master..."

If it were the other murderer, this would be somewhat believable, but everyone knew that after the national master got the boy and girl, he would perform a blood sacrifice.

Suddenly something hit everyone.

The moment he heard the noise, Gu Mingda hurriedly protected his daughter and wife, and others were immediately alert.

Soon, everyone discovered what was thrown over.

It was a group of things wrapped in paper. When I opened it, I found a jade pendant inside.

I originally bought four pieces of this jade pendant, one for each of the four children. Each piece of jade pendant has a different pattern. The piece that was smashed over now belongs to Gu Zhao.

What was written on the piece of paper was very clear: "Gu Mingda, if you want to see your child, we will meet you alone at the bridge by the river at midnight tonight. If you bring anyone else with you, you will be responsible for the consequences."

There is indeed a river outside Baiyun Town, and there is a stone bridge on the river. It is said that this stone bridge was built by a wealthy businessman to make it easier for people to walk.

Shiqiao is about two miles away from the residential area of ​​Baiyun Town. It is sparsely populated and very empty at night, and you can almost see who is on the left and right.

"Mr. Gu, the river outside the city is turbulent and the other party is not good at all. I'm afraid they are going to attack you. You must not act alone!" the head catcher of Baiyun Town advised.

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